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  1. Welcome to my personal hangar. I've been a huge Star Citizen fan since 2014 and it's a great honor to further contribute towards this incredible game's development by sharing with you the many original concept ships which are no longer available. I'm NOT cashing out whatsoever. If anything, you are grabbing these extra ships from my personal inventory. You are contributing to the games development right alongside myself. A win for both you and Star Citizen's game developement. I've been an Imperium and Star Citizen Base member since 2014. You'll see I have excellent feedback and Reputation here. I've had many successful transactions both here and on Reddit. (https://www.reddit.com/user/EMPSurvivor) Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final. If you are interested - leave a comment here and send me private message with: Ship or Package name, your PayPal email also your corresponding RSI handle. I will send an invoice for payment via PayPal. Item will be delivered to buyer's PayPal email address after payment has cleared. No returns or refund as the gifting system only allows a 1 time gifting and it will be account bound to the buyer's account (your payment will be refunded if I cannot deliver your item for any reason). If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. Prices are not negotiable. I may have more than one of the items listed. If you are interested in more than one, please PM and I'll let you know how many I have. NOTE: Please understand I do have a full-time job which requires I travel around the world and I'm often working the backside of the clock. If you send me a PM, please be patient and know I will respond as soon as I can. I can gift you the item only as fast as you respond to the invoice and the PayPal payment clears. Please be assured I've not forgotten you. Often it's just that I may be asleep or working where I may not have internet. For those contacting me thinking I'm a broker, sorry, but I'm not. I only share what is in my own personal inventory. Some of my inventory here has been melted, which allows me to gift it to you after I buy it back. SHIP/ITEM Melt Value INCLUDES: PRICE - excludes PayPal: STANDALONE SHIPS (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - POLARIS - LTI $750 - Lifetime Insurance - VFG Industrial Hangar - Takuetsu Polaris Model - Polaris Poster $1180 + PP fees (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - CONSOLIDATED OUTLAND PIONEER LTI $850 - VFG Industrial Hangar - UEE Land Claim Liscense Estate Parcel - Outpost Construction Material - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Poster - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Model - Lifetime Insurance - GreyCat Estate Geotack-X Planetary Beacon $2750 + PP fees
  2. Hi, I am interested in buying he 890 jump if someone has one. I don't really care for insurance time atm but I will not pay more than $999 (half before, half after). I know it is no where near the $1200+ as on the different grey market sites but you still make a significant amount extra as the ship usually go for $890 (not on sale) on the RSI website those few times it is put out for purchase. Willing to discuss price if necessary and if you are serious. I am a serious buyer and already have several ships well over the price I'm asking, for reference. Contact me if you are interested.
  3. Wyver

