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Found 15 results

  1. Hey All, totally new person to the game. I heard so many great things about the SC in-game community which is why I purchased the game frankly. Once in-game though I was basically trolled in Global and couldnt get one question answered. I was also given the classic log-out command in response to a simple question. Is this what I have to look forward to? Please dont say get a "good group" of friends, none of my gaming pals are playing this game as they think its a big scam. But I do want peoples opinion on the in-game community. Thanks!
  2. We have a place to discuss official news sources in The Watch Report, and here is a place to discuss unofficial sources of Star Citizen glory. Did someone say something salacious about Star Citizen and the web is on fire about it? Did you see a news story about how marvelous this game will be on a gaming review site? Have a favorite YouTuber you want to draw attention to, especially if they did an interview with a game dev or something similar? Want to discuss the opinions shared on a favorite podcast or Twitch stream? Did someone do something goofy on the Base radio? Let's talk about that here. I hope to see the opinions and ideas of Lantern Watch members here; while it may be interesting to hear about the ideas of others, this is a place to air our own.
  3. Four years ago the great Chris Roberts helped promote the Kickstarter campaign for Everspace 1 which ultimately helped in funding, but was also a beautiful moment seeing the community come together to help push out another space game. And gotta say as a result it has let me experience one of my personal favourite space rogue-likes of all time along with FTL. Now four years later and we have a direct sequel but this time with a bigger focus on adding more depth to the story and changing the gameplay from a rogue-like to an open-world. The Kickstarter is out and has reached 60% with 12 days to go. But we need the amazing community to once again come together and help support the development and make it the best it can be. Lets make Chris proud! Even if you can’t pledge, simply spreading the word is more than enough. I hope you all have a great day and may we continue to get more awesome space games!
  4. https://starcitizen.tools I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but I would like to let everyone knows that there is a brand new SC wiki in the work. The project started a few months ago with a few Redditors and I from the /r/StarCitizen community as the Wikia is outdated and also the admin went MIA at that time. We made some amazing progress within this short amount of time and we're looking forward to grow even more. We're looking for some help from the communities in writing, expanding, proofreading, and translating our content. And it would be awesome if we can get some love from the community here as well! If you want to help out in the wiki, drop by our discord and someone will set you up! If you're just wandering around, have a look in some of the articles and give us some feedbacks! - o7 AtxAtx aka alistair3149
  5. Another Meeting done - and here's the notes! We sadly don't record these, but with these handy notes, you'll know enough to be dangerous around the community! Feel free to share with the folks that missed it Imperium Flight Events Thursdays at 2100 UTC and Sundays at 1800 UTC Planetside Twosdays Every Tuesdays and Fridays - check Teamspeak for the folks playing Team Fortress 2 Night Saturdays at 2200 UTC Team Building Games Overwatch up for Pre-Order - $40 for PC - $60 for Consoles Arma 3 - Ricko's going to create a event / group to have fun in Arma 3! Get in touch if you are interested! Community Content Creators: Death Flight (by a few monkeys) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOBnaxpHrpA @missionAvs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFlloCjMDcIThanks to that, Mission AVS gets himself a $25 gift card - get in touch with me monkey! MVP: OSTIA - https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/17819-preparing-for-20/#comment-305715 Social Media - Support us there! Imperium Twitter - https://twitter.com/imperium Imperium Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/imperiumfleet
