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  1. Not sure where to post this so please move if it's in the incorrect board! I decided to make myself a profile for my X52 Pro in Arena Commander and share it. The default config wasn't that great and I wanted easy access to the decouple mode, strafing buttons and the HUD modes. This is what I came up with The download is attached Just extract 'Star Citizen.pr0' to C:\Users\Public\Documents\SmartTechnology Profiles and right click on your Profiler icon in the taskbar and select 'Star Citizen' to enable it. This Profile requires that you have the default keyboard bindings. I hope this is of use to someone Oh by the way if anyone comes up with a use for the 'A' button (the one to the right of the missile button) please let me know! Edit: Amended Incorrect labelling of Stage 2 trigger Changed Cycle All Targets to Cycle All Hostiles. Added Raise Shield forward, reset shield, and Raise shield backward to slider on the throttle. Bugs: Group 4 doesn't seem to work. Either that or my lend lease 300i doesn't work properly! X52 Pro Arena Commander V0.8 Profile v2.rar
  2. Hello Once More @Imperium Members! This month we’ll be continuing the format from last time! In case you missed it, here is the explanation of the changes and some new information related to how Game Days will operate in the near future: We wanted to improve the experience of Game Day overall and felt that with Star Citizen in its current state just doesn’t warrant the amount of effort that we had once been able to put into it. IE. Custom Scenarios, Hype Trailers, Streaming, Competitions. Eventually that will change again and we can get back to the game that we are so anxiously awaiting. Until that time we would like to keep Game Day’s focus as a team building event that gives us a regular time each month that we can set aside to play games as an org. You’ll notice at the top of this post there is a poll with several games as options. If you plan on taking part in this Game Day, please vote for your favorite choice from this list, and those that play in the chosen game will be added into a raffle! The poll will close on this next Friday, the 25th of May. You’ll still be free to join in with anyone else that would be playing Star Citizen, so don’t worry if you don’t have any of the games in the list. If you would like to suggest game to play together as an org on future Game Day’s please leave us suggestions in this thread and we will add them to the poll for the next event. We’ll also be shortening the duration of Game Day for this month. Instead of 1600 UTC through 0400 UTC, we’ll be starting at 1800 UTC and run to 0400 UTC. Joining Game Day For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on Teamspeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com), and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! Raffles As for most other Game Day’s, we will be providing raffles for participants that play games in Star Citizen. However, this month we will be only conducting a participation raffle, so if you join any Star Citizen games created by other Imperium members, you’ll be entered into the raffle! As mentioned above, we will also be conducting a participation raffle for the winning game from the poll. Said game will have several TS channels created for players to meet up and play together, and doing so will enter you into this second raffle as well! Since we are hosting two games at once, be sure to check in with an officer or specialist that your name was added to the raffle of the game you played in! (As much as we may pretend otherwise, our Game Day hosts are still human, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on your chance to win free stuff) The prizes for both raffles will be $10 Star Citizen gift cards, and the winners of the raffles will be PM’d in the following week to confirm their prizes. New to Star Citizen? Read this post for information on the game and our Game Days:
  3. Hey guys, I just picked up a Steam Controller during the Steam Holiday Sale, and I was wondering if anyone has used a Steam Controller for Star Citizen? I'll probably want to stick with my HOTAS for Arena Commander (maybe?) but I was wondering if a gamepad-style controller (and the Steam Controller in particular) might work better during the first-person sections of Star Citizen (FPS combat, and simply running around planet/station-side before you get in your ship & fly off). Since I've never done dual-controllers before, is it hard to switch between a gamepad and HOTAS? Can you run both controller schemes simultaneously?
