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  1. Sigh... New baby on the way. Gotta liquidate some, so prices are dropped a bit! Updating this thread and including some more stuff and price changes. Adding one Original Concept ship. ORIGINAL CONCEPT LTI Mercury Starrunner - $230 (Current RSI MSRP $260) ORIGINAL CONCEPT LTI Anvil Liberator with Condor Paint - $550 (Current MSRP $575) LTI Odyssey - $550 (RSI Cost $700) LTI Perseus - $575 (RSI Cost $700) - This is a PACKAGE including Star Citizen Access, RSI Perseus is $675. SOLD LTI Banu Merchantman - $450 (RSI Cost $600) SOLD LTI Carrack - $450 (RSI Cost $600) LTI Hammerhead - $575 (RSI Cost $725) LTI M2 Hercules - $420 (RSI Cost $520) LTI Ares Inferno - $215 (RSI Cost $250) SOLD LTI Esperia Glaive - $315 (RSI Cost $350) LTI Starfarer - $250 (RSI Cost $300) LTI Ambush Pack (Warbond) with a Perseus, San'tok'yai, Hurricane - $950 (RSI Cost $1090) Paypal only for buyer/seller protection. I would be willing to negotiate a bit on the prices, especially if someone's wanting to buy more than one. I also might be able to make some kind of a ship at below RSI costs if you ping me and ask. Cheers!
  2. Hello sellers of the verse. I am looking for a CCU to the Cutlass Black Best In Show (BIS) 2950. It’s the white and yellow paint. I am sure someone has one or two in their buyback. 😊. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hey there everybody I'm looking for a "Hurricane to Scorpius (Warbond)" CCU. As such I was wondering if there's anyone out there who still has one of those $10 Warbond CCUs in their regular account that they're not using and would be willing to sell me one. I'd be more than happy to pay you a bit extra for the trouble or perhaps gift you some paints or weapons or something if you'd rather have Store Credit. Just let me know what you prefer. Naturally if you prefer cash I'm also more than happy to pay an invoice through PayPal. Please send me a PM if you still have one of those "Hurricane to Scorpius" CCUs in your account and are willing to sell or trade. Thanks a lot for your time!!
  4. Hey there Is there anyone who has one of those CCU's lying around that they aren't using and willing to sell/trade me one? Originally these ships were both the same price so back then you only had $0 CCUs; however, at some point CIG increased the price of the Super Hornet to $180 while the Gladiator remained at $165. Now I'm not sure if CIG ever offered a discounted Warbond CCU for the Super Hornet afterwards but otherwise I'd also be happy enough if one of you has a regular "Gladiator to Super Hornet" CCU that you are willing to sell or trade. I'd be more than happy to pay you for your troubles through Paypal or if you prefer Store Credit I'd also have no problem sending you some ingame items that you can then melt for Store Credit instead if you prefer that. Thanks!
  5. I have tons of the following CCUs in BB : Hurricane to Scorpius (25$ melt) * 134 Vulcan to Scorpius (20$ melt) * 27 Corsair to Scorpius (5$ melt) * 114 Selling them at cost + 10% paypal fee + paypal conversion rate to euro. Scorpius will probably jump from 220$ to 250$ on the 20th of May 2022 during Invictus Fleet Week. Edit : closing shop as price got updated
  6. Since I am new to this Game, I was Curious about how CCUs work? What do I do if I don't have the base ship for the upgrade? Does it work if I buy the base ship in-game, or do I have to buy the vessel in USD? I ask this because there are a couple of ships I would like to buy outright so that they don't get wiped every reset.
