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Found 6 results

  1. + Probably new 890 Jump artwork on display, some new advertising + Its not being worked on by Behaviour anymore, who designed the interior like a cold, sterile, corporate waiting area. + 890 Jump on sale during the Origin 600 sale. CIG needs your moneys! - By their own rules, CIG *should* not be raising the price until its hangar ready, but look what they just did to the not-hangar-ready BMM. PS: the only way God could have been able to build the Universe: Volunteers, Sandestines etc...
  2. The Anvil hurricane will be sold with LTI on 24 Feb 2017 at 175 usd. Source: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/spaceship-prices
  3. Origin 85x - Concept Sale Price - [POLL] Please use the other 85x thread for known facts or new - news.... and this thread is only about speculating about its price (or ideas that you would like to see on the 85x) Also vote on sister thread on the RSI Forums JUST IN FROM BEN^^^ Ben - 20.57m - Ben talks about the Origin 85x. ^^^{{{ The Origin 85x is a SNUB craft - so it will NOT have a Jump Engine but will have either a Quantum Drive or an Atmospheric Drive - more likely an Atmospheric Drive per the image below - but it may be optional to buy a module to switch between these "Q" or "A" Drives - probably sold separately }}} = Remember there are no Star Trek Transporters in Star Citizen so these small Snubs will function like Shuttle Craft.(from earlier - Another wave of ships with 6 in the hopper & (CIG) aiming for one a month (new Concept Ships) with the Dragonfly and 85x as being cheaper concept sales -- from Bat Girl Interview: March 16th, 2016)&&& More current Info on the Origin 85x on this SCB Tread <<--- See link + From the 890 Jump Brochure...Please add your thoughts, speculation, theory-crafted mission ideas, etc... to this thread and comment about the price you picked in the Poll ((NOTE - we know the P72 Archimedes is $30 so it is more likely than not the 85x being a two seater and coming with a more expensive ship will be price higher than the Archimedes)) - and yes per the Video they will likely sell it separately like they did with the P72 (even though it comes with the rare 890 Jump)+++++++++++++See Links to the various Concept Sale Price Polls:Argo - Utility Snub - Concept Sale Price [POLL] [160+ VOTES]Drake - Dragonfly - Concept Sale Price [POLL][314+ VOTES]Drake - Dragonfly - Modular Options (see CR description) [POLL][122+VOTES]Drake Buccaneer (Pirate Interceptor) - Concept Sale Price [POLL] [634+ Votes]RSI - Polaris - Corvette - Concept Sale Price [POLL] [1,192+Votes]RSI - Polaris - Corvette - with P52, P72 and new P62 ? [POLL] [300+ VOTES]Ursa + Lynx Rover - Concept Sale Price - [POLL] [212+ VOTES]«123»Xi'An Volper Bomber - Concept Sale Price (Spoiler) - [POLL]
  4. So Disco is labeling a concept sale this Friday March 18, 2016 in the Comm schedule for this week. What do you think?
  5. Aegis Vanguard-class Twin-Engine Deep Space Fighter As mentioned by Ben Lesnick (CIG) the Vanguard (formally known as the Bulldog) will be ready as the Concept Sale soon (could be this month maybe even in a couple of weeks). This will be ahead of the Hull A + Hull B + Hull C Concept Sale(s) = (See sister thread and vote there as well: ) VOTE - in the POLL to give a price for the Vanguard for its Concept Sale. This will help CIG better understand player expectations (and the player base is part of the development team for the game - and CIG values our input). The POLL price range is from Starter Ship prices at the low-end range (of which it is highly unlikely the Vanguard will be priced at these low prices) all the way up to the Space Superiority Fighter - The Phoenix (of which it is unlikely the Vanguard will be bigger, have as much firepower, high end components, etc...). I personally think the Vanguard should not even be priced near an Andromeda ($225) or a Retaliator ($275)...... but more closely to the top Dog Fighter (per Lore) in the game the Hornet (or SH). ========== Please Vote and post the reason why you price it at the price point you voted on - Thanks ++++++++++ Also see Sister Thread in the RSI Forums (and cast your VOTE there as well) for greater sampling - Thanks
  6. In yesterday's Reverse the Verse - Episode 20 about 40min into the Video = Ben mentions that they will be having a meeting to spec out the Drake Herald "very soon." Ben mentions the maximum price will $100. Since the Herald is a Drake ship... typically Drake Ships are inexpensive, easy to maintain, easy to repair, less costly to operate, etc... (characteristics of the ship manufacturer) this should lower the price. Since quality of components is a very important factor in determining ship cost, as is comparison to other existing ships and the ships versatility (Herald is highly specialized, not really suited for combat or cargo hauling and will only be a secondary racer to the 350R, M50 and maybe even the Mustang Omega == thus this should lower the price on the Drake + the other fast ships can also be info runners with security upgrades if needed). Remember a lower price means more ship sales (not necessarily less overall pledge amount for RSI towards game development = more people can afford a lower priced concept ship). Keep in mind that Concept Ship sales are suppose to be the cheapest that this ship should ever be offered at (price will go up in subsequent sales). Please Vote and I've outlined below some other ships in comparison: $50 - (300i is $55 and will have higher end components being an Origin ship) $60 - (Avenger is $60 and will likely be faster and haul more cargo and have better weapons) $80 - (M50 is $80-$90 faster + M50 is an Origin ship and Gladius is $80 better fighter) $100 - (350r is $100 and is faster + higher end components being an Origin ship) Also see sister thread poll on the RSI Forums - for greater poll sampling. Please Vote in the Poll and add any comments about your vote in this thread - thanks I voted: $60 because it does have more specialized equipment than the 300i but because it is so specialized and limited in cargo capacity and not intended to be a combat ship it should not be any more expensive than an Avenger. +++++ See links to other recent ship polls: [POLL] Redeemer Concept Sale - see 19min into RTV today [POLL] How much should the Anvil Carrack cost compared to the RSI Aquila?
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