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  1. As i get better at making videos im doing more ship overviews. They are designed to bee quick, easy, and for those who may be new to the game. So here is my second video on the Drake Cutlass Black.
  2. GRIZZ

    Drake Cutter

    The Drake Cutter was a straight to flyable, starter ship, released on the first day of the 2022 IAE. A great deal at $45 warbond for a starter pack with LTI. $40 (wb) without the package. Compared to the other starter ships its much more spacious for a XS sized ship, with a bed and bath, weapon rack, and 2 SCU cargo bay. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/cutter/Cutter https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18790-Drake-Cutter Q&A: http://wiki.starcitizenbase.com/doku.php?id=imperium:organization:about
  3. Hi Selling my caterpillar pirate ccued lti 400 Bye
  4. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/16995-Drake-Corsair-Sail-The-Stars Heed the call of uncharted space and harness the spirit of exploration with the Drake Corsair, a worthy companion, supporting you in battle, discovery, and delivery, wherever the winds of adventure may steer you. $195USD WARBOND $215USD CREDIT The romance. The danger. The mystery of charting a course into the unknown. It sings to you. The spirit of exploration is inescapable. It's who you are. You hear the song of far-off galaxies, of systems uncharted and frontiers untamed. You feel the magnetic pull of adventure and long to chase virgin horizons into the unfathomably silent depths of the unknown. This is the spirit of the Drake Corsair - the bold, indomitable will of Humankind, dauntless in its relentless pursuit of fortune, expansion, and knowledge. You never know what you may discover out there, but the Corsair is a worthy companion, supporting you in battle, discovery, and delivery, wherever the winds of adventure may steer you.
  5. VoA

    Drake Vulture

    Drake Vulture Drake Vulture Concept Art https://i.imgur.com/WmNDsLG.gifv From Concierge e-mail YOUR SHIP, YOUR SKY There's an unmistakable grace to watching a sunrise on a remote desert moon, knowing that you're the only living soul for hundreds of thousands of kilometers... From its inception, Drake has always supported the spirit of freedom. That willingness to push the limits and defy the odds, and the belief that anyone and everyone deserves a shot at reaching the stars. As we look to a bright new future for our company, and a return to those core values, we also look to you, the pilots - the real backbone of the aerospace industry. We asked you what you wanted. And you know what we heard? The true voice of Drake. The hard-working men and women of the UEE. Folks who just want to make an honest living, and maybe make a difference in their own unique way. We here at Drake proudly salute this spirit as we unveil the Vulture, a light industrial salvage vessel that lets you do you. Rip wrecks apart like a pro without the cumbersome hardware and multi-crew rigmarole of a larger ship. Answer to no one, cut out the middleman, and throw caution to the wind. In a Vulture, you can pick up the lucrative scraps of larger operations, run the regular trade circuits fast and light, or hit the open sky and carve out your own place in the great big empty. There's a certain beauty to the silent serenity of a ship graveyard, a calm comfort to a wreck suspended in the most secluded corner of the void. Sure it can get lonesome out there, but sometimes all you need is you. Well, you and your Drake Vulture. Just DO YOU Dare to throw caution to the wind and tame the open sky in the Vulture - YOUR Drake ship. DRAKE VULTURE- Standalone Ship $140.00 USD IN STOCKMORE INFOADD TO CART DRAKE VULTURE WARBOND- Standalone Ship $120.00 USD IN STOCKMORE INFOADD TO CART DRAKE CARRION PACK- Add-Ons $550.00 USD IN STOCKMORE INFOADD TO CART DRAKE CARRION PACK WARBOND- Add-Ons $495.00 USD IN STOCKMORE INFOADD TO CART I'll update this post as new info comes out on the concept. Below is pre-concept speculation - but also based on new teased images (in spoiler)
  6. As the afore mentioned title suggests, I would like to purchase a Drake Rip and Dip Package with LTI. Preferably the package with all four of the original ships (Pirate Caterpillar, Vulture, Cutlass Black, and Yellowjacket Dragonfly) with LTI. Thanks in advance. Ps. if anyone knows anyone who has the package and might be interested in parting with it, please send them my way/let me know.
  7. We don't know for sure but its likely (and there is good speculation on Spectrum) that we will see the Drake Kraken as the concept Sale During Citizencon (I'll update OP then) The Drake Kraken is a capital ship that has space onboard to park and store a few medium ships (up to Freelancer-sized) and transport them around the verse. It serves as a mobile truck stop in function with a small hub of stores (some less than legit) to help restock.[1] Development Ɛ˙Ɛ ໒㇏◕‾◕໒㇢@Liudeius Today at 7:19 am A "game-changing" Drake ship will be sold. The Kraken is the only major ship we know of for Drake. It could be something new, but everyone's running with the Kraken idea. The Kraken was first introduced in 2017-12-01 in the vote "YOU Pick the Next Drake Ship". It came second in the vote to be the next Drake ship by backers with 19% of 37696 voters.[1]
  8. Closing this till later. Just gonna have some other ships up soon, There doesn't seem to be interest in this one right now. Will wait till CAT is fixed.
  9. LAST EDIT: 9/Oct/2021 Hi everyone / I have images/gifs of ships/vehicles that are either flyable or in concept, development, re-worked or from Star Citizen lore. There are also many other categories, including anything from Star Systems to Characters to Ship/FPS Equipment. I constantly add more to the albums so don't be afraid to come back here anytime for the latest images. Please Note: Because of certain, rather disappointing circumstances that are beyond my control, this page will no longer be updated. As I have a desire to preserve this archive and continue adding the latest images, a new website has been set up. Please click here and remember to bookmark the new site. VEHICLES: SHIPS LAND VEHICLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPONENTS: SHIP WEAPONS - GUNS SHIP WEAPONS - MISSILES / TORPEDOES / MINES OTHER SHIP COMPONENTS FIRST PERSON WEAPONS FIRST PERSON WEAPONS - ATTACHMENTS OTHER FIRST PERSON COMPONENTS -------------------------------------------- BONUS -------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GAMEPLAY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUADRON 42: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER:
  10. I have Drake Caterpillar Pirate like this. For sale at $305. Included: - Space Ship CATERPILLAR PIRATE - 72 Months Insurance - VFG Industrial Hangar Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final (includes PayPal fees). If you are interested - leave a comment or/and send me private message. Payment via PayPal FF. If you are unsure about the ship or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery.
  11. I want to sell my Aegis Sabre and Drake Caterpillar Pirate with 6 months insurance each. The price is negotiable, basis is 475 €, Pament via PayPal. Transfer via GIft-Function from Account to Account. If interested please contact me via PM.
  13. VoA

