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Found 6 results

  1. A bunch of good info in this video (many picked up on the F8 Lightning news - but much more is in it). A big thing that will define the game is Professions and Guilds + earning Badges. CR has talked about it before but has not elaborated to this degree on it.... which also highlights how important S42 will be towards your starting Rep in the PU. See about 16:20m into vid.
  2. A bunch of good info in this video (many picked up on the F8 Lightning news - but much more is in it). A big thing that will define the game is Professions and Guilds + earning Badges. CR has talked about it before but has not elaborated to this degree on it.... which also highlights how important S42 will be towards your starting Rep in the PU. See about 16:20m into vid.
  3. As this position can be seen in all three of the current subdivisions of Professions, I thought it should have it's own tab to deal with commanding multi-crew ships as well as strike groups, squadrons, battle groups and the like. There is plenty to discuss here, and if it comes to larger orgs I am sure this can be considered a profession on its own considering the complexity of managing multiple ships both capital and strike craft and understanding space combat ect. On the smaller side discussing the ability of commanders in ships like the Reclaimer, Starfarrer and even the Constellation would make this a rather larger sub thread if created. There is plenty of theory crafting I have on tactics and abilities.
  4. I think this is a complete list of jobs in Star Citizen, are there any more? http://citizensteve15.blogspot.com/2015/12/star-citizen-careers.html
  5. Alaris

    Ship Roles

    What does everyone think? And are there missing ships? Exploration Trade & Industry Combat Ops Ilegal Multiple Other Exploration Light: Aurora ES, Aurora LX, 315p Exploration Mid-Long: Freelancer, Constellation, Retaliator (mod needed), Zeus, Carrack, 890 Jump Light Fighting: Aurora MR, Aurora LN, 300i, 315p, 325a, F7a Hornet, Avenger, Mustang, Gladius Medium Fighting: F7c, Link(bomber), Voids(bomber), Cutlass Heavy Fighting: F7c-M Super, Gladiator, Retaliator(bomer) Stealth: F7c-s Ghost Tracking: F7c-r Tracker Training: Avenger Trainer Light Cargo: Aurora CL, Aurora LX, 315p, Gladiator, F7c Hornet Medium Cargo: Cutlass, Freelancer, Retaliator (30 t), T-XIII Heavy Cargo: Constellation, Starfarer, Banu Merchantman, Mover Transport, Tomahawks, Caterpillar Short Range Cargo: Aurora CL, 315p, Gladiator, F7c Hornet Mid Range Cargo: Cutlass, T-XIII, Aurora LX, Long Range Cargo: Freelancer, Constellation, Starfarer, Retaliator, Banu Merchantman, Mover Transport, Tomahawks Scouting: Avenger, 325a, 350r, M50, Cutlass, Xi-An Scout, Khartu Pirates: Cutlass, Freelancer, Constellation, Caterpillar Bounty Hunter: Avenger, Freelancer, Constellation, Cutlass Racing: 350r, M50 Information Runner: 315p, Aurora LX, Avenger, Herald Search & Rescue: Starfarer, Cutlass Diplomacy: Freelancer, Caterpillar, Constellation, Starfarer, Banu Boarding: Crawler, Caterpillar Salvage: 315p, Cutlass, Gladiator(10t), Retaliator, Starfarer(72t), Surveyor Smuggling: Caterpillar, Freelancer, Constellation, Cutlass, Hull C Passanger/Taxi: Freelancer, Cutlass, Constellation, Retaliator (mod needed), 890 Jump Resources: Starfarer(gas), Harvester Carrier(all), Surveyor(salvage), Orion(mining), Harvester(mining), Spider-shaped industrial- -mining tool Colinization: Artemis Living Quarters: Cutlass, Freelancer, Constellation, Retaliator (mod needed) Support Fleet: Cutlass, Constellation, Retaliator, Starfarer, Vanduul Scythe, P-52 Merlin, Panther Escort Carrier, Escort carrier Fleet Ships: Idris, Idris-p, Javelin Destroyer, Bengal Class Carrier, Escort Carrier, Kingship, Hunter Destroyer, Xi’An Oracle Class Carrier, Destroyer(Biggest purchasable ship in the game), Mauler Cruiser MultiFunction: Constellation, No idea: Buccaneer, Torch, X-7, Fiera, Cestus, Cruiser, Raider, Dropship, Utility Ship *updated *List below donated by Valenquo, only ships used from ship stats page on RSI website. 10 to 25 meters: The fighters. (one or two pilots, versatile, often adaptable) Fighter Class Includes all variants: Aurora Series, 300 Series, m50, Hornet Series, Avenger, Vanduul Scythe, Gladiator, p-52 Merlin, Herald, : Mustang, Qhire Khartu-al 29 to 50 meters: The small ships (Freelancer and Cutlass - Small enough to 1-2 crew but large enough for advanced operations) Small Ship Class : Cutlass, Freelancer, 55 to 80 meters: The multi-role ships (great for small crews and general mission platforms - the flag ship of most group) Medium Ship Class :Caterpillar, Retaliator, Constellation, 890 Jump, Carrack, Orion, Surveyor 90 to 225 meters: The Haulers ( small crew, lots of value transported) Large Ship Class :starfarer, Hull C, Merchantman, 240 meters and up: The Capital ships (large crew, lots of offence and defense, heavy in logistics) Capital Ship Class :Idris,
  6. Since we aren't sure how multiple characters will be working are you planning to have multiple ships for many specific purposes? In most, more traditional MMOs, you can start multiple characters. So I'll have a healer, tank, and dps or 2 for when I feel like swithing things up. Sure, one will be my main, but the others are always there. In SC it seems that wont be an option. Perhaps you'll need multiple accounts if you want to be a pirate on one, and a Citizen on another. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but think I'll be ok just staying mostly on the side of the law with my character. But I'll still get bored if I'm only flying missions in one ship. My current ship plan is: Constellation - exploration missions, shipping a lot of cargo, and flying in groups when my friends might want to join on my ship. I also hope that this ship will allow me to solo a bit more out in the open galaxy to find new things. Hornet - straight up dog fighting. I probably wont be a huge dog fighter, but I'm sure there will be times when I'll want to just go shoot things. This ship will also be for me to help escort my friends when they are doing their own shipping missions. M50 - still not 100% sure how will work, but I'm really hoping that this ship will be able to be my spy / scout. I'd like to use it to follow other ships and gain information on their mining / shipping / etc. routes either to sell to competitors, or for my guild to use. So what's your plan? Include ships you do have, or plan on getting once the game comes out. How will you have 'alts' when you have only one character to play?
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