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Found 10 results

  1. Welcome to my personal hangar. I've been a huge Star Citizen fan since 2014 and it's a great honor to further contribute towards this incredible game's development by sharing with you the many original concept ships which are no longer available. I'm NOT cashing out whatsoever. If anything, you are grabbing these extra ships from my personal inventory. You are contributing to the games development right alongside myself. A win for both you and Star Citizen's game developement. I've been an Imperium and Star Citizen Base member since 2014. You'll see I have excellent feedback and Reputation here. I've had many successful transactions both here and on Reddit. (https://www.reddit.com/user/EMPSurvivor) Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final. If you are interested - leave a comment here and send me private message with: Ship or Package name, your PayPal email also your corresponding RSI handle. I will send an invoice for payment via PayPal. Item will be delivered to buyer's PayPal email address after payment has cleared. No returns or refund as the gifting system only allows a 1 time gifting and it will be account bound to the buyer's account (your payment will be refunded if I cannot deliver your item for any reason). If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. Prices are not negotiable. I may have more than one of the items listed. If you are interested in more than one, please PM and I'll let you know how many I have. NOTE: Please understand I do have a full-time job which requires I travel around the world and I'm often working the backside of the clock. If you send me a PM, please be patient and know I will respond as soon as I can. I can gift you the item only as fast as you respond to the invoice and the PayPal payment clears. Please be assured I've not forgotten you. Often it's just that I may be asleep or working where I may not have internet. For those contacting me thinking I'm a broker, sorry, but I'm not. I only share what is in my own personal inventory. Some of my inventory here has been melted, which allows me to gift it to you after I buy it back. SHIP/ITEM Melt Value INCLUDES: PRICE - excludes PayPal: STANDALONE SHIPS (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - POLARIS - LTI $750 - Lifetime Insurance - VFG Industrial Hangar - Takuetsu Polaris Model - Polaris Poster $1180 + PP fees (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - CONSOLIDATED OUTLAND PIONEER LTI $850 - VFG Industrial Hangar - UEE Land Claim Liscense Estate Parcel - Outpost Construction Material - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Poster - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Model - Lifetime Insurance - GreyCat Estate Geotack-X Planetary Beacon $2750 + PP fees
  2. I am glad to welcome you in my store ships. In it you can find a lot of ships that are not available at the moment for sale on the RSI. Please read the Terms & Conditions: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final (includes PayPal fees). If you are interested in buying - leave a comment here and send me private message with: The Ship or Package name, your PayPal email also your corresponding RSI handle. I will send invoice for payment via PayPal. Item will be delivered buyer's PayPal email address after payment is cleared. Item delivery may take 2 to 12 hours depending on the time zone of the buyer and seller. NO RETURNS OR REFUND. As the gifting system on RSI only allow 1 time gifting and item will be tied to the buyer's account. Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. I wish you a pleasant shopping in my store:) █► CCU`ED LTI SHIPS ◄█ This is a full-fledged ships with LTI (Lifetime Insuranse) made by an upgrade from another ships with LTI. After buying and receiving on your account, you will have a finished ship for game. This ship will remain with you FOREVER, regardless of the stage of development of the game or wipe of items in game. All prices are final (includes PayPal fees). Banu Merchantman LTI - $385 Caterpillar LTI - $290 Eclipse LTI - $280 Retaliator Bomber LTI - $255 Mercury Star Runner LTI - $250 RSI ORION LTI - $488 C2 HERCULES LTI - $370 M2 HERCULES LTI - $470 A2 HERCULES LTI - $590 RSI PERSEUS LTI - $560 RSI POLARIS LTI - $680 Hammerhead LTI - $635 Origin 600i EXPLORER LTI + rare skin - $480 Carrack LTI - $470 Endeavor (Base) LTI- $340 Hull D LTI - $395 Reclaimer LTI- 380 Hull E LTI (very rare!) - $1035 Crucible LTI- $340 Starfarer Gemini LTI - $325 Esperia Vanduul Glaive LTI - $365 Terrapin LTI - $245 Vulcan LTI - $220 Starfarer LTI - $310 Hurricane LTI - $195 Banu Defender LTI - $215 Sabre LTI - $175 Bucaneer LTI - $135 Prospector LTI - $153 Retaliator Вase LTI - $145 Gladiator LTI - $155 350r LTI - $135 Razor LTI - $125 Khartu-Al LTI - $149 Esperia Blade LTI - $255 F7C-M Super Hornet LTI - $195 Freelancer MIS LTI - $185 █► ORIGINAL GAME PACKAGES LTI◄█ Original game packages LTI: UEE EXPLORATION PACK - LTI (Carrack* LTI + Terrapin LTI + Dragonfly LTI + Star Citizen + Squadron 42 + 20000UEC) *At the request of the buyer, I can turn a Carrack from this package into one of the following ships: Reclaimer LTI, or Endeavor (Base) LTI, or Hull D LTI, or Crucible LTI Price $748 - final price, all fees included (you save $32 - if you bought all these ships individually and game package, would you spend $630) Description: II. EXPLORATION MEGA-PACK - LTI (Carrack LTI + Constellation Aquila LTI + Terrapin LTI + Freelancer DUR LTI + 315p Explorer LTI + Dragonfly LTI + Merlin LTI + Star Citizen + Squadron 42 + 20000UEC) SOLD Price $895 (you save $200 - if you bought all these ships individually and game package, would you spend $1095) Description: █► GAME PACKAGES WITH SCUADRON 42◄█ Packages contain access to Star Sitizen + Squadron 42 and are sold at a discounted price. Savings range from 5 to $10 compared to the cost of similar packages on the RSI. 1. PACKAGE - AURORA LN + SQ 42 - $55 (you save $10. The Aurora LN game package at this time is no longer sold on RSI's website. To get this package in particular for it's cheapest price point from RSI, you would need to buy the $60 Mustang Alpha Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo pack, plus an additional $5 Aurora LN upgrade, which totals for $65) 2. PACKAGE - F7C-M SUPER HORNET + SQ 42 - $205 (you save $5) 3. PACKAGE - 325A + SQ 42 - $95 (you save $5) Thank you for visiting my Store and I will be glad to see you again:)
  3. I am looking to trim down my inventory so I am selling the following: SHIP OR PACKAGE | Insurance | PRICE | Inventory Aegis Wrecking Crew Pack | LTI | $1050 | 1 Hull D CCU'd | LTI | $360 | 1 Hawk OC | LTI | $100 | 2 Esperia Vanduul Blade OC | LTI | $270 | 2 URSA Rover Fortuna Warbond | LTI | $60 | 1 I also have access to the concierge packs that I will sell at cost + PP fees. Contact me on Discord Galavant#7234 if you have any questions.
  4. I'm interested in making some room in my Hangar and sell some of my spare Buy Back Pledges. All ships have LTI unless indicated "Non-LTI". If you need more info about the ships PM me and I'll respond as soon as I can. I'm a long-time SCB Forum member and Imperium member, and have 100% positive rep for ship sales. Notes: Contact me via PM. Transactions through PayPal. (Verified PayPal only) All reasonable offers considered -- including trading LTI game packages. Buyer covers PayPal fees. Buyer sends payment first; I will in turn gift the ship to the buyer's RSI account. Remember to include your RSI handle and email address in PM. Hangar: Reliant Kore (mini-hauler) LTI ---- SOLD OUT Reliant Mini-Hauler to Reliant Skirmish Upgrade = $25 Drake Herald LTI = $115 USD F7C Hornet LTI = $125 USD F7A Military Hornet upgrade ---- SOLD OUT Esperia Glaive LTI = $550 USD ---- SOLD OUT Hangar