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  1. Welcome to my personal hangar. I've been a huge Star Citizen fan since 2014 and it's a great honor to further contribute towards this incredible game's development by sharing with you the many original concept ships which are no longer available. I'm NOT cashing out whatsoever. If anything, you are grabbing these extra ships from my personal inventory. You are contributing to the games development right alongside myself. A win for both you and Star Citizen's game developement. I've been an Imperium and Star Citizen Base member since 2014. You'll see I have excellent feedback and Reputation here. I've had many successful transactions both here and on Reddit. (https://www.reddit.com/user/EMPSurvivor) Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final. If you are interested - leave a comment here and send me private message with: Ship or Package name, your PayPal email also your corresponding RSI handle. I will send an invoice for payment via PayPal. Item will be delivered to buyer's PayPal email address after payment has cleared. No returns or refund as the gifting system only allows a 1 time gifting and it will be account bound to the buyer's account (your payment will be refunded if I cannot deliver your item for any reason). If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. Prices are not negotiable. I may have more than one of the items listed. If you are interested in more than one, please PM and I'll let you know how many I have. NOTE: Please understand I do have a full-time job which requires I travel around the world and I'm often working the backside of the clock. If you send me a PM, please be patient and know I will respond as soon as I can. I can gift you the item only as fast as you respond to the invoice and the PayPal payment clears. Please be assured I've not forgotten you. Often it's just that I may be asleep or working where I may not have internet. For those contacting me thinking I'm a broker, sorry, but I'm not. I only share what is in my own personal inventory. Some of my inventory here has been melted, which allows me to gift it to you after I buy it back. SHIP/ITEM Melt Value INCLUDES: PRICE - excludes PayPal: STANDALONE SHIPS (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - POLARIS - LTI $750 - Lifetime Insurance - VFG Industrial Hangar - Takuetsu Polaris Model - Polaris Poster $1180 + PP fees (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - CONSOLIDATED OUTLAND PIONEER LTI $850 - VFG Industrial Hangar - UEE Land Claim Liscense Estate Parcel - Outpost Construction Material - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Poster - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Model - Lifetime Insurance - GreyCat Estate Geotack-X Planetary Beacon $2750 + PP fees
  2. c4artist

    Want to Sell LTI Ships: Big & Small

    Standalone Ships (CCU'd) 600i Explorer $345 LTI A1 Spirit $191 LTI Ballista $175 LTI C1 Spirit $160 LTI C2 Hercules $330 LTI Carrack $403 LTI Constellation Taurus $191 LTI Corsair $198 LTI Cutlass Red $170 LTI Cutlass Steel $227 LTI Eclipse $273 LTI Freelancer Dur $170 LTI Hammerhead $432 LTI Hull D $355 LTI Hurricane $201 LTI Liberator $381 LTI M2 Hercules $391 LTI M50 $150 LTI Merchantman $378 LTI Mercury $232 LTI Orion $381 LTI Perseus $407 LTI Polaris $403 LTI Prospector $180 LTI Prowler $340 LTI Railen $222 LTI Razor LX $175 LTI Redeemer $283 LTI Sabre $186 LTI Scorpius $182 LTI Starfarer Gemini $294 LTI Valkyrie $304 LTI Vulture $180 LTI ----------‐------------------------------- Standalone Ships (NOT CCU'd) Avenger Titan $80 LTI P-72 Merlin $80 LTI ------------------------------------------- Game Packs 350R $160 10yr SC and Squadron 42 Mustang Alpha (2018) 6yr Just SC Syulen $102 LTI Just SC
  3. Anyone watch the premier last night? I still haven't had time to see it, but been hearing it's getting a lot of buzz. Like it?
  4. It looks quite promising. Not the typical WD, but several dozen people who you play. Rather play it on uplay instead of epic, It's not on steam for launch.
  5. Anyone playing Anthem? The action is pretty nice and they nailed the flying Mech part. The story, forced silly conversations and characters pretty much suck (man Bioware has really gone downhill over the last few years 😥 ). I'm reapoman in game in case anyone wants to join up.
