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  1. I'll start the thread for the new Banu Merchantman. Unbelievable that we can pledge for one before 26 Nov. now we need more specs and price!
  2. NO LONGER AVAILABLE! I noticed this entry in the "Celebrate Alien Week" post: So it looks like CIG will be hiding clues so that people can find their own code for a Banu lockbox. That sounds nice of CIG to offer an alternate means to obtain that flair item for those who can't make it to a Bar Citizen (and don't want to spend a fortune for a silly scratchcard on Ebay).
  3. For sale, CCU'd Ships Hornet Wildfire LTI -170 USD Vanguard Warden LTI- 240 USD Banu Merchantman LTI - 240 USD Verified PayPal only
  4. LAST EDIT: 9/Oct/2021 Hi everyone / I have images/gifs of ships/vehicles that are either flyable or in concept, development, re-worked or from Star Citizen lore. There are also many other categories, including anything from Star Systems to Characters to Ship/FPS Equipment. I constantly add more to the albums so don't be afraid to come back here anytime for the latest images. Please Note: Because of certain, rather disappointing circumstances that are beyond my control, this page will no longer be updated. As I have a desire to preserve this archive and continue adding the latest images, a new website has been set up. Please click here and remember to bookmark the new site. VEHICLES: SHIPS LAND VEHICLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPONENTS: SHIP WEAPONS - GUNS SHIP WEAPONS - MISSILES / TORPEDOES / MINES OTHER SHIP COMPONENTS FIRST PERSON WEAPONS FIRST PERSON WEAPONS - ATTACHMENTS OTHER FIRST PERSON COMPONENTS -------------------------------------------- BONUS -------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GAMEPLAY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUADRON 42: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER:
  5. Like the sister thread Characters (FPS) - 2.0 and other sister threads: This thread people can compile images and videos of Alien avatars (characters) (FPS). Here is a new Vanduul Image from Chris Olivia ^^^ Vanduul +++ Another Alien listed under Star Citizen from Chris Olivia on his Art Station (possible Tevarin or Kr'Thak?) +++ Some older Chris Olivia art for Star Citizen ^^^ Banu ^^^ Xi'An and Tevarin below....
  6. VoA

    Banu Defender

    See spoiler Banu Defender - Ben talks a bit about it in this video below at 18:30m (revealing it concept is basically ready but they want to flush out the Banu Race more). He also mentions that it will be out in the next couple weeks. "It is a smaller ship".... but.... "there is no such thing as a single seat Banu ship".... but it is "as low as a Banu ship goes"... We also know it is a combat ship and one of the last three remaining WAVE 5 ships (its obviously a combat ship with its name but Ben also mentioned with the upcoming WAVE 6 for people to pick up additional fighting concept ships before WAVE 6 because they will be dedicated Civilian ships (per OP). Also in this Video at 16:18m Ben talks about his list of WAVE 6 ships being in flux (he has a "PITCH DOCUMENT"). --------------------------I am looking forward to the Banu Defender and I am interested in seeing how radically different it may handle. I love how different the Vanduul ships and Xi'an Khartu-Al (though I still feel that CIG needs to do more work on the Khartu-Al).What "defending" role do you think the Banu Defender will play........ my guess is that it will be a "tanky" .... "screening" ship...... designed to protect trade ships (since the Banu are all about trade). ++++++ Also see and vote on Banu Defender - Concept Sale Price - [POLL] &&&& Banu Weaponry - Singe This tachyon cannon, called the Singe, is a long range, high damage weapon used by the Banu Defender. Like much of the Banu technology, its real origin is unknown, but based on the fact that it differs from other Banu engineering choices, UEE historians suspect they assimilated it from some other culture. Banu Defender 185$ Disco Lando | CIG@discolando Spaceship Prices! 2017.04.15 - The Banu Defender will have a credit price of $185.