Buy Back pledges: P-72 Archimedes LTI = $45 Reliant Mini-Hauler to Reliant Researcher Upgrade = $35 USD MPUV Cargo LTI = $40 MPUV Personnel LTI = $45 Dragonfly LTI - Black = $45 Dragonfly LTI - Yellowjacket = $55 Origin 85X LTI = $60 Avenger Titan LTI = $65 Avenger Titan Renegade LTI = $85 Mustang Alpha to Delta Upgrade = $45 USD Freelancer (standard) LTI ---- SOLD OUT Gladius LTI = $110 LTI Buccaneer LTI = $140 USD 350r LTI = $130 USD Gladius Valiant LTI = $125 USD MISC Razor LTI = $150 USD Prospector LTI = $165 USD Retaliator Base Anniversary (48 month Ins.) = $165 USD Retaliator Base LTI ---- SOLD OUT Gladiator LTI = $175 USD Super Hornet = $180 USD Hornet Wildfire LTI = $185 USD Anvil Hurricane LTI = $190 USD Sabre Comet LTI = $195 USD Super Hornet Game Package = $195 USD Constellation Andromeda to Constellation Phoenix Upgrade ---- SOLD OUT Terrapin LTI = $220 USD Hull C LTI = $230 USD Redeemer LTI standalone ship = $270 USD Redeemer LTI game package = $285 USD Vanguard Hoplite LTI = $245 USD Vanguard Warden LTI = $270 USD Starfarer Gemini LTI = $325 USD Retaliator Heavy Bomber LTI ---- SOLD OUT Caterpillar Anniversary (48 month Ins) = $325 USD Banu Merchantmant Anniversary (48 month Ins) = $325 USD Orion LTI = $370 USD Carrack LTI = $390 USD Reclaimer Anniversary (48 month Ins.) = $380 USD Hull D LTI = $425 USD 890 Jump LTI = $800 USD ---- SOLD OUT Polaris LTI = $850 USD
  5. I have one more ship to choose, but I don't know what to upgrade and I have too many options. My plan was to upgrade the Gladiator in the Carrier Air Wing Pack to a Constellation Aquila and then upgrade it to a Crucible, but I still don't know if this is the right ship so I have a hangar full of $0 CCUs from the Crucible to Reclaimer, Endeavour or a Hull D and back again or even another Prowler. I know a Crucible will be useful when it is needed, but I don't know how often I'll need it or whether a different ship would be more fun . I've also got the option of getting a Banu Merchantman or a Caterpillar instead and, even though I'm not a massive trader, maybe it will be useful. Alternatively, do I just go for a Warden Sentinel, because why not go big on the ECM/EW front... My current, and fluid, plan is as follows: Carrier Air Wing Polaris - Keep Sabre - Keep Super Hornet - Keep Freelancer MIS - CCU to Terrapin Retaliator - CCU to Carrack Gladius - Keep or upgrade to Freelancer/Cutlass Gladiator - Help.... Lightspeed 350R - keep Esperia Prowler - keep or sell on grey market next year to recover some cash Digital Colonel - unmelt for free 2nd char and upgrade to Freelancer/BMM/Caterpillar or buy back with cash and gift to son Please fill me with your words of wisdom.
  6. Greetings, I'm offering RSI$ at a discount price in the form of any 350$ ship. - 350RSI$_________________________________________255€ - LTI Carrack upgraded____________________________315€ - LTI endeavor upgraded___________________________315€ - LTI Reclaimer upgraded__________________________315€ - F7A upgrade_____________________________________60€ Sold all credits
  7. PM me if interested. I am PayPal verified with over 200 transactions. I also have a Hull B which go for around $120 if you're interested.
  8. Hi everyone, Well the Hull sale is over at the RSI website but I still have a limited number of Hull ships available just below the original concept price. These ships will be available for approximately 40hrs ONLY and then they will be gone. From there... I'm guessing the prices will only go up! Prices include PayPal fees and buyers need to be PayPal verified. I have a lot of trade history on Reddit and some here so please check those out and send me a PM if you have any questions. Thanks. HULL A - $59 HULL B - $89 HULL C - $198 HULL D - $345 HULL E - $540
  9. I'm offering a straight-up swap of an LTI Hull-D for an LTI Banu Merchantman. Please PM for any questions.
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