  7. HammerHead Serial Stamp LTI: $650 Caterpillar to Orion CCU: $70
  8. Hi I'm just wondering when you go to the Ship Upgrade Page, in the From list of ship why is there a Polaris, Pioneer, and 890 Jump? if there are supposed to be no other ships you could upgrade them into. At least for the Idris-P maybe you could choose to upgrade to the Idris-K, though not sure as I have just recently started into CCUs myself and haven't witnessed it in the last Anniversary Sale
  9. Hi I joined SC right after the free fly and Rent for Free all ship event of Nov-Dec 2020, and I wasn't paying any attention to CCUs at that time. Does anybody recall if the Endeavor was available for CCU last Anniversary Sale of 2020? I got worried when I came across this post here in this site:
  10. Hi Guys, I'm new to this forum and I've searched here and in google, and so far I couldn't find any answer. I have a second account, that I am reserving for 1 of my kids, I bought a non LTI package pledge to have the Dragonfly with LTI. I am currently building my fleet with my main account and I have some store credit but I was thinking if I buy cash for a Taurus, C2, M2, A2 CCUs each and keep them unmelted just in case I later want to gift the 4 CCUs to my second account, since its got an extra LTI token, I could have that option. My question is 1. can I gift multiple CCUs to the same recipient? because (https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013325608) says once per pledge which is kinda confusing to me. 2. If yes, does my second account still have the option to melt any / all of the gifted CCUs? 3. Can you also gift a CCU if you buy from Buy Back in cash? 3. This is a bit off topic, but anybody have any news if A2 is also coming in 3.13, I think C2 and M2 are both coming for 3.13 (not really sure), I'm asking because I made some Buy Back options for A2 CCUs, so that maybe I could just delay buying that CCU for a bit more.
  11. Selling my Aquila starter package upgraded from a Nomad LTI for 300$. Verified PayPal only. All fees Included. Will gift to the email linked with you paypal address. PACKAGE - CONSTELLATION AQUILA - LTI Package - Nomad LTI upgraded to Constellation Aquila ALSO INCLUDE : Lifetime Insurance Star Citizen Digital Download Starting Money 1000 UEC DM me for anymore questions. Thank you,
  12. I have 4 Hammer head to Polaris CCUS left $80.00 each Please be pay pal verified ! Thanks, !!
  13. SALE RSI ORION LTI, CCU'ed from ANVIL Hawk With REVEL & YORK Hangar Price: 400$ ............................................ Payment method: PayPal
  14. PSA: Anything bought during this sale and melted, will NOT be eligible to recoup as a BuyBack. Disregard. They will be eligible after the event.
  15. is there a reason people sell ships and state that they are CCU'd? does that matter to me if i buy a ship thats has been CCU'd?
  16. All of the top 16 ship showdown ships are available now. New CCU's available! NEWS Check the RSI store page - Ship upgrades. There are lot's of CCU's available that are not usually for sale. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ship-upgrades
  17. Please PM me if you have an Andromeda to Redeemer CCU with a fair price. TY
  18. Those in Concierge may have noticed Third's topic on the $0 CCU removal having backfired completely, by formulating the database operation incorrectly. Some $0 CCUs that originally cost money before pricing changes were removed A lot of $0 CCUs that were free, now have a value due to price changes and have been left on accounts.
  19. Good bye Banu MM for $195 and all good tricks with price https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/0-ccu-update-1/2016768
  20. Monkeytime

    Complete WTB Herald CCU

    Hello, all. I'm looking to buy an inexpensive upgrade/CCU to the Drake Herald (missed out on it this last anniversary sale). A couple other places have them here (325a to Herald) for around $20, but I haven't been able to get a reply back to my inquiries (maybe out for the holidays?). Anyway, if anyone has a CCU for the Herald that they'd be willing to let go for around $20, I sure would appreciate it. Thanks.
