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  1. Hey there Is there anyone who has one of those CCU's lying around that they aren't using and willing to sell/trade me one? Originally these ships were both the same price so back then you only had $0 CCUs; however, at some point CIG increased the price of the Super Hornet to $180 while the Gladiator remained at $165. Now I'm not sure if CIG ever offered a discounted Warbond CCU for the Super Hornet afterwards but otherwise I'd also be happy enough if one of you has a regular "Gladiator to Super Hornet" CCU that you are willing to sell or trade. I'd be more than happy to pay you for your troubles through Paypal or if you prefer Store Credit I'd also have no problem sending you some ingame items that you can then melt for Store Credit instead if you prefer that. Thanks!
  2. Super Hornet LTI Melt Value: 165$ USD https://ibb.co/KztM0j5 DRAKE Buccaneer LTI Melt Value: 110$ USD https://ibb.co/MpNBLT7 MISC Prospector LTI Melt Value: 140$ USD https://ibb.co/hy6XxB9 Cutlass Black 3 Month Insurance + SQ42. Melt Value: 115$ USD https://ibb.co/pbrRf9g DRAKE Caterpillar 6 Month insurance. Melt Value: 295$ USD https://ibb.co/dWmNqQ0 It's an overall melt value of 825$. The Account includes some Suits, decorative Items etc.. 1500 UEC and 125.573 REC as well. I want to sell it because in the future i will not have enough time to play. I will be a father in a few weeks. If you have any Questions feel free to contact me. I asking for 700$. Maybe less, feel free to message me, because im open for offers.
  3. [WTS] Weekend Warrior LTI up for sale Weekend Warrior LTI up for sale. I have bought this package way back in 2013 when Star Citizen was still fairly new. I am selling this package since I need to take care of my medical bills. I am sad to sell this package but I have got no other choice. Asking price is $190. https://imgur.com/a/M49F0E0 Package includes... F7C-M SUPER HORNET AEROVIEW HANGAR Starting Money: 5,000 UEC Lifetime Insurance Digital Game Soundtrack Digital Star Map Digital Squadron 42 Manual Digital Star Citizen Manual Legacy Alpha Squadron 42 Digital Download Star Citizen Digital Download Model II Arclight Sidearm Terms Payment via PayPal, the buyer sends funds then the ship will be gifted (sent) by me to the buyer You need to have RSI account You must be PayPal Verified The price is in USD I reserve the right to refuse/refund a transaction if any terms aren't met or there are any concerns as to your legitimacy How to buy Reply to this sale post expressing interest in an item / saying you've PMed me and then PM me. I will send a PayPal invoice to your PayPal email address The ship will be gifted to the same email address used to pay (PayPal email). No exceptions, sorry, this is to reduce scam risk. Note: It's possible to forward the gift email or claim a gift from an email address not linked to your RSI account My timezone is MST and I am busy during the weekdays. It might take several hours to a few days to answer your PM.
  4. I was hoping to find a Super Hornet that I could add to my hangar.
  5. WTS a few ships in my buyback as I have switched my focus in the org and won't need these. F7C-M SUPER HORNET - LTI Original Concept- $190 DRAKE VULTURE WARBOND - LTI Original Concept - $130 PACKAGE - DIGITAL PIRATE - Origin Concept LTI | $200
  6. I only accept verified PayPal. All are Standalone Ships (ccu'd from P-72) CCU'D Ships: P-72 Archimedes - 45$ Reliant LTI - 60$ Hull A LTI - 70$ Mustang Delta LTI - 75$ Hull B LTI - 100$ Freelancer Base LTI - 110$ 350R LTI - 125$ Cutlass Blue LTI - 150$ Retaliator Base LTI - 150$ Super Hornet LTI - 155$ Sabre LTI - 160$ Caterpillar LTI - 230$ Redeemer LTI - 235$ Price inkl Paypal-Fee Invoice via Paypal - Email and Handle requiered! no other offers accepted
  7. Ever start one of those missions to pick up some random box in space only to realize that your ship doesn't have a cargo hold? Well, now you don't have to worry about where to put that critical cargo or blackbox! Just "strap" it to the roof with our patent non-slip invisible roof rack! Don't worry, it won't come off in hyperspace either! All you need to worry about is how do you get it down from up there! NOW only 99,999 credits at your local dealer! Satire post, just found a funny bug in Star Citizen 3.0 while attempting to deliver a picked-up box in space. I was trying to see if I could put the box into the Co-pilot seat and it just "stuck" itself to the roof of the cockpit instead. Thought I'd share and see if anyone else got some amusement from this. EDIT: I was able to get it off the top when I sat in the co-pilot seat and quickly attempted to pick the box up as the cockpit started to close. It started to slide down the cockpit length at which I then exited the vehicle and I appeared suddenly standing on top of the hornet. I hopped down, delivered the box, and completed the mission!
  8. Greetings Citizens, I've really stepped in it this time, I love this account that I have built, but I dipped into my savings to do it. Then, of course, now being unemployed I can't make the rent, which is due in two weeks. So seeing as it's sell this account or end up on the streets, so it seems like a simple choice. I've picked up all my ships from grey market trades, as to get the LTIs, so I can't sell off single ships, so the entire account has to go. Ships: Anvil Carrack Anvil Terrapin Freelancer Max (Upgraded from Dragonfly) Super Hornet (Upgraded from Hornet Wildfire) MISC Prospector The UEE Explorer Package also includes both games Squadron 42 and Star Citizen. The total melt value for the account is $920, yours for $550. I'm PayPal Verified.
  9. Hello there i'm seeking you acquire a Super Hornet, if you have one and are looking to sell it please hit me up and let me know you asking price know that i have done my home work and know the low to high range so "think before you type for $" lol thanks for your time and hope to hear from you all soon
  10. Hi everybody, all my hornet tracker to super hornet upgrades I had within my hangar are gone. I paid them with real cash in 2016. Is this a known bug and RSI is working on it or should I contact support? Upgrades from Gladiator to Super Hornet are still there in my hangar. best regards, Fatalist242 sorry. false alarm. they are still there.
  11. SherKhan