  7. ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 👽👽👽 Welcome to Furystorm's boutique ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👽👽👽 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Currencies accepted: [$] [€] [₽] ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ To make an order 📨 PM me or send a message via Discord (Furystorm#4218), clickable ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Types of insurances listed below Abbreviation LTI 3YI 3MI Description Lifetime insurance 3 year insurance 3 month insurance ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ✪✪✪ SPECIAL OFFERS ✪✪✪ Upgrades Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade name Price, $ MISC Reliant Researcher (Sen) 325a to Reliant Researcher 10 Origin Origin 350R Cutlass Red to 350r Upgrade 13 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ✪✪✪ Game and ship packages ✪✪✪ Package Insurance MMO+SQ42 Included Price, $ Comments Package - AURORA LN 3MI Yes 57 Aurora LN (best aurora) Starter package CATERPILLAR & DRAGONFLY PACK LTI No 373 Drake Caterpillar + Drake Dragonfly (Black and Yellow), 1 left Getting game package with aurora LN will cost 70$ on RSI game site (without VAT, or ~84$ for Europeans) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ★★★ LTI Standalone ships ★★★ CCU-d ships are upgraded from another ship. Also I have ships from original sale - they may come with different bonuses but are more expensive. (You can click on some items to see their contents) All ships listed below are available for purchase Ship Insurance Price (CCU-d), $ Price(Original sale), $ Comments Aegis Avenger Titan LTI 75 95 - Aegis Avenger Titan Renegade LTI - 95 - Aegis Avenger Stalker LTI 90 - - Aegis Avenger Warlock LTI 116 - - Aegis Gladius LTI 116 - - Aegis Gladius Valiant LTI - 137 - Aegis Reclaimer LTI 373 431 - Aegis Redeemer LTI 268 315 - Aegis Retaliator Bomber LTI 294 - - Aegis Sabre LTI 195 210 - Aegis Sabre Comet LTI - 221 - Aegis Vanguard Warden LTI 268 - - Aegis Vanguard Harbinger LTI 300 - - Aegis Vanguard Sentinel LTI 284 - - Argo MPUV Cargo LTI - 58 - Argo MPUV Personnel LTI - 63 - Argo Combo Pack LTI - 100 2 in 1 - Cargo + Personnel Anvil Carrack LTI 373 - - Anvil Crucible LTI 373 416 - Anvil F7C Hornet LTI 142 - - Anvil F7C-S Hornet Ghost LTI 153 - - Anvil F7C-R Hornet Tracker LTI 168 - - Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet LTI 189 - - Anvil F7C Hornet Wildfire LTI 200 210 - Anvil Gladiator LTI 189 - - Anvil Terrapin LTI 221 231 - Banu Merchantman LTI 310 420 - Consolidated Outland Mustang Beta LTI 70 - - Consolidated Outland Mustang Gamma LTI 80 - - Consolidated Outland Mustang Delta LTI 90 - - Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket LTI - 58 - Drake Dragonfly Black LTI - 58 - Drake Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI - 95 2 in 1 - Yellow + Black Drake Buccaneer LTI - 137 - Drake Caterpillar LTI 321 - - Drake Cutlass Black LTI 126 - - Drake Cutlass Red LTI 147 - - Drake Cutlass Blue LTI 174 - - Drake Herald LTI 116 - - Esperial Vanduul Blade LTI 273 289 - Esperial Prowler LTI 462 489 - Genesis Starliner LTI 431 - - Kruger P-72 Archimedes LTI - 69 - MISC Endeavor BASE LTI 373 399 Endeavor without modules. Original sale comes with VFG Industrial Hangar MISC Freelancer LTI 142 - - MISC Freelancer DUR LTI 153 - - MISC Freelancer MAX LTI 168 - - MISC Freelancer MIS LTI 195 - - MISC HULL B LTI 116 137 - MISC HULL C LTI 237 - - MISC HULL D LTI 373 - - MISC HULL E LTI 594 641 - MISC Prospector LTI 163 174 - MISC Reliant Kore (Mini Hauler) LTI 90 - - MISC Reliant Tana (Skirmisher) LTI 90 - - MISC Reliant Mako (News Van) LTI 110 - - MISC Reliant Sen (Researcher) LTI 100 - - MISC Starfarer LTI 326 - - MISC Starfarer Gemini LTI 368 357 - Origin 85X LTI - 80 - Origin 300I LTI 84 - - Origin 315P LTI 95 - - Origin 325A LTI 100 - - Origin 350R LTI 147 - - Origin M50 LTI 126 - - RSI Aurora LN LTI 69 - - RSI Aurora CL LTI 79 - - RSI Polaris LTI 798 846 - RSI Constellation Taurus LTI 179 - - RSI Constellation Andromeda LTI 247 - - RSI Constellation Aquila LTI 300 - - RSI Orion LTI 352 - - Xi'an Khartu-Al LTI 205 - - ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ★★★ NON-LTI Standalone ships ★★★ Ship Insurance Price, $ Comments Kruger P-72 Archimedes 4YI 42 - Kruger P-52 Merlin 4YI 32 - MISC Endeavor OLYMPIC-CLASS 4YI 578 - MISC Endeavor MASTER SET 4YI 1050 All modules MISC Starfarer 2YI 273 VFG Industrial hangar, old melt Origin 890 Jump 4YI 1035 - RSI Constellation Phoenix 3YI 394 Revel&York Hangar RSI Constellation Phoenix 4YI 399 Revel&York Hangar RSI Orion 3YI 373 VFG Industrial hangar ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ⍟⍟⍟ Modules, Pods, Upgrade Kits ⍟⍟⍟ Module Insurance Price, $ MISC Endeavor Modules (Pods) - LTI - - TELESCOPE ARRAY POD LTI 200 SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND CREW POD LTI 90 FUEL POD LTI 111 MISC Endeavor Modules (Pods) - 4YI - - BIODOME POD 4YI 126 TELESCOPE ARRAY POD 4YI 153 SUPERCOLLIDER POD 4YI 153 SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND CREW POD 4YI 48 GENERAL RESEARCH POD 4YI 69 GENERAL SCIENCE POD 4YI 69 FUEL POD 4YI 60 MEDICAL BAY POD 4YI 111 LANDING BAY 4YI 111 Aegis Retaliator Modules - - Retaliator living rear module 3YI 42 Retaliator living front module 3YI 42 Aegis Vanguard battlefield upgrade kits - - Warden battlefield upgrade kit 6MI 40 Harbinger battlefield upgrade kit 3YI 74 Other stuff - - URSA Rover - 85 Ground Vehicle Pack (URSA Rover + Greycat PTV) - 90 Add-Ons - Model II Arclight Sidearm - 27 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Cross-Chassis Upgrades (CCUs) Ordered by: Manufacturer -> ship Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade name Price, $ Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan Renegade 325A to Avenger Titan Renegade 21 Aegis Dynamics Avenger Warlock 325A to Avenger Warlock 31 Aegis Dynamics Gladius Valiant Cutlass Black to Gladius Valiant 26 Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer Constellation Aquila to Reclaimer 150 Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer Starfarer Gemini to Reclaimer 50 Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer Caterpillar to Reclaimer 130 Aegis Dynamics Retaliator Base F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Retaliator Base 21 Aegis Dynamics Retaliator Base Freelancer MAX to Retaliator Base 21 Aegis Dynamics Retaliator Bomber Redeemer to Retaliator Bomber 36 Aegis Dynamics Sabre Constellation Taurus to Sabre 30 Aegis Dynamics Sabre Retaliator Base to Sabre 30 Aegis Dynamics Sabre Cutlass Blue to Sabre 30 Aegis Dynamics Sabre Gladiator to Sabre 15 Aegis Dynamics Sabre Freelancer MIS to Sabre 15 Aegis Dynamics Sabre F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Sabre 42 Aegis Dynamics Sabre Comet Sabre to Sabre Comet 31 Aegis Dynamics Sabre Comet Constellation Taurus to Sabre Comet 52 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Aquila to Vanguard Harbinger 31 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Harbinger Retaliator Bomber to Vanguard Harbinger 31 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Sentinel to Vanguard Harbinger 26 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Taurus to Vanguard Hoplite 89 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Hoplite Khartu-Al to Vanguard Hoplite 68 