  6. Hi guys, I've been playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance lately and I found this in a mural on one of the churches.... He's apparently a saint or someone holy....
  7. i tried to enlist multiple time in the main site but the enlist buton never highlighted can someon pleas help me
  8. Just was notified of a new game, named Dual Universe, a voxel-based MMO build on UNiGiNE 2. Looks quite similar to No Man's Sky, but there is a few aspects of it that personally interest me... a.) Single Shard Universe- apparently they (at Novaquark) have found a way to incorporate many more players into a single 'shard' at once- transitionless. b.) interface custom design with Lua- you build a ship... and then you can build it's interface. They claim to permit the functionality to completely redesign the interface of any ship to suit your needs, so long as you know Lua, but you can even apparently make your own AI. http://www.dualthegame.com/
  9. Does anyone know, how much my WoT account? 23 TIER X 18 TIER VII 12 TIER VI 61 PREMIUM TANK AND T55A/OBJ260/M60 95 TOTAL TANKS IN GARAGE 6,574 BOND 490 GOLD 95,000 CREDIT AND 3.100 FREE EXP 415 PERSONAL RESERVE 1615 WN8 52,32% W,R 39.082 BATTLES
  10. Incredibly beautiful game, it's like Avatar styling which really looks nice
  11. Let's post our ideas for Star Citizen. The galaxy's a huge place, full of curiosities and splendor! Please be polite and have fun, while we discuss in detail the additions we want to see in SC. Constructive criticism is always welcome, keep it friendly... Here are a few ideas I will start us off with: -Planets- Planets should have highly varied biomes and environments. These should include ocean planets, desert worlds, jungle moons, cavernous lands, ice planets, swamps, (and a personal favorite) lava worlds! It would be cool to have various atmospheric conditions, such as excessive heat or cold or toxicity, even radioactivity, which could have specified suits designed for protection from those environments (without which players would perish!). Planets should also definitely have varying levels of gravity, some with no gravity at all, and some with intense gravitational pull and pressure, suit required. Gas giants would be really cool, where traversing the upper atmosphere would be OK. There could be floating outposts, etc. Then moving too close to the core could crush most ships... Also would be cool to see asteroid-based outposts, with subterranean areas. -Weather- Weather should factor in on at least some planets, but not all. Some planets should remain placid, while others could have weather cycles such as: sandstorms, blizzards, high winds, etc. It would also be interesting to have electrical/radiation storms where again, special shielding would be required to survive. Another interesting addition would be meteor showers, perhaps not damaging to the player in most cases... Of course, the most intense weather should be on planets with lesser city-populations. There should also be 'weather' cycles in space the likes of radiation/electrical storms, where ships' shields would be rendered ineffective. Perhaps here or there, a neutronic wave front (Star Trek, Ahem)! Deadly nebula! -Ships- The ships so far are absolutely bad-ass. Can hardly put it into words just how right they look and feel. I do have one minor issue to discuss regarding player immersion: Planetary entry/re-entry seems a bit off... It feels somewhat awkward orienting the ship into a nose-dive and then accelerating toward the planet. While that should still be an option for entry, it seems lacking, if it's the only way. Players should be allowed to let their ships drift slowly downward towards the surface (with a horizontal orientation relative to ground), all the while getting pulled to greater and greater speeds due to gravity. Currently it seems as though there is no gravity, requiring ships to nose-dive and hit the thrusters. The level of gravity should also have effects on how quickly ships take off, and how much fuel is consumed. Also some of the more lightweight craft should be capable of water-landing and flotation, some, not all. -Weaponry- Weapons are also looking pretty nice, and I can't wait to hunt some bounties and pirates with the Scourge Cannon! Turrets on ships are awesome and so are the weapons additions to the ships main systems. Weapons turrets on ships should not be automated. Automation would detract from the challenge of the game, and we never want that! Instead the player should be able to either hire NPCs or other players to man different positions aboard their ship. Also it seems some of the infantry firearms are being slightly 'overdone', so to speak. For example the Devastator shotgun seemingly has way too much level of detail and unnecessary bulk added to it. My suggestion is to lean more on the side of realism. I know it's Sci-Fi. Still I hope devs don't get hung up on making things like fancy-diamond-encrusted-platinum-laser cannons with under-barrel flame throwers..! It would be amazing to see (in rare cases), Orbital Weapons Platforms that could, if accessed, rain supreme firepower down on the planet's surface, destroying small outposts, structures or towns... Of course it would be necessary to make accessing it an extreme challenge. Accessories are nice. But keep away from over-extravagant weapon