    Want to Buy Super Hornet LTI

    Hi fellow citizens, I am looking for a Super Hornet LTI (ccu'ed or not) at the best possible price. I am Paypal Verified. As I am with a limited budget, I can also offer an unused 20€ steam card. Thanks for any offer. Beside this, if anyone is looking for webhosting. I still have both corporate coupons. I'll be happy to exchange one of them against a Super Hornet LTI...
  12. Kudos going out to StratoCrewzr for a great sale on Super Hornet! Wanted to fly super hornet and he got me one by selling me a Buccaneer with LTI and a Taurus to Super Hornet upgrade. I upgraded the Buccaneer to a Taurus then applied upgrade - result is I can fly Super Hornet with added benefit of melting back to the Buccaneer later when it's available. He also gave me a great deal on a Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket! Thanks StratoCrewzr!
  13. jhutchpdx

    Want to Sell Multi-Ship Sale - LTI

    Hi guys, it has come time for me to unload my ships. New job, no time, need a new laptop. Notes: Some ships are CCU-d, some come with additional items. Prices include Paypal fee. Available Ships Buccaneer - LTI ($110) Constellation Andromeda - LTI ($225) Super Hornet - LTI ($165) Sabre - LTI ($170) 350R - LTI ($125) Freelancer MIS - LTI ($165) Merchantman - LTI ($250) Harbinger - LTI ($280) SENTINEL BATTLEFIELD UPGRADE KIT - ANNIVERSARY - 3 yr ($25) PM me if interested, I will update the above as sold I am Paypal verified, please be so as well I have done transactions through the site previously Invoice will be sent via Paypal for Payment Buyer's go first No Refunds once transaction is complete
  14. spases

    Want to Buy WTB M50 Upgrade

    I am looking for a ship upgrade from an M50. The ship I'm looking for isn't set in stone yet, but I need a combat ship. Anyone out there have one?
  15. mr_leopoldus