  4. Hello, As the title suggests, i'm selling 3 Mustang Omega Game packages. All packages include full (digital) access to star citizen, squadron42 and arena commander Prices : Mustang Omega = €115 Prices are ALL-in, so they include all the paypal fees. Feel free to make me an offer (also trade offers) Verified on reddit : My Ebay : http://www.ebay.nl/usr/hd050store?_trksid=p2047675.l2559
  5. Salutations @Imperium Member! We've finally managed to clean up after the last Game Day, and we're now ready to prepare for another one! If it was the case that you missed the last one, or somehow don't know what Game Day is; then don't worry, because we streamed most of it. @Rellim and @Pegasus truly did an amazing job setting up the stream with all the technicalities and what-not. @Sharpspoonful Did a great job shoutcasting during the stream and we look forward to many more streams with his beautiful voice and face at the forefront. We would also like to give a shoutout to our amazing camera crew @Weehamster, @GRIZZ and anyone who volunteered to stream their point of view for us to use, this wouldn't be possible without ya'll. Should there be any interest in helping out during the stream with shoutcasting, streaming or on a more technical level; then don't be afraid to contact any of us event coordinators. (Bloppo or Killroy) You can also take a look at this link and fill out the stream form and we'll be sure to contact you. http://imperium-studios.tk/ On to the new stuff! On the 25th of March, between 16:00 - 04:00 UTC, we will be hosting our 6th Game Day! This time we’ll be offering, as always; fun gameplay including custom game modes within Arena commander and Star Marine. These activities will also be streamed so you can show all your loved ones that you're having fun! We're sad to say that this Game Day is once again BYOB, but if you wish to change that for future events simply give money to Bloppo, he's trustworthy with your money. And as always; Joining Game Night For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on TeamSpeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com) , and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! If you decide to take part in on the fun, please consider recording any events you take part in, as we will be turning all footage we get into some excellent content, as you saw above! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in a Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend checking this link out: Thanks to everyone for reading all of this, we hope to see as many of you as possible for the upcoming Game Day!
  6. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/5zcsnn/2v2_roundbased_ac_tournament_this_saturday/ If there are any aces who would like to represent their Imperium and their unit, this would be a great opporunity to do so! Best of luck!
  7. It looks amazing and really polished. I'm shocked. Tried to stay away from spoilers but... Wow...
  8. My first solo complete with HOTAS. I know I'm not the first, but it was still very exciting since I kind of suck as a pilot!
  9. So I was playing some Arena Commander just now, and I was facing off against a Mustang Alpha (I think. It was blue.). I recently got a Sabre through hard-earned REC, and decided to bring 4x gimbaled 117-Badgers to bear on him. His shields dropped quickly, the points quickly numbered in the high hundreds. But to my surprise, that wasn't the end of it. Not even close, in fact. In the end I had to score close to 1400 points worth of hits on the guy to kill him, which took me the better part of 3 minutes (He was a quick little bastard!) 3 minutes of scoring repeated hits on a completely red ship. I would like to point out this isn't the first time a Mustang lives a lot longer than would be expected, against ships like Sabres or F7C-M's. I wanted to ask you guys if it's just me that's experiencing this? Or does anyone else feel like the Mustang is a hell of a lot tougher than she ought to be?
  10. Hello everyone! I saw in the unit message that we're shifting intra-unit talk here. I wanted to talk about training. I'm sure that there's some sort of regular meeting that we have and I wanted to ask what time it was. I've sort of fallen off Star Citizen since traveling this summer, but I'm setting aside time every day (or few days, since we're entering finals) to retrain my dogfighting. Does Imperium or Alaris have any regular training times? Does matchmaking work in AC (which I guess is the more pertinent question)? I would like to increase my activity with the unit in anticipation of the 2.0 release, seeing as I've hardly ever talked to anyone (besides to ask Doopsums admin questions). Apologies if these questions have already been trampled into the ground, but... great excuse to make a post in the forums, right? On an unrelated note, how do you guys feel about the Sabre vs the Superhornet? I've been reading posts in the main forums but I just wanted to gauge you all on it.
  11. Shadows Lead to Oblivion BLOOD MOON Vanduul Hunters Squadron BLOOD MOON Squadron - Arena Commander (AC) Scheduled Events + Discoveries AC Schedule Events + Discoveries is a squadron-focused event calendar or times when we want to get together and accomplish a common goal in Arena Commander. These threads will be supplemented by an Event Calendar later on once we get up and running (and regular play going on). This thread will be focused on (and everyone can post here to create events - just note what type of event it is): Monthly Large Planned Events (*these may eventually have their own thread - but post newly introduced ones here as well) Weekly Medium Planned Events (*these may eventually have their own thread - but post newly introduced ones here as well) Daily Play - Post whenever you are on and in AC (so others know to join you in TS and in-game) Post when you plan on join or start up a Tournament or E-sport Team (* Eventually this will be done through CITIZEN ARENA <<-- See link) Post important discoveries or new way of doing things (training) - If important enough elevate it to a communication with an appropriate Imperium Officer + Post when you are available to show people your new discovered tricks / tactics / strategies Anything else relative to Arena Commander
  12. So, i'm having a bit of a technical problem, so far as I can, since downloading 2.2 and attempting to play AC. I am posting here, because I couldn't find answers anywhere else, so I was hoping someone might be able to point me in a good direction, or offer up a solution or two. Also, bear in mind I have made absolutely no changes to my config, or settings since installing 2.2, so the only changes to my system and to the game were with an installation of 2.2. The first problem i'm having is a texture problem. Shadows on asteroids and surfaces are flickering. The best way to describe it is like there are two closely set texture layers, and the computer can't figure out which one is on top, so they just flicker back and forth attempting to "fight" to be on top as I fly around them. The second problem that I am having is a little more difficult to describe. When I am in a game, and there is a full room, and everyone is dogfighting together, I experience a lag of sorts with my sound. Basically, the sounds all merge together and start cutting in and out while dogfighting. Along with the sound cutting in and out I notice that the HUD flickers in and out as well. The reason why I assume this is not lag related is because the game itself is not slowing down. Responsiveness, maneuvering, as well as everything else seems to keep the same speed as it is normally. My ping is also typically setting around 40-60. Below is my current config setup, I was tempted to tear it out and see if that made a difference, but I wasn't sure how that would fix anything, aside from the texture flicker- which I could deal with. Any advice, suggestions, or solutions would be much appreciated.