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Hoplite Hull C to Vanguard Hoplite 36 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Hoplite Retaliator Base to Vanguard Hoplite 89 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Hoplite F7C-M Super Hornet to Vanguard Hoplite 57 Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Warden Constellation Andromeda to Vanguard Warden 36 ARGO Astronautics MPUV Personnel Aurora LN to MPUV Personnel 15 ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo Mustang Alpha to MPUV Cargo 15 Anvil Aerospace F7C-M Super Hornet Constellation Taurus to F7C-M Super Hornet 30 Anvil Aerospace F7C-M Super Hornet Khartu-AL to F7C-M Super Hornet 21 Anvil Aerospace F7C-M Super Hornet F7C Hornet Wildfire to F7C-M Super Hornet 15 Anvil Aerospace F7C Hornet Wildfire Constellation Taurus to F7C Hornet Wildfire 38 Anvil Aerospace Carrack Constellation Aquila to Carrack 145 Anvil Aerospace Carrack Starfarer Gemini to Carrack 75 Anvil Aerospace Carrack Starfarer to Carrack 130 Anvil Aerospace Carrack Caterpillar to Carrack 130 Anvil Aerospace Crucible Starfarer Gemini to Anvil Crucible 26 Anvil Aerospace Crucible Constellation Aquila to Anvil Crucible 105 Anvil Aerospace Crucible Retaliator Bomber to Anvil Crucible 99 Anvil Aerospace Crucible Caterpillar to Anvil Crucible 78 Anvil Aerospace Gladiator Constellation Taurus to Gladiator 26 Anvil Aerospace Terrapin F7C-M Super Hornet to Anvil Terrapin 44 Anvil Aerospace Terrapin Freelancer MIS to Anvil Terrapin 44 Anvil Aerospace Terrapin Khartu-Al to Anvil Terrapin 47 Anvil Aerospace Terrapin Sabre to Anvil Terrapin 42 Anvil Aerospace Terrapin Constellation Taurus to Anvil Terrapin 59 Banu Merchantman Constellation Andromeda to Merchantman 99 Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Mustang Gamma to Mustang Delta 21 Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Avenger to Mustang Delta 15 Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Constellation Aquila to Genesis 157 Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Carrack to Genesis 78 Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Caterpillar to Genesis 147 Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Hull D to Genesis 73 Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Endeavor to Genesis 73 Drake Interplanetary Buccaneer Cutlass Black to Buccaneer 21 Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar Constellation Andromeda to Caterpillar 49 Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar Constellation Aquila to Caterpillar 31 Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar Retaliator Bomber to Caterpillar 31 Drake Interplanetary Herald 325A to Herald 26 Drake Interplanetary Herald Avenger Titan Renegade to Herald 21 Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Blue F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Cutlass Blue 31 Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Blue Freelancer MAX to Cutlass Blue 31 Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Blue Prospector to Cutlass Blue 21 Esperia Vanduul Blade Constellation Andromeda to Esperia Blade 42 Esperia Esperia Prowler Caterpillar to Esperia Prowler 173 MISC Freelancer MIS Constellation Taurus to Freelancer MIS 26 MISC Endeavor Constellation Aquila to Endeavor 99 MISC Endeavor Orion to Endeavor 52 MISC Endeavor Caterpillar to Endeavor 84 MISC Hull A 300I to Hull A 15 MISC Hull B 325A to Hull B 42 MISC Hull C Constellation Taurus to Hull C 78 MISC Hull C Anvil Terrapin to Hull C 31 MISC Hull D Constellation Aquila to Hull D 105 MISC Hull E Constellation Aquila to Hull E 309 MISC Prospector F7C-S Hornet Ghost to Prospector 26 MISC