    Want to Buy Super Hornet LTI

    Hello everyone, I would like to buy a Super Hornet with LTI. PM offers please! Thanks in advance! Greetings, Leopold!
  16. So I've recently come out of hibernation to try out the 2.5 Patch and I'm having a little trouble with the 325a. The guns are powerful but hard to control. While practicing, my main strategy has been to line up the lead/lag on the wing mounted guns, pop off a couple shots and then line up the gimbal mounted gun when an enemy ship makes a hard turn. I've yet to try locking the gimbal mount and firing all guns with lead/lag aiming. In any case, I noticed the Super Hornet comes with 2 gimbals and 2 unmanned turrets, which seems like it would be much easier to use in combat. If anyone has any tips for the 325a I would greatly appreciate them; however, I was also considering a possible upgrade. If the Super Hornet ever goes back on sale would I be able to directly upgrade my Digital Bounty Hunter - LTI (325a) game package to a Super Hornet and keep all the extras as well as the LTI? If the hornet doesn't come back, can I upgrade my 325a to another eligible ship and retain the LTI? Disclaimer: I searched the forums for 10 or 15 minutes and this is the most relative sub-forum I found to pose this question
  17. Hello, I'm selling my Super Hornet with Lifetime Insurance. Asking Price is 200$ paypal fees included. Only trading with verified paypal Accounts. I'm also willing to exchange it for a Sabre LTI. Pls pm me or leave a comment if interested. Best regards Ex
  18. Selling: Weekend Warrior - LTI Package $190 Contains: F7C-M Super Hornet and 11 items ALSO CONTAINS: Starting Money: 5,000 UEC Lifetime Insurance Digital Game Soundtrack Digital Star Map Digital Squadron 42 Manual Digital Star Citizen Manual Legacy Alpha Squadron 42 Digital Download Star Citizen Digital Download Model II Arclight Sidearm Sold: BANU MM LTI You pay all additional fee's. PayPal secure only. Payment to clear before package is gifted. Selling cause I have too many packages already. Price is set. PM with paypal email for invoice if you are interested in buying. Confirmed sales :https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/comments/3ymx7m/wtblti_multicrew_ship_max_200_usd/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/comments/3uyy2c/psa_confirmed_trades_thread_december_2015/cyevmcc
  19. I'm always interested in hearing peoples thoughts on Super Hornet Loadouts. That said, I understand that fixed ballistic spam is the way of the SHornet atm. But the issue I'm seeing, is there isn't too many intelligent alternatives out there for fixed weapon players aside from Panther/Omni6, TripMantis/Ballistic. Granted, because it's alpha and by tomorrow all the stats could say a completely different story. But today, it is what it is. I notice that ATM Full Energy loadouts for fixed weapons, with close PIP, that Super Hornets are pretty damn lacking in educated choices across the board. To make the problem worse, the high velocity of energy weapons really poorly connects on all levels with the slower ballistic weapons, unless you want to rotate PIP. Science aside, at this stage, I feel S Hornets are very very limited on fixed hybrid builds because of this. With the majority of enemy ships out there being paper airplanes with decent shields, I don't think we'll see a stray from full ballistic builds in SHornet pvp. Personally, I'm not a fan of 3Mantis for fixed, but then again I'm also not an ace. (yet ) I don't have the aiming talent to commit that much firepower to 3 seconds into cooldown consistently, and I definitely wouldn't recommend it to a new or like-new player. Rather, if you're stuck really wanting a ballistics build, try something like this: “MTL Build” Ballistic (Speed/RateOFire/Damage/DPS/Range/Spread/RoundsTillOverheat) 2 Mantis (1510/900/100/1,500/5662/3.0/50) 2 Tarantula (1510/160/100/266/5662/.25/517) 2 Longsword on Mount (1600/240/42/168/5120/.25/--) Attach T and L, put M in it's own group. T and L is your bread and butter DPS, save the mantis bursts as a penalty on your target for single vector flight, 180 degree Afterburns, against jousters, and other breaches of flight etiquette. Once you've effected their mobility, those mantis penalty opportunities will be a bit more frequent. ((To push the question-ability of hybrids further, and I may just be ignorant (very possible), but I've yet to find a damage modifier for energy weapons vs armor. I know it's been often stated that a big ballistic benefit is it's seepage (%50) through shields with a normalization against armor, and