    Want to Trade 890 Jump

    Hello, does anyone trade an 890 Jump? I'd give a prowler and a carrack for that. With best regards.
  4. + Probably new 890 Jump artwork on display, some new advertising + Its not being worked on by Behaviour anymore, who designed the interior like a cold, sterile, corporate waiting area. + 890 Jump on sale during the Origin 600 sale. CIG needs your moneys! - By their own rules, CIG *should* not be raising the price until its hangar ready, but look what they just did to the not-hangar-ready BMM. PS: the only way God could have been able to build the Universe: Volunteers, Sandestines etc...
  5. Selling LTI original concept sale ship 890 Jump $1039 excluding fees for SH/Paypal Using Star-Hangar, a very reliable broker to ensure a trouble free transaction. Includes: Origin 890 Jump Tkuetsu 890 Jump model LTI VFG Industrial Hangar Revel & York Hangar
  6. OFFICIAL 890J Limited Sale is up https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/17204-Origin-890-Jump FLY NOWALPHA 3.6 THE ORIGIN Everything Extraordinary. The 890 Jump is the truest expression of the Origin name. To the last detail, everything is extraordinary. MEMENTO of Reisse All woodwork is crafted from timber native only to Reisse. The unique grain and tone express timeless elegance throughout the interior. STATEMENT of Quality Surfaces and fixtures are crafted from only the highest-grade exotic materials. Each is treated with the utmost care by Origin’s select partners and in-house craftsmen. Ultimate Luxury ORBITAL Opulence HARMONY of Function & Form MAIN DECK LOWER DECK LIDO DECK ORLOP DECK A OBSERVATION DECK BEHOLD THE EXPANSE The cosmos is yours to discover. B THE GRANDE ATRIUM HEART OF MAGNIFICENCE The tri-level atrium makes the boldest statement while embodying Origin's singular sophistication. C THE BRIDGE TOTAL CONTROL Extensive testing ensures controlling the 890 Jump is engaging yet effortless for pilots of every skill level. Define Your Legacy. SEE OP Define Your Experience. Select your package 890 JUMP FLYABLE - WARBOND- Standalone Ship $890.00 USD LIMITED STOCKMORE INFOADD TO CART 890 JUMP FLYABLE- Standalone Ship $950.00 USD LIMITED STOCKMORE INFOADD TO CART Every 890 Jump comes with a two-seat Origin 85X runabout, a personal transport par excellence. The 890 Jump's hangar is designed to accommodate two personal transport craft. Add an additional 85X runabout to complete the ultimate 890 experience. 85X 3.6 FLYABLE- Standalone Ship $50.00 USD IN STOCKMORE INFOADD TO CART Disclaimer
  7. Leasing out Luxury ships once Star Citizen fully goes Live! If you or an Org. is interested, come & drop by my Discord area to see what you like. https://discord.gg/72MjWMf
  8. Hello Guys, i decided to sell my 890 Jump LTI Original Concept for $ = 1000 €. payment would be done over paypal. buyer needs to pay the paypal fee. Verified PayPal only. best regards Kabs