Prospector Freelancer Dur to Prospector 26 MISC Reliant Kore (Mini Hauler) Avenger Stalker to Reliant Kore (Mini Hauler) 15 MISC Reliant Skirmisher (Tana) Avenger Stalker to Reliant Skirmisher 15 MISC Reliant Researcher (Sen) 325a to Reliant Researcher 15 MISC Reliant Researcher (Sen) 315p to Reliant Researcher 21 MISC Reliant News Van (Mako) 325a to Reliant News Van 26 MISC Reliant News Van (Mako) Reliant Mini Hauler to Reliant News Van 26 MISC Starfarer Constellation Aquila to Starfarer 36 MISC Starfarer Gemini Starfarer to Starfarer Gemini 59 MISC Starfarer Gemini Constellation Aquila to Starfarer Gemini 94 MISC Starfarer Gemini Caterpillar to Starfarer Gemini 68 Origin Jumpworks 350r Cutlass Red to 350r 15 Origin Jumpworks M50 Interceptor Gladius to M50 Interceptor 22 Origin Jumpworks 85X Aurora CL to 85X 15 RSI Polaris Constellation Aquila to RSI Polaris 535 RSI Polaris Carrack to RSI Polaris 456 RSI Polaris Anvil Crucible to RSI Polaris 456 RSI Aurora LX Aurora MR to Aurora LX 13 RSI Orion Constellation Aquila to Orion 73 RSI Orion Caterpillar to Orion 52 RSI Orion Starfarer to Orion 47 Xi'an Khartu-Al Constellation Taurus to Khartu-Al 31 Xi'an Khartu-Al F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Khartu-Al 41 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ To make an order 📨 PM me or send a message via Discord (Furystorm#4218), clickable
  8. Hello again, i'm offering up my entire collection of "original concept" ships, currently on my buy back log, at their original cost to me plus 4.5% to cover the paypal costs. These ships will never be cheaper for an OC stand alone ships, get them before CIG changes the rules again on buybacks and they are lost forever. Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are in USD plus paypal fees of 4.6% (Excluding PayPal fees). All sales are conducted via Paypal invoices. Item will be delivered to buyer's PayPal email address after payment has cleared. No returns or refund as the gifting system only allows a 1 time gifting and it will be account bound to the buyer's account. If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. Prices are not negotiable. Original Concept Ship Qty OC Price (+4.6% PP Fee) X1 force - 6 $50 X1 Volocity - 10 $45 vulcan - 12 $200 hawk - 10 $90 pioneer - 2 $850 600i exploration - 6 $435 600i luxury - 1 $400 Buccaneer - 25 $110 prospector - 10 $140 Hurricane - 20 $175 Hoplit - 9 $225 Razor - 5 $135 Wildfire - 2 $175 comet - 2 $185 85X - 10 $50 valiant - 3 $110 Prowler - 2 $425 Polaris - 3 $750 terrapin - 10 $195 Eclipse - 12 $275 Banu Defender - 24 $185
  9. Hey Star Citizens, I am trying to liquidate some of my spare ships. Aside from USD, I'll also accept New Zealand Dollars (NZD) and Cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, etc..) as payment. I'll offer a discount for the alternate payment methods and for bulk orders. I'm planning to invest in cryptocurrency, so I'm downsizing my hangar a bit. Here are the ships I'm currently selling. I'll also add my available buybacks, once I get a chance. Let me know if anything piques your interest. - x7 Mustang Omega Packages ($150 each) - x1 Banu Merchantman anniversary with 24mo insurance ($265) - x2 Origin 85x ($60 each) SOLD - x1 Banu Merchantman with 48 month insurance
  10. I have a Banu Defender concept pack with LTI which I would like to exchange for an Anvil Carrack with LTI. I will also pay the difference of $165. I would prefer to trade for an original concept Carrack, however this can be discussed in PMs. The method of my payment is flexible but i would preffer to use paypal. This is my first time making any kind of trade so please bare with me if I'm quite cautious.
