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Found 23 results

  1. Good afternoon, I am putting up for sale my REAL ADMIRAL - LTI and RSI AURORA - LTI packages as after 8 years of waiting it has reached a point where the game no longer motivates me. It can be purchased as a whole pack or separately. Both packages have lifetime insurance. REAL ADMIRAL - LTI - $510 USD + PayPal fees. RSI AURORA - LTI - $90 USD + PayPal fees. PACK REAL ADMIRAL - LTI + RSI AURORA - LTI - $580 USD + PayPal fees. All prices are negotiable. Payment will be through Paypal platform. Thank you!
  2. Because I don't have time to spend on Star Citizen and I recently sold my gaming pc, I want to sell my Original Backer account from back in 16-10-2012. Not only did I receive all of pledge goal gifts, I have also been a centurion subscriber for some time. Over the years I have been buying LTI ships, melting them, rebuying them etc.. so that's why I am not able to sell the ships seperately anymore and why I want to sell the whole account instead. The LTI ship packages that are active in the account right now are the original Rear Admiral LTI backer package with physical goodies and the Endeavor Hope Class LTI with two LTI modules, namely the General Research and the Fuel Pod. If you like other ships better then there is still the possibility of melting one or two packages and then Buying Back another LTI ship, like for instance Banu Merchantman, Origin 890 Jump, Class C or RSI Orion. See below for screenshots of all the items and buy back options. For all this I think 1000$ is a fair price. Selling only to verified PayPal. As you can see on my profile in the past I sold some ships and only have received positive feedback. These are all the items in the account: And these are the Buy Back options: Apparantly HTML code is not working, so you have to click the link to see each picture in the hidden contents section..
  3. I'm an original Star Citizen backer, but I've recently gotten married and am not really playing games at all anymore. So, at this point, I can't imagine getting into Star Citizen if/when it ever comes out. I'd like to sell my original Rear Admiral LTI Game Package, which includes a Signed Deluxe Silver Collector's Box. $680 CAD ($510 USD) + PayPal fees.
  4. Need money for other ship For a mere 400 bucks she could be yours! Also willing to trade for an Orion LTI
  5. Hi! Just logged into my 3 year old SC account to find out I can gift my Constellation Andromeda I paid 275$ for. I have stopped playing this game so I am looking to sell the whole account or just the ship and I will gift it to the buyer. I also dont know how to sell an account so a buyer would have to walk me through that. If buyer can pay with BTC or ETH I can sell it for 139$
  6. (ONE SOLD) Hello! I have 3 2 Connies in stock as of now- all LTI. I accept PayPal USD and all Cryptocurrencies In order to buy: #Option 1 1. Visit my shop- purchase the product https://shoppy.gg/product/vpjHmxr 2. Contact me via Personal Message on forum or a query on shoppy.gg with your Order ID and email I should send gift to. 3. Enjoy your connie #Option 2 Contact me via Personal Message or discord ixerer#2712 GIF: https://gyazo.com/509f892beb7a0709626b447ba4755284 GIF: https://gyazo.com/794d1357fdca589a67ae57a26af2dc20
  7. Please PM me if you have an Andromeda to Redeemer CCU with a fair price. TY
  8. Hi all, Looking to sell my account and ARMADA package with LTI. Will be via paypal of course and will use escrow.com if you are concerned if you cover costs. Also includes a token for a buyback of a JUMP 890 with LTI. Looking to move this along. Thanks, T.
  9. jhutchpdx

