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Found 17 results

  1. PAYPAL FnF £120 as you can see, items being sold include account attached items, so i want to sell the account, the email and passwords all attached and security will be removed upon payment clearing! Start with 20k UEC, weapons and outfits and save $40, win win
  2. Hello, I lost my job so it seems I need to get rid of most of the ships I was collecting for years And it is just the beginning... I have 10 AMD Never settle mustangs which are.. in fact.. pretty rare I do accept USD with PayPal, and also any cryptocurrency if you would like to pay that way. I will be more than happy to go first with reputable members since I have 0 reputation
  3. (ONE SOLD) Hello! I have 3 2 Connies in stock as of now- all LTI. I accept PayPal USD and all Cryptocurrencies In order to buy: #Option 1 1. Visit my shop- purchase the product https://shoppy.gg/product/vpjHmxr 2. Contact me via Personal Message on forum or a query on shoppy.gg with your Order ID and email I should send gift to. 3. Enjoy your connie #Option 2 Contact me via Personal Message or discord ixerer#2712 GIF: https://gyazo.com/509f892beb7a0709626b447ba4755284 GIF: https://gyazo.com/794d1357fdca589a67ae57a26af2dc20
  4. Hello Guys, I have got a Star Citizen Account for Sale.Account Price - $99Account Description:-SHIP with LTI - Anvil Hawk-CCU Anvil Hawk to Cutlass Black (You can upgrade Anvil Hawk to Cutlass Black + Cutlass ships are going up in price soon, so good deal for you)-PACKAGE - Aurora MR MC Starter-100M REWARD - 2945 WAR BOND-CHRISTMAS REWARD!-Total Melt Value - $115-5000 UEC Contact info:STEAM - http://steamcommunity.com/id/xMaisonx/ SKYPE - xmaisonn1xDiscord - Maison#4753 Screenshots & Backer Titles:
  5. warlord5366

    Want to Sell [LF] Consignment

    Hi All, It has been around 2 years since I last hung around these parts of the area. Since then I have moved on with life getting a job that requires me to never be home and now married. I have a lack of time, and require assistance from people I trust on the forum. Could anyone here PM me if they would like to sell my LTI packages, and account and you would receive a commission for your work (and be middle man so this can be all smooth) My ebay: https://www.ebay.com/usr/jgomez5366 My Overclock.net account: http://www.overclock.net/forum/members/354310-istudy92.html I would like to get 575 if possible for all?: Aurora LN AEGIS DYNAMICS RETALIATOR HEAVY BOMBER - LTI DIGITAL BOUNTY HUNTER - LTI My account can buy back DIGITAL COLONEL - LTI And my account has this: STORE$165.00 USDUEC¤37,000 UECREC¤5,000 REC My
  6. Hi, as per the title, I am intending to part with my Most Favorite ship the Merchantman, I have 2 so I dont want to keep both, just need one. it is CCU'd FROM MPUV Cargo LTI COMPLETED OUTSIDE OF SCB , THNKS ! I am Star Citizen Verified and Paypal Verified too and both my Star Citizen email & Paypal are the same, hopefully Buyer's too. Buyer has to be verified on both too. Image attached.
  7. For those who don't want to spend a lot on VR but still want to experience it, this might be the product for you
  8. TGMayhem


    Hello, I need to buy or trade something for a cheap LTI ship. Doesn't need to be anything special! Talk to me on TS about it. Set up a Ebay private sale, ill pay fees etc. Or we just do it over the website. Thanks
  9. Looking to sell/gift my ship+SQ42 Combo for $50.00 Steam card code. Reply or message me if interested. Please no scams.
  10. zemaus

    Complete .

    Hi, On the account is 2xAPOCALYPSE ARMS MASS DRIVERS - STRIFE MASS DRIVER2xGIMBAL MOUNTS - FLASHFIRE VARIPUCK S2 GIMBAL MOUNT1xN-SERIES NEUTRON CANNON - NN-13 NEUTRON GUN1xN4 TURRET - N4-160F TURRET1xFLASHFIRE WEAPON MOUNTS - HORNET FLASHFIRE SPECIALTY MOUNT1xBEHRING BALLISTIC CANNONS - C-788 "COMBINE" BALLISTIC CANNON1xSPARK PROXIMITY DF MISSILE - SPARK I (X10)1xCHRISTMAS REWARD!1xBADGER AND BADGESAnd the pack which has...F7C-S Hornet GhostShipAnvil Aerospace (ANVL)Aeroview HangarHangar levelALSO CONTAINSStarting Money: 5,000 UEC6 Month InsuranceDigital Game SoundtrackDigital Star MapDigital Star Citizen ManualDigital Squadron 42 ManualSquadron 42 Digital DownloadStar Citizen Digital DownloadPack has a 140 USD melt and then there is $15 on the account so $155 Total value is over $200 with weapons and turrets but those cant be melted. I will take $120 for it. You must be verified on paypal and go first if you are low rep. If high rep i will go first. Remember you will get the whole account and be able to change the email. Also one more thing, There is a free name change on the account already. http://imgur.com/a/DyCiG Fees will be covered in the $120
  11. Looking to find some things to buy, here's a few things bundled on one good site from games to hardware. http://www.pcgamer.com/best-black-friday-pc-gaming-deals/#games
  12. I have a Banu Merchantman Aniversary edition and a basic Aurora Aniversary edition for sale (separately). The reason is: I quit my job. I don't mind using a middleman. The Aurora Package is on sale for 25€ / 32$ The Banu MM is on sale for 250€ / 315$ Buyer pays paypal fees. Thank you! -ViLa
  13. Hi, I've got this code from a giveaway today and I'm willing to sell it for 33€ (EUR) or the equivalent in USD ($35), verified PayPal. You will have to go first. Previous completed sales for reference. (This is the last AMD Mustang Omega code that I've sold through reddit and it contains links to another sales I've completed before in another trading websites) Please reply here with your intent to buy the code, before PM'ing me.
  14. Hi, I'm looking for an Elite Dangerous account to buy. I prefer a (cheap) account with or without lifetime DLC upgrades. When you're willing to sell, please contact me so we can discuss. thanks.
  15. Hi, Im selling my star citizen account with the following ships. The price Im asking for it its 180$ and It wont go any lower, please dont hesitate to add me on skype: odysseas__ or send me a pm here if you have any questions
  16. Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my application! My name is Riley, I'm 18 years old and I live in Ontario Canada, I’m so excited to be a part of this universe, I hope you’ll accept me into your ranks as a member. I have been gaming my whole life and have proficiency in flight-sims and full-simulators alike. My overall goal is to be the most reliable, quick, cheapest, and kindest transporter in the verse. I will be taking tasks and missions from multiple organizations but I will remain active and stay on a positive orientation with your group and members. I will mostly stray away from cross organization conflicts but I can assist if called upon. I currently own a Freelancer, with most of my future investments will also be along the lines of the merchantman, caterpillar, Avenger, Starfarer, Hull C, and a merchantman. My goal is to have the right ship for the task and do my best to assist in your organization’s achievements and future goals. I hope you will accept my application and see usefulness in my abilities, crew, and determination. See you in the verse!
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