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Found 17 results

  1. during the quantum jump the ship disappeared and I was alone in space without a ship, like a spacewalk. what is this?
  2. After making millions in my ARGO MOLE I took a break from mining. Then 3.17 was released and now any time I try to take my MOLE mining I break down the quant rock and the extractable rock does not go into my ship. No matter the material I'm extracting, the SCU of my cargo remains 0. It's been like this for 4 days now. Looking for a solution. Thanks
  3. Hello dear pilots. I just started the game and saved my money and bought the Eclipse ship. Even if the enemy ships do not give a radar warning, they are constantly turning on their own axis. Is this a bug? Also has a solution? Whenever I fire torpedoes on those ships, the torpedoes miss. Is there a tactic I don't know? Also, no matter what I did, I couldn't close the ship's ladder. Here my ship loadout:
  4. Hello, I'm new to this game, i've download it but seems that i cannot play in the universe, do i need to buy something to play? The download part say i should have access to stanton, but i'm not. My best regards, 1nsan3.
  5. In the game, I can spawn in about 12 extra ships that are not shown in my RSI hangar on the website. I can spawn them in, fly them, do whatever. Is this an exploit, and can I get banned for it?
  6. Hey guys/gals/droids, SOOOOOO..... just learned about a bug that has been plaguing me for the last 4 days. Reinstalled the game 4 times, deleted user file, verified... etc.... IF you are invisible/see through, cannot see anything when you open your mobi glass, can't see ship listing in the kiosk and when you are in 3rd person view you are a golf ball dot....... YOU have this bug. You need to send support a trouble ticket and title it Golf Ball Bug. It will require and account reset. Hope mine gets fixed fast so I can see the Expo in person instead of streamers and youtube videos.
  7. Since 3.0 came out I've found that zooming in and out no longer works for me. I've checked and re-done my keybinding for all the zoom options. I've bound both keyboard keys and buttons on the joystick for zooming and nothing works. The zoom function worked perfectly in 2.6.3. I initially put this off as a bug in 3.0, but in other people's 3.0 videos I can see that zoom is working for them. Since 3.0 is now live, I can't try copying my account over again. So' I'm stuck as to what to try next? Any suggestions?
  8. Friends. You can journey to the center of an Asteroid. Yes, you heard that right. There is an alternate dimension inside of Delmar. Its full of stars. To achieve this multi-dimensional travel you must first get into the hangar bays at Levski, It has worked with both Hangar 1 and Hangar 2, not sure about the others. In the hallway leading to the elevators you must jump over the railing at the sides. Don't worry, you won't be hurt on landing (or at least, I wasn't). Alternatively, spawn a struggle-bus and fly that over the edge. I recommend you are very familiar with strafe controls if you take a struggle-bus. Once you've navigated to the bottom, you should see something like this: Should you fly through that, you'll find your destiny. Now, once you've found yourself here; have no fear. You can escape by flying back out through the planet in any direction you want. Now, you can actually get a Dragonfly into the Grand Barter, but the only time Weehamster and I succeeded was the time that we ended up achieving escape velocity, flying through the barter, and out the otherside into destiny. Other experiments were ruled failures. Thanks @Weehamsterfor your brave efforts. EDIT: Second method: forget all the nonsense about the hole, just fly over the edge of the landing platforms and down through the bottom. Now to see how big a ship i can get in here.
  9. It worked for me: 1. Go to Karea security outpost 2. Lose your criminal status via hacking 3. Go to port olisar 4. Spawn a ship at port olisar 5. Log out to the main menu 6. Re-enter a crusader instance, you should be consistently spawning at port olisar, unless you increase your criminal rating once more Source PS: Close the launcher once you start the game, because the launcher uses some resources. Alternatively, you can start the game directly from the exe file under "public/bin64" and use the launcher for updates only.
  10. I normally don't do this, but after repeated attempts to get people to confirm this bug over the last few patches I am taking drastic measures. When you mount the Revenant Ballistic Gatling on the Flashfire Specialty Mount it bugs out and doesn't load any ammo. This happens in both Arena Commander and in Crusader ... making the $25.00 I spent of the two items pretty worthless. Here is a link to the issue council report. Please, if you have time, attempt to reproduce it and update the report with your findings. Thank you.