    Drake Corsair

    I am not at Citizencon .... but it looks like since this Con is big on Drake that we will not only see the Drake Kraken and Anvil Valkyrie ...... but possibly the Drake Corsair? See image below...
  14. Memoriam

    Drake Corsair

    Since the presale stared what would be better Carrack or the Corsair?
  15. VoA

    Drake - Dragonfly

    Ben just revealed on RTV that the Drake Dragonfly is official (we have been pushing for it and it has been a CIG dev favorite for awhile) .... so as of today... we know it will be.... Drake - Dragonfly Now we know it is an official ship.... More info to follow as we get info on the Specs and Concept Art Drake Dragonfly: You don’t so much as climb into the Dragonfly as you do put it on around you. In short, it’s the closest thing to strapping an engine and a weapons mount to your spacesuit… or, as the advertising campaign claims, it’s the closest thing to riding the vacuum yourself. Occupying somewhere in the pantheon between a snub fighter and an Aurora, the Dragonfly is a speedy, maneuverable ultralight designed to be cheaply constructed in large numbers and to be readily customized by hobbyists. Dragonfly’s have become the favorite of a particular brand of enthusiast that frequently gather together to share their modifications, off-track race… and other less legitimate “hobbies.” Drake Dragonfly confirmed for one of the next concept ship sales. + F42 working on Dragonfly 4.22 m into vid Also added this to the RSI thread --- See link --- >>> Drake - Dragonfly - Concept Sale Price [POLL]
  16. https://sketchfab.com/models/f221678fba1a4bfab8c73e79390da891 The Drake Buccaneer Sets Sail https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/6647203#Comment_6647203 Copying over Matt's post as well since we know these are current facts -but will remove them from OP when the Concept Sale comes out... https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/318800/drake-interplanetary-buccaneer-reference-images/p1 CIG Matt ShermanCIG_M_Sherman Posted: February 17Edited: March 17 by CIG_M_Sherman Hey Everyone! A few weeks ago on Around the Verse, we mentioned an upcoming Drake Interplanetary ship, and while the name has jumped around between a few choices, we’re happy to say we’re moving into the initial planning stages for the new Drake Buccaneer. We have a good idea on how we want it to handle and perform, and we’re keeping the loadout details as a surprise until the full concept treatment has been completed, but we want to involve you, the community, in pulling together some reference images for visual inspiration for the ship. Additionally, since this ship is still in the very early stages of the design, we’re going to keep new thread creation locked in this subforum until we’re closer to an actual concept release. We’ll definitely want to hear all of your feedback on the Buccaneer when we reveal all the details, but for now, we’re just pulling together reference images. Please keep this in mind when contributing to the thread. Now, since it can be hard to get inspired on just a name, here are the details we can share right now: • Single-Pilot craft with no interior. • Fast and Maneuverable, under a pure racer in speed, but handles well at high speed. • Roughly the same size as a Sabre. • Pairs well with the Cutlass or Caterpillar as an escort fighter. • Extreme reliability, exceptional ease of maintenance. For the next few weeks, pour whatever images come to mind or inspire you when thinking of this ship. We’ll be keeping an eye on the thread to help get a feel for the style this ship will be taking. There’s no cut-off on this yet since we’re just starting into the design on the ship, so toss out whatever you think works. From there, we’ll look over all of the images posted, as well as anything we may find along the way towards concept to help inspire and drive the look and feel of this ship. Follow-Up Post #1:https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/6379085/#Comment_6379085 Follow-Up Post #2:https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/6446234/#Comment_6446234 Wrap-Up Post:https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/6471281/#Comment_6471281
  17. Monkeytime

