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Found 13 results

  1. Anyone can join. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/stciba
  2. With SC 3.0 being played out and everyone waiting for 3.1 to drop, several of us have been hitting World of Warships (WOW) pretty hard these past couple months. I wanted to join a clan but preferred to hang out here on Imperium/Star Citizen Base TeamSpeak with my homies rather than go somewhere else for WOW clan battles. Sooooo, I dropped $14 bucks yesterday and created an UNOFFICIAL Imperium/Star Citizen Base World of Warships Clan just for us. I figured it would be a good avenue for those interested in playing WOW to come and play with us and perhaps end up joining Imperium in the end. I'll gladly hand over the reigns to the CLAN at any point if someone in the higher ranks of Imperium prefers it to be managed by Imperium Admin. It's pretty much casual play right now and even if you aren't interested in playing Clan battles, simply joining will give you advantages in game with XP multipliers and other various advantages. So by joining and then even playing solo, you'll be contributing towards the Clan's income and it will afford the Clan to progress and grow. So please join if you are a WOW player! To find and join the clan: Go to your PORT and once their look for your "CLAN" tab at the very top of the screen....just below BATTLE and to the right. Once in the CLAN area, do a search for IMPERIUM-STAR CITIZEN BASE and click on application/apply. You'll be approved as soon as one of the other several members' fires up their WOW client and sees the pending application. The Clan Tag is [-IMP-].
  3. The Star Citizen Base social accounts for the most part have been pretty stale for months. Now, with the new functionality from IP.Board, we're able to quickly "promote" topics and posts to social media in just a few clicks. Just a heads up to start following them again if you'd like. https://www.facebook.com/starcitibase/ https://twitter.com/StarCitizenBase
  4. Found the Imperium teamspeak server like this. Congratulations.
  5. Hello. Its Muff1n. I decided to join up with you guys. i have played with you a lot over the past week to get a feel for you guys and i think it would be a good group to hang out with. I also sent in an application to join in with Imperium through the RSI website. my current ships: carrack, connie, civilian hornet, Military hornet, M50, Sabre. Though im not sure if i will keep the sabre. What i intend to do in the verse: I want to play as a bounty hunter role and do a lot of exploration. I really enjoy PVE as well so ill do a lot of AI fights
  6. Another Meeting done - and here's the notes! We sadly don't record these, but with these handy notes, you'll know enough to be dangerous around the community! Feel free to share with the folks that missed it Imperium Flight Events Thursdays at 2100 UTC and Sundays at 1800 UTC Planetside Twosdays Every Tuesdays and Fridays - check Teamspeak for the folks playing Team Fortress 2 Night Saturdays at 2200 UTC Team Building Games Overwatch up for Pre-Order - $40 for PC - $60 for Consoles Arma 3 - Ricko's going to create a event / group to have fun in Arma 3! Get in touch if you are interested! Community Content Creators: Death Flight (by a few monkeys) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOBnaxpHrpA @missionAvs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFlloCjMDcIThanks to that, Mission AVS gets himself a $25 gift card - get in touch with me monkey! MVP: OSTIA - https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/17819-preparing-for-20/#comment-305715 Social Media - Support us there! Imperium Twitter - https://twitter.com/imperium Imperium Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/imperiumfleet
  7. Hello folks! Less than 50 minutes before the start of the meeting - I am starting to topic to dump the information after the meeting right here for folks to see! So stay tuned and get with us on TS! Well that was a great meeting! Thanks to all the folks that participated and showed some interest! And congrats to @Leviwest for winning the $25 Gift Card from @Swift. And without further delay - here are the topics that were covered during the meeting: Imperium Flight Events Thursdays at 2000 UTC and Sundays at 1500 UTCPlanetside Playdays Every Tuesdays - check Teamspeak for the folks playingTeam Building Games Space Engineer - A lot of new content coming - including planetside stuff - keep an eye on that! No Man Sky - October 27th - something big will happened about this game - keep an eye on that as well!Community Content Creators: Uncanny Citizens - Doopsums informs us that episode TWO is coming Soon(TM)!HydroBigBang - Check out HydroBigBang's twitch channel - or when he's streaming on TrackIR's official channel - http://www.twitch.tv/HydroBigBangSnowOwl’s Stories - https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/16506-imperium-to-hell-and-back-by-snowowl-chapter-1-3/Voa’s Stories - https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/17445-fear-and-loathing-in-lost-vega-the-hobo-station-the-clustilation-the-vanduul/Connie giveaway tomorrow on The Base by SDevoti from SCB - Tune in starting at 10am EDT | 1400 UTC at http://www.twitch.tv/thebaseradio or http://www.thebase.sc Don't forget to check out our wonderful Portal! http://portal.starcitizenbase.com And finally, Movie Night! The topic came up about having a Movie Night in two weeks - right after the next community meeting - which is planned for November 7th at 2100 UTC. So go ahead and fill the thread with suggestions and we'll get a poll going after we have a few suggested movies! I'll start with my suggestion: Serenity!