that energy was normalized through shields but was buffed against armor. Does anyone know the base formula for energy against armor?)) ========================================================================= ========================================================================= That said, take me to school. I'm interested where I'm going wrong. Are Hybrid builds viable? Is PIP rotating going to be a realistic thing for the average Super Hornet Pilot? Will it create a realistic advantage for the skilled pilot, or just look nice on paper? Is there an energy build that is fixed and in the same league as Panther/Omni? Does energy have a place in PVP aside from being more ammo friendly and long fight friendly? Or will it stay in PVE, where you can easily solo to wave 15 with slap together energy builds? Nom nom nom, knowledge.
  20. LTI Super Hornet for only $199! Trusted trader and middleman! Guaranteed fast and smooth trade! Super Hornet LTI - $189 SOLD Super Hornet LTI - $189 SOLD Super Hornet LTI - $189 SOLD
  21. SOLD TO ORGMATE! I have decided this ship is too valuable to me at present but i'm known to change my mind a lot on my fleet list. WEEKEND WARRIOR - LTI with additional F7A MILITARY HORNET UPGRADE as a package deal. At present i'd prefer to sell them as a combo pack. Let me know if there is anyone who is interested in buying them individually. Note: The F7A Hornet Upgrade was only sold within a 24hr period and was never sold again. Very rare chassis upgrade. "The upgrade packs will ultimately change the fuselage of your F7M Hornet to match the F7A. If you have a Hornet variant (like the Tracker, Ghost or Super Hornet) the upgrade can be applied to change the styling without eliminating your additional upgrade modules. This is more than a skin; in the game world, it’s an after-market fuselage update kit; we’ll be updating the whole geometry of the ship. (Please note that the upgrades will not appear in your Hangar module immediately, as we are continuing to update the look of the military Hornet.)" Contents Inculde: F7A MILITARY HORNET UPGRADE ATTRIBUTED Created:November 10, 2013 Contains:F7A Military Hornet Upgrade Anvil Aerospace (ANVL) WEEKEND WARRIOR - LTI ATTRIBUTED Created:October 23, 2013 Contains:F7C-M Super Hornet and 12 items Starting Money: 5,000 UEC Lifetime Insurance Digital Game Soundtrack Digital Star Map Digital Squadron 42 Manual Digital Star Citizen Manual Beta Access Alpha Access Squadron 42 Digital Download Star Citizen Digital Download Model II Arclight Sidearm
  22. Hi all, I am selling off my full account with following items. I am looking for 800 USD for all of these. Please PM your offer or whatever. 1. Package - F7C-M Super Hornet (6 Month Insurance) 2. Module Passes - Arena Commander 3. CF-Series Laser Repeater - CF-227 Panther Repeater x 2 items 4. Standalone Ship - Anvil Carrack (LTI) 5. Some 4,000 UEC Thanks! Ryan **Disclaimer:** (1) Account sales are in clear violation of RSI's terms of service, and are at high risk of being terminated at any time (2) The original owner will remain the legal owner of the account except in specific jurisdiction where local laws that supersede RSI's EULA allows for account transfers I (seller) promise to abandon my account, agreeing to never attempt to recover said account via RSI or any other means. As per RSI's EULA all accounts remain the original account owner and RSI's sole property
  23. Please Pm me with a price i have the ghost and would like to add a ball gimbal that is all.. .... F... please ignore the title of this thread.
  24. Hi guys, selling some stuff! 1. F7C-R TRACKER TO F7C-M SUPER HORNET UPGRADE can be used for many ships via series of CCU available on the RSI.com now 41 Eur/45 USD______________________________________ 2. MISC Hull-A LTI 72.5 Eur/80 USD I'm Paypal Verified, so must be you. Selling via invoice. (price +pp fees) To speed up selling process, if you want item - send me a PM with item you want, and your paypal e-mail, I will send invoice here, and RSI link with item to your email after payment. Had plenty of successful trades here - both as buyer and seller.
  25. Tracker to Super hornet UPG._______________30$ (melt 25$) All Gone Misc Hull-A______________________________65$ (melt 60$) Super Hornet 6 Month insurance____________165$ (melt 165$) Gladiator 6 Month insurance________________165$ (melt 165$) Cutlass Blue 6 Month insurance_____________150$ (melt 150$) * cutlass Blue contain the Advocacy tools (baton and restrain system) upgraded from auroras no more Items availble
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