  6. Recruiting folks from around the world: NA / EU / OC all welcome! Welcome to the fleet, my friend. We're glad you're here. We gotta stick together if we're gonna survive. We're not the biggest fleet out there, but we're a good bunch of folks and everyone here is someone you can count on. Whether you're new to this whole spacefaring thing or you've been out here for decades, everyone's got something to bring to the table, even if it's conversation and kindness in this cruel, desolate universe. We're self-sufficient, ya know? We've got things to do and squads to do them. Everyone helps out. Nothing fancy, just the basics, but it's everything we need to thrive out here. We're a family, and you'll be treated like that from the get go. However, with that hospitality comes some responsibility, too. No freeloaders here, not one. You gotta be here, be active. Contribute to the community. We want friends we can rely on, ya hear? That doesn't mean you always have to be up in everyone's business, but when the time comes and we need all hands on deck, we expect you to report in. Everyone here signed up just like you did and agreed to be loyal, active, and civilized. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Let's get started. Background and Overview: The Art of Warfare (TAW) is a premier online multi-gaming community that has been around since 2001, with more than 2600 active members playing 30+ games of all genres. We have a wealth of experience in many different game types and leadership with years of experience managing large MMO-type organizations. We are a large community of players and our units are strongly grounded in teamwork and friendship. Every member is treated with respect, and we have a diverse community with people coming from many different backgrounds and levels of gaming experience. We maintain a social, family-friendly atmosphere and we hold our members to a high standard of conduct. No matter what your interests are, whether you are casual, hardcore, or something in between, we will do our very best to accommodate you. The Art of Warfare is like a home to us and we aim to provide a top-notch gaming experience for our members. Our Objectives: Discover new regions of the Universe Obtain useful materials and resources Establish economic self-sufficiency Defend ourselves and our resources As we expand, we will broaden our scope, accommodating a diverse array of professions and playstyles according to our members’ desires. -- Why Choose TAW? Structured, organized units and missions Activity standards that ensure that each member is an active one (no empty uniforms!) Autonomous team system - each with its own schedule and intensity level A well-established leadership structure with healthy division of labor and volunteer positions in field operations, training, and administration Large, active teamspeak and robust member website Weekly organization-wide events Most importantly, our Code of Ethics that provides a friendly and civilized atmosphere -- Basic requirements: Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone Be at least 15 years old and have a mature attitude Complete an application and orientation Attend weekly events Follow our established Code of Ethics -- Our People: Recruiting Status: OPEN to all interests, all countries, and all experience levels! Division Roster is growing steadily! -- Questions / Concerns? Contact our Spin-Up Leader: Zoloft@taw.net Watch us on Twitch: TAW TV Need more Info? TAW.net website, Our RSI Site Ready to join up? Apply Here!
  7. Hey all, After the last few days of processing the events since The Escapist article, I decided to formulate my own thoughts toward this whole situation into an article format of my own. I have included my real name because I have nothing to hide, and these thoughts are my own. While I have no problems with people commenting on this post, I would ask people keep it civil so I don't have to end up moderating my own thread. Please note that the target for this article is not people on this board, but the overall world-wide gaming community that has given WAY too much power to gaming news blogs/sites in the last decade. Disclaimer: I am writing this as a Star Citizen backer, not as an Imperium FC or SCB Admin, and my views are in no way reflecting the policies or views of SCB or other Admins and Moderators of the SCB and Imperium sites and forums.