    Complete WTB Herald CCU

    Hello, all. I'm looking to buy an inexpensive upgrade/CCU to the Drake Herald (missed out on it this last anniversary sale). A couple other places have them here (325a to Herald) for around $20, but I haven't been able to get a reply back to my inquiries (maybe out for the holidays?). Anyway, if anyone has a CCU for the Herald that they'd be willing to let go for around $20, I sure would appreciate it. Thanks.
  18. Hi all, I saw this site while browsing for info on Star Citizen. I just joined up to try to trade and am hoping to buy a Drake Dragonfly "Ride Together" 2-Pack with LTI (it contains a yellow and black version of the Dragonfly both with LTI). I am offering $78 USD inc PayPal fees. I am verified on PayPal but a new member here. I would prefer to buy from someone with a trade history here and since I don't have a history am willing to speak on Discord or something to verify myself. I am an original Kickstarter Backer and looking to kit out a Cutlass Black for the PU. Please PM me whatever details I need from you and what you need from me if you have a pack you'll sell for the above price. Many thanks.
  19. Selling the listed ships and modules below. Selling my additional ships and upgrades. All prices are RSI Store Price + 5.5% Paypal Fees. All items are from buybacks. I am not selling for profit. Just helping out those in need. As the purchase uses the Paypal credits received via the Paypal invoice, you can be sure there is no undesired grey market credits and all the trouble associated with them - not that I'm peddling in that anyway but it's a good assurance. LTI Concept Sales Ship Comes with related hangars, flairs and LTI. Dragonfly Ride Together 2 Pack (2-in-1) Aopoa Nox Kue (Limited Edition White) Aopoa Nox 2 Pack Anvil Carrack Anvil Terrapin Argo Cargo MPUV Drake Buccaneer Drake Dragonfly Yellow/Black (ASK) Esperia Vanduul Blade Misc Hull-E | 550USD Misc Prospector Origin 85X (Last 2) CCUs, and other Upgrades You can also opt to purchase an LTI token from the above and I'll CCU it towards the any of the ships below that you desire. Banu Merchantman *Popular, Limited Stock* Carrack *Popular, Limited Stock* RSI POLARIS *Limited Stock* 350R Esperia Blade Super Hornet F7C-M Hornet Wildfire F7C Gladiator Gladius Valiant Esperia Prowler Mustang Delta Caterpillar Freelancer MIS Anvil Crucible Sabre Sabre Comet Vanguard Warden Genesis Starliner Orion Miner Terrapin Avenger Warlock Retaliator Bomber Retaliator Base Prospector Khartu Al M50 Interceptor **Miscellanous, Game Packages and Stuff** Vanguard Warden BUK, 24mth | 20USD 300i Game Package w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 65USD 325a Game Package w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 80USD Aurora MR Starter w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 45USD SQ42 Themed Aurora MR Starter w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 45USD UEE Exploration Pack, LTI | 495USD Citizencon 2947 Trophy | 10USD Gamescom 2946 Trophy | 10USD Kastak Arms SMG Citizen 2947 Edition | 10USD Kindly note that all are cash prices, I do not accept RSI Credits or other forms of trade. Feel free to drop me PMs to enquire further, thank you. I may take awhile to respond, but will do as soon as I can. I do accept middlemen, however you would need to cover any additional fees. **Terms & Conditions** *Please kindly be Paypal Verified as well as being RSI Flaired for transaction purposes. **I reserve the right to decline trades at my own discretion especially when dealing with recent-flaired/new accounts.
  20. During Happy Hour the devs were mainly just brainstorming ideas for a new Drake ship to add to the lineup. Viewers were allowed to vote on the 'name' of 2 potential ships as well as a Viewer's Choice third entry (and name). The viewer's choice from today's live stream was the Drake Kraken 'Scout Carrier'. Final vote is up on the RSI forums and can be found here: >> YOU Pick the Next Drake Ship << A. ENTRY-LEVEL DRAKE SALVAGE SHIP (CODE NAME: VULTURE) A one man salvage starter ship, no drones but plenty of on-board storage to help with EVA salvage operations (space for cutters, charges etc) and space in a separate area to store/process the recovered salvage. Mostly designed for the player to EVA out and do the salvage, rather than sit inside and do it with tractor beams/lasers. Small enough to sneak into hostile areas unnoticed to recover fresh salvage. B. MULTI-CREW DRAKE EXPLORER (CODE NAME: CORSAIR) Drake’s competitor to the Constellation, the rough and ready multi-crew explorer. Differs from the 600i by its crude basic construction and from the Constellation by its lower missile count, but with a third turret to make up for it. Able to transport a vehicle and cargo (think extended/up-scaled Cutlass rear area) faster and more nimble than the others, but like all Drake ships pretty paper thin. C. DRAKE SCOUT CARRIER (CODE NAME: KRAKEN) Drake’s capital ship entry, space to park and store a few medium ships (up to Freelancer-sized) and transport them around the verse. Serves as a mobile truck stop in function with a small hub of stores (some less than legit) to help restock.