design. -Exploration- Exploration should be the fundamental, key point of the game. While some may argue that it is space battles, I tend to disagree. With so many space craft, vehicles and weapons, the gameplay will quickly become boring and the equipment redundant if there is not a vast amount of exploration. Here are a few thoughts on aspects of exploration: Artifacts, Flora and Fauna. Scattered throughout the verse there could be a plethora of different types of Artifacts to be found, only through rigorous exploring. There should be ancient ruins with old alien technology, perhaps rare weapons. There should be Obelisks and Pyramids and rare trinkets that could be sold or held as trophies. There could be mysterious devices, like the Orbs in Mass Effect (the first game) with strange properties. There could be alien tech that could be found and then saved for use at a far later date. Regarding Flora and Fauna, there could be a huge variety of harvesting options for certain crafting items. There really ought to be many creatures, perhaps mostly neutral/friendly. However some animals, in rare cases could turn out to be hostile, and highly challenging to face. Perhaps giant worms, or insectoids! Another thing could be infected worlds, or derelict ships (think Dead Space, or The Thing) where your only choice is to fight for survival or run for your life. There should also be intact derelicts. We've seen plenty of demolished ones. Some should be intact, abandoned in space, or even on land. Exploration should not, and I can't stress this enough, should not stem solely or mostly from missions! Let the missions be vast and varying in type by all means, a multitude of missions is always welcome. But please don't conflate missions and side quests, with exploration. -Armor & Apparel- The armor should of course have good variety. Weight should factor in, which I believe it currently does. Also there should definitely be highly specialized suits for specific tasks. Of course there'll be a space suit for EVA in outer space, but adding other specializations for other armor sets/suits would be great too. There should be a set more suited for enduring intense heat, or cold or radiation. There should also mostly be non-EVA capable sets IMO. Body armor should not be conflated with EVA suits, and they should for the most part be separate, with a few exceptions. It would be cool to see a lot of options other than simple armor for combat and space suits for EVA. One thought would be a stealth-suit with either quiet movement or even invisibility. Mostly I'm hoping it will prove an actual challenge to obtain armors, so that everyone isn't immediately buffed just after they begin playing. Let there be lots of varying, quirky outfits to be found. -Miscellaneous- NPCs for hire or available as crew members should use a rating system the likes of the one used in Metal Gear Solid V. They could have a certain class of career like 'linguist' or 'gunner' or 'medic', and within that specialty a certain set of ratings. Players should be able to activate distress beacons (false or genuine). If a player's ship is captured, they should be given the option to fight aboard the enemy ship in order to escape (think Han Solo and co, the capture of Millennium Falcon!). Where are all the AIs? This is the future after all... There should be robots of some kind or another, even perhaps a sentient machine race! There should also be a minimal amount of spawn/respawn actions. I realize this is counter-intuitive, given there's a massive universe to traverse. But it will add to the replay and return-to-game value; if people can easily spawn their ships and/or fast travel around it will make things overly-easy. It's nice that there's a wait-timer for summoning ships (at least destroyed ones). However, if a ship is not at the station at which you are staying, it should take time to arrive near you, and there should be a fuel cost and fee. Having all your ships easily at your fingertips will take away from the immersion and challenge of the game. It should also be more challenging IMO, to acquire cash. Gaining millions of credits should take a very long time. The quicker people progress in the game, the quicker the MMO will die. I don't believe there should be a 'difficulty setting' option. The universe in general should prove pretty damn challenging, with areas of extreme and lesser challenges. Some mini-games would also be cool, so long as they remain within the Persistent Universe. Game modes are a bad idea. It's understandable at this point, given there are players currently in the game who want something working. But later on, when development is (mostly) "complete", having different game-modes will detract from the main MMO. All hoverbikes should remain as hoverbikes, and not be turned into flying-space-hoverbikes! Please remove the flight-function for hoverbikes. Having flight for them is ridiculous and totally misses the point of a hoverbike. While I do agree that they should have some (slight) altitude control and perhaps a jump/boost, they should not be able to simply fly away, especially up into space. A hoverbike is like a speeder from Star Wars, it's not for flight; only for elevated, fast, ground travel! This goes for all ships and vehicles; if they have a specialty let them stick to that specialty, no blurring lines, except perhaps in rare cases.