  8. Folks, Thank you all for the patience you have shown me yesterday with our very first community meeting! We had a GREAT turnout way above my expectations and it's almost flattering. If you missed it, we have a recording available somewhere - @rellim may shine some light on that! RELLIM!!!! *ahem* Found it! https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/17413-special-meeting-on-october-7th-2130-utc/#comment-298274 As discussed during the meeting yesterday, I am looking for feedback for when we should have our next meeting. Now a lot of people said these should be bi-weekly, and that works with me! But the tricky part is which day of the week to do this? Now if I did this right, there should be a poll coming up with this post which will let you select a day in the week and a time. Please Please Please take note that the popular vote will no necessarily win, because it has to work with my busy schedule, but what this will do is give me a better understanding of the availability of your fine folks. Anywho, enough jabering, and on with the fun!
  9. Masokas


    Hey Guys, I haven't really posted much lately, but that doesn't mean I haven't been on the base. I'm here catching up (or lurking) at least once a week. I just wanted to say that I'm super grateful to have a competent group of enthusiasts like you guys on SCB and in Imperium. It's really nice to have a place to go for extensive amounts of reliable Starcitizen information and insightful discourse. So. Thanks. :-)
  10. Greetings Star Citizen Base! As you may have read in Imperium´s monthly report for March, HR was hard at work to establish a way to recognize and promote quality here on the Star Citizen Base forums. We are now happy to announce the introduction of the MVP (Most Valuable Post) system on SCB! Similar to RSI every one of you is able to nominate one or more posts for MVP. Each month HR will go through all submitted nominations and announce a winner in the respective monthly report, starting with May. The winner will receive a badge he or she can show off under their avatar and a hangar flair item as a token of appreciation for building our community. We are looking forward to your nominations! Below is a short FAQ that should clarify all questions you may have. If anything is still unclear or if you have other feedback please reply to this thread. FAQ: How exactly am I able to nominate posts? Once you see a particular post or thread that you think really stands out, is unique and/or encouraged a healthy discussion you can nominate it for MVP either by filling out this form (preferably) or by sending a PM to a member of HR with a link to the post/thread you want to nominate. A list of all current HR members can be found here: Who is eligible? Everyone registered on SCB. If someone should get nominated who usually would take part in the judgment process (for example an HR officer) he or she will be excluded from that particular month´s decision making process. Where is the winner going to be announced? In the HR part of Imperiums monthly report on http://starcitizenbase.com/. You can find all previous winners and the winning posts right here:
  11. Here's a sneak peek at an additional skin soon to be offered here at Star Citizen Base. The original and current skin will be left as the default, this will be offered as an alternative.
  12. Hello, everyone! Nice site you have here, I have been lurking but haven't yet introduced myself. I am SomniumMortus with the Black Widow Company! Looking forward to playing Star Citizen! It's a great thing you have going on here, and I know personally I have found some information on the game and images of ships I've yet to see elsewhere. Thanks for having me ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  13. The Fan Spotlight is back and we would be remiss if we didn’t celebrate the granddaddy of all Star Citizen fan sites: the Star Citizen Base forums! Star Citizen Base is unquestionably the busiest Star Citizen fan community out there and they provide an attractive and well-organized unofficial forum for fans to gather and talk about the game. The SCB mods do an excellent job of keeping their site running and the Citizens there do a wonderful job of organizing all the disparate news sources about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. While you should always post to the official forums if you want your voice heard, the Cloud Imperium team also watches Star Citizen Base very carefully! Is there a fan or a project you’d like to see in a future Fan Spotlight? Let us know below! And be sure to tune in tomorrow for the next episode of Wingman’s Hangar!
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