  11. Hay! I bought the Mustang Alpha starter kit a few days ago, and I am wondering if anyone know a workaround for a possible bug? For example when I am trying to enter the mustang from the hangar or on olisar, it opens the hatch (which is UNBELIEVABLE awesome btw!!!!!!!!!!!), but when I enter it is as if my head sticks through the roof and I cant sit down in the cockpit or nothing....all it does is to glitch me outside of the ship :/ I tried to crawl and prone to my cockpit chair, but same result. Im soooort of glad it is not allowing me to fly in my hangar and olisar because I would crash for suuuuure; I got to practice my .....crashing..... in the private flying area haha. I tried to search on SCB forums for the issue on the mustang but nothing popped up.Any help would be highly appreciated! -Hua
  12. cdanks_cigCIG Hi Everyone, We've been reading reports of in-game audio playing very loud distorted sound effects. We've been desperately trying to reproduce the issue in house, so far without success, but we advise everyone to go into their options menu and reduce the "Dynamic Range" setting down from the maximum. If you do experience the issue can you please contribute to the following Issue Council post:https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-7294-2_1_sound_audio_corruption__multiple_sources_ We'll be monitoring the issue council post and this thread closely to try and work out what's causing the bug! Thanks everyone! Chris
  13. Hi, I have reported more than 10 bugs to issue council, but those below were not replicated 10 times, can you please help me getting them confirmed? I would appreciate it. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-2547-Landing_pad_light_illuminates_Freelancer_s_interior https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-2854-Broken_view_in_Gladius https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-2857-Aeroview_hangar__see_through_corners https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-2546-Panels_randomily_reset_in_Aeroview_hangar
  14. Disclaimer: This is a possible solution and/or workaround. This is not a guaranteed solution nor officially recognized by Cloud Imperium Games. Use the solution at own risk, nor can i be held responsible for any problems thereafter. The story Lately the forums have been buzzing with threads and topics regarding the most recent launcher 2.3.8 and it's failure of properly working on windows 10. I hadn't installed the new version yet (prior to today, vacation~ jeej ). And a lot of cases where the game crashes on the loading screen after clicking on the launch button or like mine, it doesn't even download the full game client (30GB or more if needed). Some whom claim that these symptoms (of the launcher) have been there for at least 3 weeks now, without any proper advice or (proper) acknowledgement from CIG developers. And what surprised me the most was the lack of IT help, the public got from CIG. Such as this topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3hng86/collecting_known_issues_for_launcher_238/ and yes, RSI forums claim the same things. Unfortunately any IT person well versed with windows can see a lot of problems with this list of 'workarounds'. Why? you ask, more than half, if not all (with the exclusions from Audio and GPU drivers) workarounds are already integrated into windows 7, 8 and 10 by default installation. There are other solution regarding the sound error, by changing bitrates(solves audio error caused by launcher instead), BUT these don't work for this particular problem,regarding the download of the whole client nor, the cases where the game just crashes for no reason in the loading screen. There have been unfortunate cases where the logs are not even created... or the logs say that connection to torrent has been aborted (paused). There have been even cases where Citizens advice other Citizens to download free VPN clients and services to bypass this solution, BUUUUTTTT That also means THAT you HAVE TO launch the game through that VPN as well... AND THAT DOESN'T SOLVE SHIT! The problem is still there... that being said, it has been reported to work for Citizens outside of the USA region (ie. Europe and China). The solution This might also solve the 'Dot of Doom' bug, in launcher. Not guaranteed! If you have more than 1 bug/problem in/with the launcher, i highly recommend you to uninstall the launcher and delete the CIG folder from your hard drive (yes this stays behind!). Following by a reinstall the launcher by downloading the setup from the official RSI website and apply the following should the same issue occur. Being that the launcher not downloading the game client. (Install folder stays around 500MB, check it through the properties window) Right click the 'Star Citizen launcher' Icon on your desktop and choose properties. Choose the compatibility Tab and set 'compatibility mode' to Windows 8 As well as tick the box for 'run as admin' and apply. Restart your launcher through that same icon, login and the launcher should be updating. If the launcher does not update on it's, however.. click the 'cog' in the top right and select 'Verify'. The client should now be downloaded with a size of 30GB (at minimum). Should you have other problems and/or didn't this work for you. Feel free to share it in this thread and we may find the proper solution to your respective problems! Disclaimer: This is a possible solution and/or workaround. This is not a guaranteed solution nor officially recognized by Cloud Imperium Games. Use the solution at own risk, nor can i be held responsible for any problems thereafter.
  15. Here's the IC link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-660-_Important__Space_Soccer_-_Pushing_Rocks_is_Only_Locally_Observed__Serious_Consequences__ Link to AC forum thread if you want to see that/discuss anything there: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/286342/after-a-mini-training-session-what-better-thing-to-do-than-goof-off-playing-space-soccer#latest Check those out please. Let me know if this is a duplicate report of something else. It's hard to pin a name to the issue. If it is unique (or maybe if it isn't), it would be beneficial to all to provide any feedback on the issue and contribute their ability to reproduce (if that is the case) to get this fixed. For the purposes of consolidation, try to keep any discussion on the RSI forums/Issue Council for all to see. I hope I'm not breaking any of 'das rulez' by posting here to direct attention there.
  16. https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/176743/i-i-just-took-my-cutlass-out-into-space-for-the-first-time 1) Put on your helmet 2) Sit in the seat of the craft you want to go into Arena Commander with 3) Hit Esc and go through the Arena Commander selection menu process like usual (doesn't matter which ship you pick in the menu) 4) Join a match of Battle Royale. It should take the ship you sat in with you into Arena Commander instead of the ship you selected in the menu screen. FREEDOM!!
  17. Having trouble reaching the second floor in the delux hanger?? I know for a while I could not get up there because I kept glitching through the floor of the elevator. I have found a way to make it up to the top since then: first I was running at very high graphic settings, lowering it to high helped, and I'm sure that for others lowering it even more would help as well. However even with the lowered settings the only way I could get up there is to (in first person, F1 key) walk straight into the elevator, to about the middle and stop, then move the camera until I'm looing up as much as I can (as if the camra is on the ground behind the avatar looking up at his head), then simply don't move. Your avatar will still bounce a little and at a point the screen may go black but he will reach the top!!! Hope this helps anyone who has yet to make it up there And looking forward to a patch that fixes it, but until then enjoy the second floor lol
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