  9. You have to have verified PayPal account to buy ships from me. PM me if you are interested. Prices are not negotiable (however, in the case I get multiple offers before I respond to anyone I will contact everyone who PMed me if they are willing to pay more, the person offering most will get the ship. Should the price be the same the first person to contact me will get the ship). EDIT: Prices include PayPal fees LTI Captured Vanduul Scythe $949 SOLD LTI Origin 890 Jump $849 (also contains Takuetsu Origin 890 Jump and 890 JUMP Poster) SOLD LTI RSI Polaris Warbond edition $679 (569 EUR) (also contains Takuetsu Polaris Model, Polaris Poster, and Unique Polaris Serial Stamp*) SOLD LTI Banu Merchantman $269 SOLD I have some regular LTI ships, check out this thread to see them: *) I do not know what the unique number is. PS: I should reply to PMs within 24 hours.
  10. Executive Order ship sales! LTI 890 Jumps and LTI Constellation Phoenix! Are you a former President, CEO, Kingpin, or maybe just a collector of fine things? Well you've stopped at the right place cause fine things are what we sell here. Welcome to Executive Order ship sales. We offer the finest in truly limited LTI and Non-LTI ships both with package options if you need. We also offer worthy trades for those with fine things to offer. As always all prices include fees, and I cannot accept RSI as payment due to recent scams involving RSI credit sales. _ Truly Limited Standalone LTI ships with package options available! 5x LTI 890 Jump on sale at $1300 a piece total. This ship comes with a free Model II Arclight Sidearm and a free Star Citizen Starter Package! 890 Jump to Polaris upgrades available as well for $275! 3x LTI Phoenix Constellations at $671 a piece total. This ship comes with a free Star Citizen Starter Package! 4x LTI Esperia Glaives on sale at $550 a piece total. Create your own Glaive Package for only an additional $40 by asking for a Starter Package addon! _ LTI Harbinger and Sentinel BUKs for Vanguards. Harbinger BUK for $120 each Sentinel BUK for $80 each Deluxe Combo BUK Pack for $180 _ TRADES: Wanting to Trade my 2x LTI Glaive and 1x 890J, or 2x 890J for your Idris-M _ SPECIAL NOTE regarding the Unmelt Tool: Currently special packages CANNOT be unmelted using the Unmelt Tool. The items include promotional packages such as the AMD Omega package, discounted anniversary packages such as the 2014 $20 and 2015 $30 packages, and all physical item packages which includes the old Vice Admiral, High Admiral, and Grand Admiral Packages. Also be advised that any upgraded ships that are melted will lose the upgrade. _ Most buyers are now required to use a known and trusted Middleman and will pay their fees. Known and trusted traders are exempt from this requirement. If you are in need of such a service Middlemen such as Kane, Baragoon, gbrenik, xcoriganx, and the like are acceptable and highly recommended. Buyer will provide the name of the Middleman prior to sell. If the chosen Middleman has fees the buyer is responsible for those fees. Buyer must be Paypal verified and must produce both their Citizen Number and current registered RSI Handle NO EXCEPTIONS! The Seller's Citizen Number and Handle will be provided upon request and seller is only required to sell the item posted and listed on the invoice with item ID included. All scams or suspicious activity will be reported to the MODs and elevated from there. _ COMING SOON - BLACKMARKET CREDENTIALS ACCOUNT SALES Who do you want to be today? In the not too distant future? Soon the choice will be yours.
  11. Tyler