  12. Caldon


    So you guys, I was looking through the Steam store the other day and something caught my eye : a little indie top-down puzzle game called OneShot. Looked fun enough I guess. Graphics didn't look too impressive though, but 10 bucks? Eh... And then I noticed it has 4000 reviews and a 98% score. It was easily the highest scoring indie game I'd ever seen. So I checked it out. Now, without spoiling too much of the story, it's amazing. It's an incredible feels rollercoaster. Oh, and the soundtrack is awesome. This is the store page. I can really, really recommend it.
  13. Hello @Imperium Members! I would like to make an announcement regarding the next two Imperium Game Day’s activities. (Yes this is a copy pasta and will be a copy pasta until after 3.0 release) As you may know already Patch 3.0 is (not so rapidly) approaching and it’s within the realm of possibility that the next scheduled Game Day may fall on a date where PTU is out of Evocati and semi-public. It’s reasonable to expect some sort of layered release as usual and not everyone will have access at the same time. With that said here are the contingencies for the next Game Day. Game Day for August will take place on the 26th. If 3.0 is not in a semi-public PTU or still with Evocati we will treat this month’s Game Day as a last attempt to get some practice in on our EVA, FPS, and Flight skills before 3.0. You can expect the usual, Star Marine, Flight Training, Game modes like, Zombie mode, Drunken Citizen, etc.. If 3.0 is in semi-public PTU we will be indulging the patience of those who have been foaming at the mouth for months and will prioritize playing 3.0 and streaming it for those who might not yet have access. If in some unholy change of events Chris holds an impromptu naked drunken late night stream and releases 3.0 public, we will be holding an Official 3.0 Imperium Game Day Event with lots of giveaways / Prizes. I would expect this not to happen before next month, though I will elaborate on the 3.0 Public Release Event further down. Of course, things get delayed and that is why we have plans for each option. We will learn more this coming Friday with the weekly 3.0 update and have an even better idea after the Gamescom presentation on the 25th. Previous Game Day: Would like to thank everyone who attended last Game Day! We had lots of fun! Special thanks goes out to @XLB and @Space-Moose who made a special effort to be present and provide flight training for anyone who wanted to practice. It’s not everyday you get to train with the best! For those of you who don’t know these pilots are already offering something similar outside of Game Day as well, so if you can’t make it for the one on Game Day, or just want to train a little more please check out this link where you can get more information regarding flight training: Also, congratulations go out to @Uthrac, @trademogul and @LiveOak who won gift cards! As mentioned in the contingency for this upcoming GameDay, we have special plans for the Public release of patch 3.0 Regardless of the date of the previous or future GameDay’s we are going to hold a special event to celebrate this long awaited patch the weekend of it’s release. Please understand that we may not be able to give much notice ahead of time but if you keep up with the CIG’s weekly updates you should have a good idea when to expect it. Of course, when we have a firm date we will post a much more flashy announcement and ping everyone via Forum/E-mail. Please keep this special event in mind and join us the weekend of the public 3.0 launch. We promise you will not be disappointed. Some of you may even leave with a new ship in your hangar! Details will be posted upon date confirmation from CIG. Standard Game Day Details Joining Game Day For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on TeamSpeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com), and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! If you decide to take part in on the fun, please consider recording any events you take part in, as we will be turning all footage we get into some excellent content, as you saw above! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in an official Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend getting in touch with us on Teamspeak or, checking this link out:
  14. If someone already have posted this before, thank you for your patience with me. I just bought the game Interstellar Transport Company and ready to take it for a spin. It released 16 Aug, 2017, Anyone here tried it yet? //Anhard
  15. Howdy ho @Imperium Member! As this will probably be the last Game Day we have before 3.0 comes out, we figured it would be good idea to get some flight preparations going! But we'll of course keep the usual Star Marine Banter we all enjoy oh so much. We're also green this month! Firstly, let’s congratulate last months gift card winners; @Federal, @moggimus and @Weehamster! three well deserving victors! Also, some applauds are in order for @Switch's amazing compilation of what transpired last Game Day. This is also a good reminder for everyone who has the capability, and interest to record to do so, the more footage the more amazing videos by people like Switch. If you have footage you wish to submit then go here: http://seafile.celeris.io:8000/u/d/66d5dde2f2/ As we quickly mentioned at the beginning this next Game Day we’re going to offer flight instructions for the willing. We’ve asked some of the best pilots in Imperium to come in and give some tips and tricks to anyone who wants to improve or learn, now these pilots are of course @Cincinnatus and @Space-Moose. For those of you who have missed it, these pilots are already offering something similar outside of Game Day as well, so if you can’t make it for the one on Game Day, or simply want to be at your peek come Game day, read more here! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in an official Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend getting in touch with us on Teamspeak or, checking this link out: See you on the 24th!
  16. Wuz gud @Imperium Members! With 3.0 just around the corner we event coordinators figured it would be a fun idea to throw an event where we all just sit down and play some Star Citizen, before 3.0 get’s released and everything works magically and no one is disappointed or anything of the sorts... Realism Pessimism aside, we have some congratulations due for our raffle winners from April’s Game Day. Congratulations to: @Aegid @LowZone @rimmer59 and @Uthrac, you’re all well deserving of the 10$ gift cards. As there’s been some confusion surrounding the raffles we’re gonna take this opportunity to remind everyone, in case you’ve forgotten the rules for the raffle, or never read them before. The raffles are based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in an official Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle entries will be entered and kept track off by the Game Day Hosts and event coordinators throughout Game Day, prizes offered will be $10 RSI gift cards. (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Now then, on to the new stuff! We are happy to announce a comeback for custom scenarios! We’ll be giving out more details on this as we come closer towards Game Day, but know for now; If you would like to volunteer yourself to help us out with custom scenarios acting as Opfor, or simply have an amazing idea you want to share with us, then please don’t hesitate to message either Kkillroyv2 or Bloppo, you can also sign up in the thread linked below. We’re also bringing back the stream for this Game Day, and we’re looking for volunteers here as well. If you have any interest in helping out by acting as a cameraman or a caster, then please take a look into the following thread for more information. Lastly i’d like it if everyone could please check out my referral site, it would mean the world to me if i could win this amazing contest; the least you can do is look at the hard work I put into my site. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/referral-contest/Bloppo Now, on to the usual chatter. Joining Game Night For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on TeamSpeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com), and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! If you decide to take part in on the fun, please consider recording any events you take part in, as we will be turning all footage we get into some excellent content, as you saw above! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in an official Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend getting in touch with us on Teamspeak or, checking this link out: See you on the 27th!