  13. I did a quick search of recent posts for constellation and found nothing, if it has been shared already I apologize. Video is unlisted and shows an amazing volley. Was linked to in Hydro's stream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNmQLLPeJ64 edit: adding tali torp http://gfycat.com/InsecureDeepAnhinga
  14. I as a video maker would love to make you a excellent recruitment video, or other video to glorify the community. Due to my outdated monitor on my PC I am unable to get proper resolution for gameplay recordings. This is where I NEED YOU! Record your Arena Commander Gameplay (Preferably 1.3) (Free Camera Mode is also appreciated) Despite this thread being initially dedicated to my project, I want to encourage all video makers to use footage submitted here for their projects as well. I want to wish everyone a happy and successful endeavour with this upcoming project. Thank You
  15. Go upvote it! Lets get it on ATV!!!! Community Hub Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/citizen-spotlight/1924-Free-Flightmore-Like-DEATH-FLIGHT Reddit Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3rgcfz/explosions_are_amazing_video/ @missionAvs @Switch
  16. So I just played arena commander and.... WOW. Two big things stood out. One, i love this game, its beautiful, and I'm gettin WHOOPED in a mustang alpha. That might of been three things. So, what can I do to upgrade the mustang alpha? Can you add missiles or better guns? Should I just say screw it an pledge with a more expensive ship? Some advice from the experienced players of this sacred forum would be welcomed!
  17. https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/272231/ship-status
  18. Hello SCB! So I've been playing—or rather trying to—Star Citizen since I got my GPU today and I just suck! Feels like I am just spinning around unable to see a target long enough to actually engage them. Now I have never been good at steering vehicles* in games like this (you don't want to see me in a helicopter in the BF series...yikes!) but I really want to improve said skills for SC at the least. I've gone through Training (once, gonna do it again) but it ends after teaching you to land. Or so it did for me, gave me a white screen where I could only hear breathing. So I was wondering how you guys learned to play/fly (before Training appeared)? What's a good way for a novice like me to learn beyond training? Would a joystick help any, even if a cheap one? Looking forward to any and all suggestions/help! *I use a keyboard and a mouse by the way.
  19. Here Are the Stats: Input Device/Ship Leader Board Distributions ^^^ Is an excellent window into controllers, ships.... Here you are ^^^^ This one for weapons..... One thing of note that is "broken" (and CIG admitted this in ATV) -- >> Tempest II missile needs to be fixed (and it is skewing the graphs a bit). ------------ Those that think the Mouse / Keyboard players have an unfair advantage..... think again.... look at this chart... (Very Surprising )... but see other charts in links above as well.. ====== Overall no controller...... no ship... etc... is really dominating that much - and CIG is doing a great job with balance even at this early Alpha Stage
  20. I found this link just posted on the RSI forums, a compilation of training materials and guides from one of the more active AC participants, so I thought I would share it and see what you all think and critique. https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/247471/guides-references-legacy-instruction-series-under-construction-new-pilots-click-here
  21. This Package includes the Avenger - Ship and Aeroview Hangar and Arena Commander Pass and other items below. I will sell all these items listed for $50. ALSO CONTAINS Starting Money: 2,000 UEC 6 Month Insurance Digital Game Soundtrack Star Citizen Digital Download Squadron 42 Digital Download Digital Star Citizen Manual Beta Access Digital Star Map Picture:
  22. Hi, I've got this code from a giveaway today and I'm willing to sell it for 33€ (EUR) or the equivalent in USD ($35), verified PayPal. You will have to go first. Previous completed sales for reference. (This is the last AMD Mustang Omega code that I've sold through reddit and it contains links to another sales I've completed before in another trading websites) Please reply here with your intent to buy the code, before PM'ing me.
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