  8. Help make Descent Underground yours by designing single-player or multi-player game elements and submitting your ideas. Winners will have their game play concepts included in development of Descent Underground and custom art to adorn their ships! (By yours truly ) To enter, 1: Visit: http://descendentstudios.com/ 2: Register a forum profile! 3: Submit ideas to this thread! http://descendentstudios.com/community/topic/1120-contest-community-kickstart-contest-enter-here/ Contest ends in two weeks, so you better hurry! -Jax
  9. [ INN Community Report for 6th of March 2014 TeamSpeak Event This Sunday! All Imperium members are welcome to join CyberianK and Flashbolts on Teamspeak this Sunday, March the 9th at 1900 UTC for the first Imperium Sunday Afternoon Theorycrafting (ISAT) Discussion. Anyone is welcome to join for an informative and fun discussion on everything we know so far about mining and gathering. We'll be presenting some material, diving into a lively discussion, and brainstorming topics for future ISAT discussions. They are also accepting your proposals and topic requests for future gatherings. Please send those as PM to Flashbolts. They will have a thread soon with more details on ISAT. If successful, this will be the first in a series of similar events. So ready up your Theorycrafting toolbelt and attend to make this a success! To avoid scheduling conflicts the regular War Thunder Game Event has been moved to Saturday at the same time (1900 UTC) - see the Ten for the Chairman Transcripts RSI member Liudeius has worked hard transcribing all the TFTC questions and answers for each episode. You can find the bare facts on his RSI thread, which should be invaluable for EVERYONE who is planning their gameplay in the Persistent Universe. You can find his thread here Combat flight and tactics New Imperium member AmyShepard has hit the ground running hard, setting a precedent for all members wishing to get their information out there. Amy has linked a document detailing flight tactics and maneuvering, which should give wannabe fighters a bit of insight into what has historically worked for in-atmosphere flight, which might inform their decisions about Extraterrestrial strategy and tactics. Be sure to check out Amy’s post Imperium Academy Many of you will have heard rumours, some of you might even have spoken to someone who heard a guy in a bar mention it, but here at INN we can confirm that work is underway to get the best training possible out to you guys. Hot shot pilots and potential merchant millionaires out there will hopefully find something useful from these guys and courses are being planned to cover everything from basic training all the way up to a Fleet Admiral Commanders Course. At the moment they are working heavily with the techs to get a section of the website completed but INN Community news is very excited about this project. And, with instructors drawing upon experiences ranging from Eve University to RL military it has great potential as it moves forward. BiWeekly HR Question and Answer Session Human Resources would like all to know that the third Q&A session will be held as promised this Sunday (9th March 2014). This will begin at around 20:30 UTC on Teamspeak, directly after the HR meeting. This will also include members of INN, Media, and any other officers willing to attend. It's YOUR opportunity to ask any questions, find out just what these departments do If you have any questions, want to know what HR does/is about or just want to talk about general fleet or member related topics with us, come on TS and join us in our Q&A channel! Once again, this meeting isn't restricted to just HR, anyone who wants to answer some questions, or just want to join in and hang out, you are more than welcome to do so. This is an opportunity to get everybody informed and up to date on everything Imperium. You can find HR's original post This has been your INN Community Report for 6th March, 2014 INN: Slightly more factual than Fox News WarWulf Community Reporter Click here to view the article
  10. Tuesday 21st January, 2014 Breaking News! Imperium Organization Goes Live on RSI website! Imperium News Network would like to report that Gallitin, the much beloved leader of Imperium, has successfully created the Organization within the RSI website. From this day forward you can show your organization with pride as it is now officially acknowledged and represented on the RSI website. Features are a little light on the ground right now with the only real features being the rank system and an organization chat mechanism but expect more features to be released soon. As always, Imperium plans to be at the forefront of new features and will be updating regularly so keep an eye on the website and INN for updates. SCB will continue to be the home for all things Imperium so expect for most things to continue as normal however all Imperium members are encouraged to register for official Imperium membership on RSI as soon as possible. Keep watching INN for new features to be released as well as exciting updates about the rapidly developing SCB portal and other features. Register now by heading to https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/IMPERIUM Addendum: FAQ on Joining RSI Chat using an XMPP Client, such as Pidgin, can be found