  11. Anyone else here rushed to the ship upgrade tab and went with the merchantman ^^?
  12. Standalone Ships ORIGINAL CONCEPT SHIPS* (*) Concept ship with LTI unless stated otherwise. Anniversary Sale Ships $45 - LTI MPUV Cargo $75 - Hull A - 4 yr $45 - LTI YellowJacket $100 - Avenger - Warlock - 4 yr $50 - LTI MPUV Personnel $105 - Hull B - 4 yr $60 - LTI 85X $170 - Cutlass Blue - 4 yr $135 - LTI Buccaneer $375 - Orion - 4 yr $150 - LTI Razor $400 - Hull D - 4 yr $165 - LTI Prospector $415 - 3 yr Conni Phoenix $190 - LTI Hurricane $415 - 4 yr Conni Phoenix $210 - LTI Terrapin $225 - LTI Hull C $245 - LTI Vanguard Hoplite $500 - LTI Prowler $825 - LTI Polaris (non-warbond) All ships listed below are CCU'd unless otherwise noted and all have LTI. Standard CCU'd Ships with LTI Rare CCU'd Ships with LTI $105 - LTI Gladius $190 - LTI Super Hornet $115 - LTI Cutlass Black $125 - LTI Hornet $275 - LTI Vanduul Blade $125 - LTI Freelancer $295 - LTI Merchantman $135 - LTI Cutlass Red $295 - LTI Retaliator Bomber $140 - LTI Ghost (Hornet) $140 - LTI Freelancer DUR $155 - LTI Tracker (Hornet) $155 - LTI Freelancer MAX $165 - LTI Taurus (Conni) $240 - LTI Andromeda (Conni) $265 - LTI Redeemer $300 - LTI Aquila (Conni) (*) Concept ship with LTI unless stated otherwise. SPECIAL OFFERINGS 3 - War Bond Polaris - $700.00 ea
  13. Hi, as per the title, I am intending to part with my Most Favorite ship the Merchantman, I have 2 so I dont want to keep both, just need one. it is CCU'd FROM MPUV Cargo LTI COMPLETED OUTSIDE OF SCB , THNKS ! I am Star Citizen Verified and Paypal Verified too and both my Star Citizen email & Paypal are the same, hopefully Buyer's too. Buyer has to be verified on both too. Image attached.