    Want to Sell WTS Origin 890 Jump ($700)

    Selling my 890 Jump. Verified Paypal $700 USD.
  12. @TheNOOBIFIER1337 created a video explaining the 890 Jump, to coincide with his 890 Jump Giveaway ... So if you haven't subscribed and watch his videos yet, stop what you're doing right now and immediately go to YouTube and do that now!!!!
  13. @TheNOOBIFIER1337 with another amazing giveaway, An LTI 890 Jump talk about rare
  14. Furystorm

    Want to Trade RSI Polaris for 890 Jump

    Would like to trade your 890J for my Polaris :-)
  15. JexVlume

    Complete WTB 890 Jump

    Hi! I'm new to the 'verse and have fallen in love with what I've heard/seen when it comes to the 890 Jump. There's no other ship I want more and so I decided to create this listing in hopes to get one and my first real ship (if only they were offered in the after Christmas sale). I know I won't be able to find one at cost and am willing to offer around $650-$700 which I believe is reasonable. Since I'm new I understand I lack a reputation, but am willing to go through whatever hoops needed in order to make this happen. I am PayPal verified and can provide verification from other marketplaces. I am also willing to Skype while doing the transaction and to scan/send over my driver's license. Again, whatver I can provide. Thanks for reading!
  16. This is one of those "just one miracle" posts because I doubt there are many who bought an 890 who would be willing/wanting to let it go for a minimal profit in a solely RSI credit trade but I just have to ask. I have 5 Hornet Trackers that have a melt value of $135 each that I can offer plus my Imperator Reward which is good for up to $100 bucks off anything at RSI (you'd have to make a purchase for more than $670 to get the full $100). If you are getting ready to buy something expensive at CitizenCon you'd have $175 more credits to spend than if you melted your 890. Like I said, I know it's unlikely someone will be interested in this deal but I see it as my last chance to get one since Ben said they won't be selling 890s again anytime soon (which means at the next two big sales to me). I don't think there is any reason to expect that they will be selling them with LTI ever again in any case. I love the 890 most of any ship in the game but couldn't afford it when they were sold. It has always been a bummer that there isn't a way for me to get one in spite of having loads of RSI credits. So here's my attempt; I hope I get lucky! The business end of the deal is that I won't accept any other ship than an 890 so if you ask don't be surprised when I say no. I want to support RSI so I'll just buy some other ship from them with my credits if this doesn't work out. Also, because I want to support RSI I'm not interested in a part cash deal; I want this to be a pure credit trade as a matter of principle.... well principal and the fact that I'm going to spend the store credit on an Endeavor if this doesn't work so I'm not pressured to make a deal. If someone does feel like helping a fellow spaceman out by putting him in the ship of his dreams then I'll be insisting on (and paying for) a middleman. I already know that these sorts of trades are difficult for a middleman and I've discussed how to do it with a middleman that I trust; I'm confident a solution to keep us both safe as possible can be found. The usual good trading rules apply. To be sure we are who we say we are we'll probably need to exchange verified Paypal addresses, RSI flair, and trade history. I'm super easy to verify in real life and have had many trades on r/Starcitizen_trades (most were before the bot so they don't show in my flair but a quick search will find them). I expect you to be the same. I'm in USA and I'd prefer the trade to be a USA to USA trade to avoid the legal mubo jumbo if something goes wrong. Since a trade like this might take a few days to complete I want to make sure I have enough time for the CitizenCon sale if it falls through so my offer ends on Monday October 5th. Thanks for considering my offer. Fly safe! This is my first post here for no particularly good reason; I love this place and come here often but I've never had anything to say before today. I've been on Reddit for over a year and Steam other places for years as well. 5 trackers link http://imgur.com/dyFee2M Expanded ES Tracker http://imgur.com/t0iKvAM Melt Value http://imgur.com/hq01YWA
  17. While checking the packages in the pictures please look at the "contains" area for the included ship name. I have used a few CCUs and upgrades. Picture of the "My Hangar" section: http://imgur.com/a/zZ8j6 (Picture is not up to date: There are now a few $0 Super Hornet Upgrades and $0 Gladiator to Super Hornet Upgrades) - First Pledge: Placed April 04, 2014 19:34 $42,000,000 pledge goal. - There is 1 strike (24 hour ban) against me on the forums. That was sometime early 2014. - Nothing on the account is giftable. - The original email will not be included. - All meltable items are equal to $1280 = $800. Buyer will pay all paypal fees. ________________________________________________________________________________ Please contact me if you have any questions. If you would like to use a middleman it will be someone well known around /r/starcitizen trades like Kane, Jester, or Star-Hangar. You will cover the middleman fees. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Account sales are in clear violation of RSI's terms of service, and are at high risk of being terminated at any time (2) The original owner will remain the legal owner of the account except in specific jurisdiction where local laws that supercede RSI's EULA allows for account transfers I (seller) promise to abandon my account, agreeing to never attempt to recover said account via RSI or any other means. As per RSI�s EULA all accounts remain the original account owner and RSI�
  18. Hi everyone I'm selling my 890 Jump and one of my Heralds to fund the Vanguard and the Upcoming Hull-C, whenever that arrives. Paypal only, and fees are included in the price 1 x Origin 890 Jump - LTI $675 SOLD 1 x Drake Herald - LTI $115 SOLD For reference to previous completed sales with feedback see here:
  19. Well after comparing size the the Gladius is quite smaller then a regular 300i series, and the as far as i know from forum posts the 890 Jump will likely be able to hold a 300i, seeing as we will get a new deck plan and such when its further down the pipeline. my question is, are there any indications on weather or not a Gladius or ship as small or smaller then the 300i will work? id like to travel with the my Gladius in the hangar in case i run into trouble, is there any indication or forum posts that indicates we can transfer ships that fit into corresponding hangars?
  20. Selling one awe inspiring 890 Jump, unused, at below cost fees included. Total cost 550 USD. Verified paypal only. Transaction via paypal invoice. No games, no gimmicks, just one bad ass ship!
  21. Well its coming up for sale Friday, this ship is basically the replacement meant for the original intention of the Idris. However that being said, CIG is also working on another unclassified Corvette, but still the 890 will be a capable versatile ship like all others, remember even hull specific ships can be upgraded and specialized. This will be a great ship!
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