at the link below. https://robertsspace.../faq/xmpp-setup Combat Ops Team Meeting Those of you in Combat Ops will probably want to be aware of an upcoming TeamSpeak meeting on the 2nd February 2014. Naros is requesting your input as to what time to host the meeting in order to assure the maximum attendance possible. There will be many topics discussed and if you want to participate you’ll find all the details in the thread, linked below. I would like to emphasise how useful it is to attend these meetings as it’s always better to be part of the discussion about decisions than complain later that you don’t agree with a policy. Imperium members can check it out . Banana Warning! INN values each and every one of our readers, so when news caught my eye of a potential hazard to you all I felt it my responsibility and duty to bring it to your attention. The common banana has long been considered a friend to the human race and if you believe that sort of thing maybe even to the monkeys we supposedly “evolved” from. However it seems that these cunning yellow demon-fruit may have been slowly poisoning us over the years and consumers of these sweet-tasting traitors maybe the cause of many problems. I’ll let Imperium member Dekkarius fill you in on the exact details . Do you enjoy grasping your joystick or fingering your keyboard? There has been much debate about which will be better to use in Star Citizen. Many claim the joystick lacks the precision of the mouse while others contend that if the mouse were so great, why wouldn’t we drive cars and fly planes with it? Controller fans haven’t been as vocal yet.. There are a number of interesting points so feel free to add your opinion (bias?) on the thread and read the comments of grizzled old combat pilots, console jockeys and keyboard cowboys This has been your Community Newsbrief for Tuesday 21st January 2014. INN: Bringing you all the latest news just as soon as the editor finishes watching Torchwood. WarWulf INN Community Reporter This post has been promoted to an article
  11. I thought some of you who do not like looking through the official forums might find this an interesting read. https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/34785/christopher-roberts-on-community-feedback/p1 I believe it is the first forum post Mr. Roberts has made to the community since the new website was launched.
  12. LightMonk

    SimCity 5

    Soooooo Think I will use my "little" money to buy me SimCity 5 I don't care about Origin Game is playable Online on a region map, so I thought we could join each other on one big map and build citys. Don't know if I should pre-order the game for that Hero DLC or not....
  13. Toxin Website Forums Outfit Charter Apply To Join Here Join us on Teamspeak 3 Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Twitch TV Subscribe to us on Youtube Other games we play are Battlefield 3, Heroes Of Newerth/DOTA 2, Guild Wars 2, FireFall Beta, Planetside 2 and several other FPS's, RTS's and MMO's We highly encourage you to jump on Teamspeak 3 and games with us. BRIEF OVERVIEW & HISTORY Toxin is an organized, active and mature Multi-Game Clan, based mainly in North America with a minority of Europeans. Toxin was officially formed during the fall of 2006 when a group of online gamers whose talents and ambition encouraged them to collaborate in creating a successful online community. Since then, Toxin has evolved into a full, online gaming outfit. Experience in the management and coordination of massive online tournaments, as well as online clan battles, has provided our leaders with the knowledge and ability to cope with the challenges of running an effective and structured Clan. Many of our members have had extended experience in playing Battlefield 2, involved a massive 30 vs. 30, 10 hours battles, twice a week, in a very military, organized and strategic manner. Of course it isn't all serious! The point of any game is to have fun, and that is our end goal. We like to joke and mess around, but when it comes time to get down and dirty we take care of business.. We consist of adults between the ages of 18-50, a certain level of maturity is required. OUR GOALS To be honest, nothing is set in stone since the Alpha isn’t even out and the game is entirely in its infancy. However, several members of Toxin Gamers have already made the initial pledge to get into the Alpha/Beta of Star Citizen prior to the November 26th deadline. Our interest varies from hired mercs, trading, gas mining, military and of course exploration and dog fighting. At least one Toxin Member has purchased a Constellation and a Retaliator and we look forward to the fun of having them fully ran by Toxin members as opposed to NPC AI. If you are looking for a well-established gaming community to play other online games as we wait for Star Citizen release, apply today! Contact Toxin Officers NazTheEternal@toxingamers.com - Founder Bigcracker@toxingamers.com - Founder BaconWithCheese@toxingamers.com - Recruitment Officer IBurnMyCD@toxingamers.com - Commander/PR Officer Gabage@toxingamers.com - Commander Reizod@toxingamers.com - Commander Ikasawak@toxingamers.com - Field Commander GodsFire@toxingamers.com - Field Commander
  14. Delete it.... Original post in Quote xD
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