  21. At 35m Ben reveals the name likely for the Pirate Interceptor concept ship as the Monarch Please vote for the price you think CIG should set for the upcoming Drake Monarch (Pirate Interceptor) Also post any comments or new info about the ship on this thread and I will update it as well with new info as given by CIG. +++ See and vote in the Sister Thread = for additional sampling on the RSI forums
  22. Ben just revealed on RTV that the new Pirate Interceptor (for those that wanted more of a fighter instead of the Cutlass - which is also more of a freighter) will be.... I'll edit out "Official Now" from the title later on. Drake - Buccaneer - Interceptor Ben just revealed on RTV that the Buccaneer will be the next concept sale - and we will learn more next week. The sale will be in Late May Ben (as new news) revealed at first it would be the "Monarch".... as proposed by the Writers...... but in their CIG meeting they decided to rename it the "Buccaneer"..... but we also found out they were considering "Corsair" Now we know it is an official ship.... More info to follow as we get info on the Specs and Concept Art From a non-ship thread - copying over what we know so far... Drake Interplanetary Buccaneer - Reference Images CIG Matt ShermanCIG_M_Sherman Posted: 2:13PM Hey Everyone! A few weeks ago on Around the Verse, we mentioned an upcoming Drake Interplanetary ship, and while the name has jumped around between a few choices, we’re happy to say we’re moving into the initial planning stages for the new Drake Buccaneer. We have a good idea on how we want it to handle and perform, and we’re keeping the loadout details as a surprise until the full concept treatment has been completed, but we want to involve you, the community, in pulling together some reference images for visual inspiration for the ship. Additionally, since this ship is still in the very early stages of the design, we’re going to keep new thread creation locked in this subforum until we’re closer to an actual concept release. We’ll definitely want to hear all of your feedback on the Buccaneer when we reveal all the details, but for now, we’re just pulling together reference images. Please keep this in mind when contributing to the thread. Now, since it can be hard to get inspired on just a name, here are the details we can share right now: • Single-Pilot craft with no interior. • Fast and Maneuverable, under a pure racer in speed, but handles well at high speed. • Roughly the same size as a Sabre. • Pairs well with the Cutlass or Caterpillar as an escort fighter. • Extreme reliability, exceptional ease of maintenance. For the next few weeks, pour whatever images come to mind or inspire you when thinking of this ship. We’ll be keeping an eye on the thread to help get a feel for the style this ship will be taking. There’s no cut-off on this yet since we’re just starting into the design on the ship, so toss out whatever you think works. From there, we’ll look over all of the images posted, as well as anything we may find along the way towards concept to help inspire and drive the look and feel of this ship.
  23. The following was shared by CIG Matt Sherman: • Single-Pilot craft with no interior.• Fast and Maneuverable, under a pure racer in speed, but handles well at high speed.• Roughly the same size as a Sabre.• Pairs well with the Cutlass or Caterpillar as an escort fighter.• Extreme reliability, exceptional ease of maintenance. Source: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/318800 My speculation - since it's sabre-sized, the prize could be roughly the same as the sabre... ~$150-175
  24. As in the topic. I'd like to sell Drake Interplanetary Herald with LTI, the glorious info runner. I'm selling standalone ship package with all goodies that are included with it, I cover paypal fees, if you want pp invoice please add 3% to the price. I trade only with paypal verified users, if your RSI account address is different than Paypal, please add a notice in contact mail. Edit Also now selling 2 UEE enviroment coats 5$ each, and Aurora LX upgrade @edit Forgot to add that is tags LTI:)
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