  17. Salutations @Imperium Member! We've finally managed to clean up after the last Game Day, and we're now ready to prepare for another one! If it was the case that you missed the last one, or somehow don't know what Game Day is; then don't worry, because we streamed most of it. @Rellim and @Pegasus truly did an amazing job setting up the stream with all the technicalities and what-not. @Sharpspoonful Did a great job shoutcasting during the stream and we look forward to many more streams with his beautiful voice and face at the forefront. We would also like to give a shoutout to our amazing camera crew @Weehamster, @GRIZZ and anyone who volunteered to stream their point of view for us to use, this wouldn't be possible without ya'll. Should there be any interest in helping out during the stream with shoutcasting, streaming or on a more technical level; then don't be afraid to contact any of us event coordinators. (Bloppo or Killroy) You can also take a look at this link and fill out the stream form and we'll be sure to contact you. http://imperium-studios.tk/ On to the new stuff! On the 25th of March, between 16:00 - 04:00 UTC, we will be hosting our 6th Game Day! This time we’ll be offering, as always; fun gameplay including custom game modes within Arena commander and Star Marine. These activities will also be streamed so you can show all your loved ones that you're having fun! We're sad to say that this Game Day is once again BYOB, but if you wish to change that for future events simply give money to Bloppo, he's trustworthy with your money. And as always; Joining Game Night For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on TeamSpeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com) , and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! If you decide to take part in on the fun, please consider recording any events you take part in, as we will be turning all footage we get into some excellent content, as you saw above! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in a Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend checking this link out: Thanks to everyone for reading all of this, we hope to see as many of you as possible for the upcoming Game Day!
  18. Hey all Need some recommendations for a good 4X space game if anyone has any. I have a few criteria: Must Haves: Space related Available on steam Real time (i.e NOT turn based) Relatively 3D (i.e no top down / stuck view) Optional: Relatively new 2-3 years Relatively pretty looking game Ive got Sins of a Solar Empire, Stellaris, Galactic Civ 3. And out of all of those i like sins the most with stellaris being a close 2nd. ~Killfrenzy
  19. Darius Marx


    Selling my Black Desert account. Account: Same account I used in beta. Have pre-order items for a level 35 witch which is also the highest character. About 10Million silver worth of goods and loot. 6 workers. 900+ beers to feed workers. 3 pets levels between 5-6. Other characters between level 10-15. Family name "Vengeance". Many black stones for armor, a couple for weapons. No guild. Never broke any rules, just kept to myself. Many cities and farm nodes I have invested in, highest level being 4. 75 contribution points. 82 energy. Many properties bought in velia. Level 3 horse. Many unused dyes. premium Horse armor. I've spent about 90$ and over 120hours playing. But it's time for a new game. I'm asking for 70$, it's a steal really. Price is negotiable. Pm me to talk. I'll only do sales through paypal. After money is received, I'll pm you the account info and then we can work on changing the email of the game account. here are some pictures:
  20. just wanted to share this, while i was surfing the internet i came across this movie "hardcore henry" (i watched the cam version) it's theam is a fps shooter and surpriseingly i found it to be a very enjoyable movie,,, if you happen to like fps shooter games (also action, lots of that too) as the reviews are mixed i've found from skiming over them here is the trailer
  21. Hey all. Apparently there is a new space game that will soon be going into open beta. It is called Beyond Dark. I signed up...could be fun. If you would like to try it out too here is my referral code link to help me get into the early open beta: https://goo.gl/xOOypk And here is the main page link: https://beyonddark.net/
  22. soooooo battlefleet gothic has come out for pre order on steam. and it is SOOOO EPIC they are giving a 10% discount on it. granted they are doing the same BS we see these days tho with the locking off of content behind pre order wall aka you get to play with space marine fleets if you pre order. so any other big BFG fans here want to get into some big fleet battles when the game comes out ? im planning on picking it up today i need my space marine fix.
  23. Hello guys. Being bored of csgo, arma 3,dcs world etc. and not being able to play star citizen so often because of big patches (I moved out in a new house and for now I have a limited 4G 75gb/month internet) I want to try some other games. Have you played Elder Scrolls Online or Black Desert? Which one should I choose? Maybe both? Please help
  24. Can you hear it guys? Chugga Chugga Chugga choo-choo. Time for another Hype thread! When you realise that you're European and the game awards are at nearly 3 am
  25. Did a quick search and did not see any mention of this project that a friend of mine pointed me to. I'm not into Legos but this friend is big time into it. https://ideas.lego.com/projects/80111 The project needs a lot more support before Lego will consider making the custom pieces but check out that Vanduul Scythe. Looks badass! Go support it if you think it's interesting.
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