  14. Well folks, I have a few spare buyback ships and packages that I thought I would list in case anybody wanted one. I will try to add information on all the packages soon. Standalone Ships Ship Manufacturer Insurance Type Price, USD Price, EUR Availablity P-72 Archimedes Kruger LTI Original $88 €83 x4 Aurora LX RSI LTI Original $66 €63 x1 Herald Drake LTI Original $101 €96 x1 Hull A MISC LTI Original $88 €83 x2 Hull D MISC LTI Original $414 €393 x2 350r Origin 6 Month Original $142 €135 x1 Reclaimer Aegis LTI Original $404 €384 x2 Reliant MISC LTI Original $92 €87 x5 Starfarer Aegis 24 Month Original $222 €211 x1 Vanguard Aegis LTI Original $282 €268 x1 Ship Packages Ship Manufacturer Insurance Type Price, USD Price, EUR Availablity M50 Origin 4 Month Original $157 €149 x1 Aurora MR+ RSI 3 Month Original $81 €77 x1 Aurora LX RSI 24 Month Original $100 €95 x1 Next Gen Aurora RSI LTI Original $92 €87 SOLD Buyer must be PayPal verified. Please send me PM containing ship name, your PayPal email and currency of invoice (USD or EUR). Ship will be sent as a gift to the payer's PayPal email. Claimed gift (after purchase) will be bounded to your account. All prices include PayPal fees. The ship packages include Star Citizen and Squadron 42 access
  15. I need to sell my ship to pay off my rent. I have no use for the ship anymore. I first bought it as a STANDALONE SHIP - KRUGER P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI and I Upgraded it to a Banu Merchantman. http://i.imgur.com/awkpLEI.png Melt Value: $250
  16. With the 2016 aniversary sale continuing to wreak havoc on my Paypal account, I figured if I was going to go broke and hungry I might as well do it right. I don't like to half-ass anything. I have two additional pledges that I'm considering, and would like some input from whoever is kind enough to chime in. I think I've lost my objectivity in this orgy of ship porn so I leave it to this illustrious community to help me out. 1: Hull-C to Banu Merchantman CCU - Good idea? Why? Why not? Pros and cons? 2: Xian Scout - Any idea what it's actually good for other than looking beautiful? I mean seriously, I would love one but I just can't pin the roll of this ship.
  17. Ships CCU'd from Dragonfly LTI Caterpillar Esperia Blade Reliant Skirmisher Mustang Delta 350R Racer M50 Interceptor Concept Sale ( not CCU'd) Drake Buccaneer - Concept Sale Misc Prospector - Concept Sale COMBO - CATERPILLAR & DRAGONFLY PACK - LTI -365 USD$ Non-LTI PACKAGE: AURORA MR AC STARTER - 55 USD$ 325A -95 USD$ LTI PACKAGE: DIGITAL FREELANCER - LTI - 185USD$ - VERY RARE Verified PayPal only. Stand alone ships - Original price + 15% ( includes PP fee) PM for details
  18. Paypal instant sale - $200 USD - COMPLETED by Furystorm Contact me via PM
  19. Welcome to the brand new makute's store. If you want to make a purchase, post in this thread and send a PM with your PayPal email and RSI handle. I'll be back to you asap. My timezone is GMT+1, so delays are to be expected during the night time. After a brief summer break, I come again with a tempting offer on Vanguard variants. Also, RSI credits are available again, and I took out of the fridge a couple specials to ease the heat: a 890 Jump, a Endeavour Master Set, a Signed Rear Admiral Phoenix package and a bunch of LTI game packages. Also, just found a F7A upgrade under the rug and it's now on sale! Game Packages*: Aurora LN > $50 - 3 months insurance Aurora LX > $55 - 2 years Origin 315P > $80 - 4 months insurance Freelancer > $110 - 2 months insurance Cutlass Blue) > $210 - 2 years (includes a set of Advocacy Tools) Digital Bounty Hunter (Origin 300I) > $105 - LTI Digital Freelancer > $170 - LTI Digital Mercenary (Aurora MR) > $85 - LTI Lightspeed Package (Origin 350R) > $190 - LTI (includes Origin Racing Suit) Pathfinder Package (Origin 315P) > $120 - LTI Specter Package (F7C-S Hornet