First I wanna say that I know that the Hangar is not optimized and that this will lower the FPS in the game, but anyway I think i'm having other problems.
I'm getting between 14-30 FPS (almost unplayable) in the Hangar.
I used r_motionblur 0 and r_ssao 0 but it doesn't help.
My Rig:
i5 - 3570K @3.4
12 Gb ram
GTX 560 TI Twin Frozr II - SLI
There are any news about this? Because all the other games are running amazing, en CS:GO I have 290 FPS, LoL 150 FPS.
I can test more titles, maybe one with CryEngine 3 so it is the same GameEngine.
Any Ideas, Suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
PD: Sry for my crappy English.