    Want to Sell Multi-Ship Sale - LTI

    Hi guys, it has come time for me to unload my ships. New job, no time, need a new laptop. Notes: Some ships are CCU-d, some come with additional items. Prices include Paypal fee. Available Ships Buccaneer - LTI ($110) Constellation Andromeda - LTI ($225) Super Hornet - LTI ($165) Sabre - LTI ($170) 350R - LTI ($125) Freelancer MIS - LTI ($165) Merchantman - LTI ($250) Harbinger - LTI ($280) SENTINEL BATTLEFIELD UPGRADE KIT - ANNIVERSARY - 3 yr ($25) PM me if interested, I will update the above as sold I am Paypal verified, please be so as well I have done transactions through the site previously Invoice will be sent via Paypal for Payment Buyer's go first No Refunds once transaction is complete
  10. I've fallen a bit on hard times and it's become increasingly difficult to justify just sitting on a couple ships for a game that we don't know when it will release. So I'm throwing this up and seeing if anyone would be interested in my Connie Andromeda(Package) and/or Reliant Tana(LTI). Price is negotiable but I'll set it 250 for the Connie or 300 for both. The Reliant Tana isn't for sale by itself as that's the ship I'm most interested in keeping. Mods, I apologize if I've done something in error. I'll remove/edit to get it legit.
  11. WTS LTI Rear Admiral package - Original backer - sending as gift - I am the original owner. Phoenix upgrade not for sale anymore, sorry Price 405$ - Paypal only, buyer pays the fees, package is with nice set of physical extras. Long member of Paypal with clean record.
  12. Hello! I have some LTI ships for sale and though I only have one earlier trade on this site I do have a bunch on that other, grey market, site. CCU'd standalone ships: Reliant Sen (researcher) LTI $95 Drake Buccaneer LTI $109 Freelancer DUR LTI $119 Misc Prospector LTI $135 Constellation Taurus LTI $139 Xi'an Khartu-al LTI $165 Constellation Andromeda LTI $215 Drake Caterpillar LTI $229 Aegis Redeemer LTI $235 Constellation Aquila LTI $255 CCU Upgrades: Mustang Alpha to Dragonfly Black $9 Cutlass Black to Buccaneer $15 CCU = Cross-Chassis Upgrade. All ships are upgraded from either Drake Dragonfly LTI or P-72 Archimedes LTI. Prices include PayPal fees. PayPal invoice will be sent. Buyer must be PayPal verified, I am since 2008. If you are interested - send me a PM. Have a good day!
  13. Hello, this is an Early Rear Admiral Package with LTI. I am asking 275$. If interested: Please send me a PM with the following: (Paypal e-mail + RSI e-mail + RSI handle) Lastly, buyer must be Paypal verified & pay the invoice I send. -Thank You-
  14. Hey guys its me again This time I'd like to sell my Original backer Rear Admiral package LTI for 385$ since i bought another ship. I'd prefer to receive payment first via Paypal or bank transfer. Buyer pays any fees that might exist. I got some rep here and a couple more comments on my steam page. I'm also a regular star citizen streamer/youtuber (I have no interest in having bad rep). This is a huge vintage package with tons of nice physical extras. Here's a picture of this baby: I'd like to do this via Paypal using an Invoice. When you contact me, state your Paypal email address (for the invoice), RSI handle and RSI email address (for gifting). PayPal verified only. Show me some rep if possible. Ill post some screenshots later on! Please feel free to place any offers or questions via PM! Thanks! -ViLa Some pics:
  15. Nicely done amateur fan vid (modded in Cry Engine) - enjoy
  16. Split up into different post for ease
  17. So I'm trying to sell my Alpha Access Constellation Andromeda Physical Game Package along with the ship skins that I bought for it. I'm only interested in selling this to verified PayPal users. The prices are as follows: Constellation Andromeda Package - $275 USD Skins: $15 for all three or $5 each PM is preferred. Thanks for looking!
  18. slewjis

    Want to Buy WTB Constellation LTI

    Howdy guys! I've got the connie itch and am hoping to get one in LTI to match my LTI 325a and Freelancer MIS. I'm hoping to get a constellation andromeda or aquila. Please contact me with reasonable offers! Thanks.
  19. Looking to sell Rear Admiral LTI package. Comes with Alpha and Beta Access. I will entertain lower offers if you can prove my price is way too high. Payment through verified PayPal invoice. Price will include the PayPal fees, so it will be the above price listed and nothing more.
  20. Hey guys I am offering my Rear Admiral with LTI+Alpha up for sale for either $400 (fees included) via verified PayPal or for a Retaliator with LTI. Originally I was intending to keep it as I thought it was the only alpha-package I had. Turns out I still had an Aurora LN package with alpha/beta access as well. So if anyone wants to get their hands on a Rear Admiral LTI game package with alpha/beta and all the cool physical swag, let me know! Note: The Rear Admiral does not come with an RSI account, so if you'd like it in a separate account for trading or something you'd have to set one up yourself. Please note: the person wishing to trade needs to be a known individual on these forums and pay through verified Paypal. I reserve the right to choose who I will deal with
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