Ghost) > $190 - LTI Aegis Redeemer > SOLD - LTI Signed Rear Admiral physical package upgraded to Phoenix > $600 - LTI (includes of the physical items of the regular Rear Admiral package: spaceship shaped USB drive, CD of game soundtrack, glossy fold up starmap, 5 ship Blueprints, 3 inch model of spaceship, Hardback book: 'The Making of Star Citizen', starting money: 10.000 UEC, plus the Signed Limited Silver Box and the Hartwell Music Sentinel 88G) *(Packages includes both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 games, and access to every alpha and beta modules.) CCU'd Limited Standalone Ships*: Retaliator Bomber > $265 - LTI Esperia Blade > $250 - LTI Vanguard Warden > $250 - LTI Banu Merchantman > $250 - LTI Xi'an Khartu-al > $170 - LTI Cutlass Blue > $180 - LTI Vanguard Harbinger** > $290 - LTI Vanguard Sentinel** > $270 - LTI *(Unless otherwise stated, all ships are upgraded from a LTI Dragonfly or P72). **(Buy both ships and get a Warden BUK with 2 years insurance for free) . Original Sale & Limited Standalone Ships: Origin M50 Interceptor > $130 - LTI (ON HOLD) Aegis Sabre > SOLD Hull B > $120 - LTI Hull C > $250 - LTI Origin 350R > $150 - LTI Drake Herald > $115 - LTI Cutlass Pirate Pack > $150 - LTI Origin 890 Jump > $900 - LTI MISC Endeavor Master Set* > $1200 - LTI *(The Master Set contains one of every module available, as well as the base ship. All of them with LTI). Upgrades: Taurus to Sabre > $40 325A to Warlock > $30 Retaliator Cargo Front Module LTI > $50 Retaliator Living Front Module LTI > $50 F7A Military Hornet upgrade > SOLD RSI Credits*: $275 credits > $220 (Available soon) *(RSI credits will be sent in the form of an Aurora ES standalone (6 month insurance) upgraded to a Constellation Aquila or Andromeda.) (Every lot purchased after the first goes at 75% of melt. Buy all three lots available for $630). Suscriber Flair and Special Items: Mr. Refinement’s Cabinet of Rare & Exquisite Spirits > $6 Takuetsu Origin M50 > $6 Takuetsu Starfarer > $6 Locker from Another Universe > $6 Takuetsu RSI Constellation Phoenix 2944 > $6 StellarSonic JukeBox > $6 Takuetsu MISC Freelancer MIS 2944 > $6 UEE Calendar > $6 Model II Arclight Sidearm > $20 Trophy - PAX Australia 2944 > $20 Gamescom 2945 Subscriber Hangar Trophy > $20 All prices are in USD dollars with PayPal fees included. After payment of invoice, the purchased items will be gifted to your Paypal email. I'm an experienced trader here in SCB, /u/starcitizen_trades, eBay and several other forums.
  20. For Sale -----SOLD ----Phoenix LTI Upgraded from PACKAGE - HORNET F7C - LTI -Physical Colonel with collectors Deluxe Green Box - Price $600 - ALSO CONTAINS: ⍟ Starting Money: 5,000 UEC ⍟ Lifetime Insurance ⍟ Deluxe Green Collector's Box ⍟ Spaceship-shaped USB Drive ⍟ CD of Game Soundtrack ⍟ Glossy Fold-up Star Map ⍟ Hardback Squadron 42 Manual ⍟ Legacy Alpha ⍟ Squadron 42 Digital Download ⍟ Star Citizen Digital Download ⍟ Digital Star Citizen Manual Also for Sale Banu Merchantman LTI CCU'd from P72 - $270-----SOLD ---- Original P72 LTI Price $55-----SOLD ---- STANDALONE SHIP - AURORA LX - LTI Price $50-----SOLD ---- Terms ⍟ Must be PayPal Verified ⍟Buyer pays PayPal Fees ⍟ If middleman is required buyer covers fees ⍟ Invoice will be provided ⍟ Ship will be gifted to your PayPal email ⍟ Gift must be claimed within 24 hours ⍟ My Trading History Click the links below then (CTL + F) search for mr52jen to see my feedback - may have to check back a few pages March February January October September
  21. misawa2me

    Want to Sell Ship Sale

    For Sale all LTI Rear Admiral w/Phoenix pkg: $350 Banu Merchantman Stand Alone: $225 Retaliator: $250 Weekend Warrior pkg: $175 Gladiator: $125
  22. Package DIGITAL PIRATE - LTI upgraded to Banu MM or ESPERIA BLADE or VANGUARD WARDEN Verified Paypal Only.
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