  21. Hi folks. My eBay store and trade history : https://www.ebay.com/usr/zorik79 ----------Original Concept STANDALONE SHIPS---------- Anvil Hurricane - LTI - 220 USD Anvil Arrow LTI - 85 USD Avenger Titan Renegade - LTI -95USD AEGIS Gladius Valiant - LTI - 140USD ORIGIN 85X - LTI - 68 USD ARGO COMBO PACK (MPUV CARGO and MPUV PERSONNEL)- LTI - 86USD MPUV Personnel - LTI - 55 USD ANVIL Terrapin - LTI - 230 USD ADD-ONS - URSA Rover- LTI - 60USD DRAKE Buccaneer - LTI - 135USD MISC Prospector - LTI - 170USD Aopoa San'tok.yāi Anniversary 2018 Warbond - 220USD --------------CCU'd Ships------------ Gladius Valiant 120USD F7C-M Super Hornet 180USD F7C Hornet Wildfire 175USD Sabre 175USD Hull C - 250 USD Sabre Comet 190USD Freelancer MIS 175USD Gladiator 170USD Khartu-Al 175USD Hurricane 205USD AEGIS Vulcan 210USD Caterpillar 310USD Apollo Triage 250USD Hull B -95USD Herald 85USD Retaliator Bomber 275USD Vanguard Harbinger 285USD Starfarer Gemini 350USD RSI Polaris Ask Vanguard Sentinel 270USD Starfarer 300USD If You want to buy CCU ship with VFG Hangar add 15 USD (ship cost above 110USD) If You want to get "Digital Download" add 15 USD (Ship cost above 65USD) All prices include PayPal fee Verified PayPal only
  22. I have a redeemer which is going to be a gunship only so I would like to upgrade it to the caterpillar because I want to do cargo runs in Star Citizen.
  23. Hello Imperium, I was hoping you guys could help me out. Is there anyone out there that has a Starfarer to Orion CCU?? It should be a $25 CCU at current pricing. I know I am asking for a lot, but I can Paypal you $35. It's a 40% mark up so you make $10 on 3 minutes of computer time . Thank you in advance for looking. Respectfully, Jedi
  24. Selling the listed ships and modules below. Selling my additional ships and upgrades. All prices are RSI Store Price + 5.5% Paypal Fees. All items are from buybacks. I am not selling for profit. Just helping out those in need. As the purchase uses the Paypal credits received via the Paypal invoice, you can be sure there is no undesired grey market credits and all the trouble associated with them - not that I'm peddling in that anyway but it's a good assurance. LTI Concept Sales Ship Comes with related hangars, flairs and LTI. Dragonfly Ride Together 2 Pack (2-in-1) Aopoa Nox Kue (Limited Edition White) Aopoa Nox 2 Pack Anvil Carrack Anvil Terrapin Argo Cargo MPUV Drake Buccaneer Drake Dragonfly Yellow/Black (ASK) Esperia Vanduul Blade Misc Hull-E | 550USD Misc Prospector Origin 85X (Last 2) CCUs, and other Upgrades You can also opt to purchase an LTI token from the above and I'll CCU it towards the any of the ships below that you desire. Banu Merchantman *Popular, Limited Stock* Carrack *Popular, Limited Stock* RSI POLARIS *Limited Stock* 350R Esperia Blade Super Hornet F7C-M Hornet Wildfire F7C Gladiator Gladius Valiant Esperia Prowler Mustang Delta Caterpillar Freelancer MIS Anvil Crucible Sabre Sabre Comet Vanguard Warden Genesis Starliner Orion Miner Terrapin Avenger Warlock Retaliator Bomber Retaliator Base Prospector Khartu Al M50 Interceptor **Miscellanous, Game Packages and Stuff** Vanguard Warden BUK, 24mth | 20USD 300i Game Package w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 65USD 325a Game Package w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 80USD Aurora MR Starter w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 45USD SQ42 Themed Aurora MR Starter w/SQ42 & Star Citizen | 45USD UEE Exploration Pack, LTI | 495USD Citizencon 2947 Trophy | 10USD Gamescom 2946 Trophy | 10USD Kastak Arms SMG Citizen 2947 Edition | 10USD Kindly note that all are cash prices, I do not accept RSI Credits or other forms of trade. Feel free to drop me PMs to enquire further, thank you. I may take awhile to respond, but will do as soon as I can. I do accept middlemen, however you would need to cover any additional fees. **Terms & Conditions** *Please kindly be Paypal Verified as well as being RSI Flaired for transaction purposes. **I reserve the right to decline trades at my own discretion especially when dealing with recent-flaired/new accounts.
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