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  1. Not sure where to post this so please move if it's in the incorrect board! I decided to make myself a profile for my X52 Pro in Arena Commander and share it. The default config wasn't that great and I wanted easy access to the decouple mode, strafing buttons and the HUD modes. This is what I came up with The download is attached Just extract 'Star Citizen.pr0' to C:\Users\Public\Documents\SmartTechnology Profiles and right click on your Profiler icon in the taskbar and select 'Star Citizen' to enable it. This Profile requires that you have the default keyboard bindings. I hope this is of use to someone Oh by the way if anyone comes up with a use for the 'A' button (the one to the right of the missile button) please let me know! Edit: Amended Incorrect labelling of Stage 2 trigger Changed Cycle All Targets to Cycle All Hostiles. Added Raise Shield forward, reset shield, and Raise shield backward to slider on the throttle. Bugs: Group 4 doesn't seem to work. Either that or my lend lease 300i doesn't work properly! X52 Pro Arena Commander V0.8 Profile v2.rar
  2. I have gone through several changes on my HOTAS over the past day. Finally, I just printed a dozen blanks to make it easier to keep track of things until I stop moving things around and am happy with the setup. I had previously made PRINTABLE defaults from the manual, but they are already obsolete, so no hope there. I imagine that as the modules are released we will be expanding on what we can do with these controls. This may assist you in keeping track of any changes you or CIG make in the future. So here are some Printable Blanks that you can fill in and use for reference as you set up your XML control files. - DRUM out EDIT Sept 9,2016: Cheat Sheets added at: https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/9923-printable-blanks-for-hotas-and-other-controllers/?do=findComment&comment=338668 Here are the Default FPS Keys in a printer friendly format. (May 11,2015) - Dec 12,2015 near end of PAGE 2 Blank Keypad Controller Blank Joystick Blank Warthog Hotas NEW Detailed WARTHOG (thanks @typicalmale) 4-18-2015 Blank X52 Hotas Blank X55 Hotas Blank X55 Thruster ONLY ADDED G940 7/3/2014: Blank G940 NEW SCU 2.0 Flight Keyboard (Dec 12,2015) ROLL YOUR OWN KEYBOARD - Total Blank for those heavy modified key binds...
  3. Zhoriax

    Feedback Wanted help, X52 pro setup

    Hey guys,Last friday I received my x52 pro flight hotas, I've been playing the game the whole weekend to train myself with flying it.I really like my new toy, but in-game I cannot properly line-up with a target. The first 30% when I move my stick are good, but then it suddenly moves the ship fiercely in a direction. I've been trying settup up curves in-game to solve this but unfortunately no luck with that. As for E.S.P. I don't have any feeling that it is actually helping/ working. I'd like to have some help with a proper setup as when I'm playing battle royale, I can be happy if I can land a couple of shots.
  4. Has anyone got a profile for the x52 pro for Freespace 2? I tried to find one in this big black hole called internet, but most links seem to be dead.
  5. Greetings Imperium friends! I've never used a joystick or HOTAS before in my life, but I'm looking to take the plunge for SC. I have been able to find a second-hand Saitek X52 in great condition for around $100 (a new one from the cheapest store + delivery would cost $170 in Australia). Would an X52 be a good option for someone new to the whole joystick/HOTAS setup? If anyone currently owns an X52 or has extensive experience with HOTAS in general, I would love to hear your opinions. The X52 has very mixed reviews, so I am quite unsure about whether or not to purchase it. Never having used a HOTAS before, I will probably not be as discerning as most people, so slight imperfections will probably not bother me. However, major design flaws or shoddy build quality are definitely a concern for me. I'm keen to know your thoughts... ------------------------------------------ Please note: If the X52 is not a good option and people want to suggest something else, I have been doing a lot of research online (of both standalone joysticks and HOTAS setups) and have had the following thoughts: - As I don't really know whether I'll be able to adjust to it, I would like to set a price limit of $100 on whatever I buy. If I really get into using a a joystick/HOTAS, I'm happy to spend big when PU launches. Therefore this price limit removes the X52 Pro, X55 and Warthog from contention for now. - I really like the look of CH products and with my $100 price limit I could probably pick up a Combatstick, but can I use this as is? Without the twist in the joystick, how would I roll? - The Thrustmaster T.16000M is supposed to be a great sub-$100 joystick (technically speaking), but design-wise it looks clunky and the button placement is less than ideal (both on the stick and on the base). - The Saitek FLY 5 looks like a good option, but I'm worried it would tip over. - Although there are many people out there who rave about the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, a few trusted friends have told me that they really struggled with it... thoughts? Thanks in advance, Lesailles
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