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Found 16 results

  1. Looking for any variant just need to include the Celebration sale paint customization. Paypal invoice only
  2. I want to sell my game package : PACKAGE - MUSTANG ALPHA STARTER PACK - WARBOND - HOLIDAY 2019 whit the upgrade to a 325A. It is a basic one i left the customization in a photo so you can go to the website and see the customization. You press the link, press the customization buttom, add the customizations in the photo and you will see how it is. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/origin-300/325a#buying-options I want the money i spend it is 95$. I am on the EU so it is 88.08€. Contact via pm. Only paypal.
  3. jefrie

    Want to Buy Upgrade: 325A to Hull B

    I have a Reliant and want to upgrade to a Hull B. Already have the upgrade from Reliant to 325A. Now I am looking for the upgrade 325A to Hull B. Please PM in case an upgrade is available.
  4. So I've recently come out of hibernation to try out the 2.5 Patch and I'm having a little trouble with the 325a. The guns are powerful but hard to control. While practicing, my main strategy has been to line up the lead/lag on the wing mounted guns, pop off a couple shots and then line up the gimbal mounted gun when an enemy ship makes a hard turn. I've yet to try locking the gimbal mount and firing all guns with lead/lag aiming. In any case, I noticed the Super Hornet comes with 2 gimbals and 2 unmanned turrets, which seems like it would be much easier to use in combat. If anyone has any tips for the 325a I would greatly appreciate them; however, I was also considering a possible upgrade. If the Super Hornet ever goes back on sale would I be able to directly upgrade my Digital Bounty Hunter - LTI (325a) game package to a Super Hornet and keep all the extras as well as the LTI? If the hornet doesn't come back, can I upgrade my 325a to another eligible ship and retain the LTI? Disclaimer: I searched the forums for 10 or 15 minutes and this is the most relative sub-forum I found to pose this question
  5. So basically, I've had a 325 for a while and I've been considering upgrading to a Gladius. However, I'm not sure how much better the Gladius is compared to the 325A. I've heard that they changed the flight model for the gladius in 2.5 to make it more of a threat to other ships, so if you've flown either of these recently, I'd very much appreciate it if you shared your thoughts. Thanks for reading- Panda
  6. I currently have the package for the 325a and I am comtimplating switching it out for the freelancer. I really like the Star Citizen project (digital freelancer is a more expensive package so I would back it more) and I am tempted to get the freelancer due to its advanced hauling and exploration capabilities v 325a all-round role. I want to play a mixed role in the game, but in the begining I want to enjoy exploring the universe, but want the necessary defenses to protect myself against an attack. I also have been unable to get many of my console playing friends on board so I would have no friends to join me in the freelancer, which to me would be half of the fun. So given my perdicament, which direct do you believe I should take? should I stick with my 325a and discount hanger or move up to the bigger freelancer and business class hanger? Additionally, for the hangers we currently have, do we keep the "class of hanger" we have for the life of the game of after a predetermined period will we have a "rent" due? I appreciate your help!
  7. All ships are LTI, original - not ccu'd or upgraded in the past Kruger P-72 Archimedes LTI - 42 USD$ (including fees) sold Aurora LN LTI - 47 USD$ (including fees) AEGIS DYNAMICS AVENGER - LTI - 72 USD$ (including fees) 325A FIGHTER LTI-80 USD$ (including fees) HULL C -220 USD$ (including fees) I can upgrade it to Khartu-Al Banu MM Rare items SHIP UPGRADES - F7A MILITARY HORNET UPGRADE -60USD$ Model II Arclight Sidearm - 12 USD$ (including fees) -SOLD Origin Racing Suit - 17 USD$ (including fees) RESERVED UEE - 12 USD$ (including fees) Coat Advocacy tools - 12 USD$ (including fees) -SOLD Verified Paypal
  8. Zinfab

    Want to Sell Time Limited Sale

    These ships are already listed on eBay as well and are seller faster than I had expected (Reliant, Freelancer, Starliner, Carrack gone). Prices on these ships are higher on eBay but after the insane 10% selling fee, I barely break even. These prices are pretty fair and firm so please don't send humerus offers of $30 for Misc Reliant like I recently received on my eBay listing. Buyer pays Paypal fees. Aegis Reclaimer LTI - $400 Misc Reliant LTI - $85 Aegis Redeemer LTI - $325 RSI Aurora LX LTI - $85 Misc Digital Freelancer Package LTI - $175 325a Arbiter Package LTI - $165
  9. Looking to sell my Aegis Avenger and Origin 325A. Neither are LTI, and I am selling them at a small discount to account for this. I am looking for $65 for the Avenger with Game package. And I am looking for 60 for 325A. OR, $120 for Both. Verified Paypal only, can't/won't do it any other way. PM if interested. http://i.imgur.com/dXK04gj.png http://i.imgur.com/WQ2FUVK.png EDIT* Both have been SOLD
  10. One Arbiter pack with full Alpha access for original cost, $80. I can apply a 325a to Hornet upgrade for an additional $35 (save $5) as an option. PM me with your Verified PayPal email address if you are interested. Sold. Thanks everyone!
  11. Hey guys, as I got a new Job I doubt that I will have enough time for SC in the future... therefore I would like to sell my account to someone who has more use for it. It is an account from August 2013 (including all rewards from the $15M milestone) with the LTI Origin 325a. I would like to sell it for 119 USD / 96 Eur. Accepted payment methods are PayPal or bank transfer (I live in Germany). All items from my account below are included (as well as 12,000 UEC): Screenshot of Account If you want to use a middleman, I accept only trusted persons from this list: http://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/comments/27t1hu/new_reputation_thread/ Bank transfer is preferred, but I can understand that people want to use PayPal - my PayPal account is verified (and tied to a small company I own in Germany), the buyer has to cover the fees. If you have any questions, please post here or send me a PN. Cheers!
  12. Sooo.... while im waiting for my installer to patch 10gb... I noticed that cross-chassis upgrades are now available on the store. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/cross-chassis-upgrades Im really tempted to upgrade my LTI Aurora MR to a 300i-series ship. However, upon reviewing the updated ship stats page, I realise the Aurora is actually alot closer to the 300i baseline model than i thought it was. My intent for this ship is as a general working vehicle, when I am bored of hardcore dogfighting combat in my Super Hornet, or simply when I want some alone time, exploring the galaxy while remaining defensible. The biggest surprise to me is the Aurora's cargo space in comparison to the 300i. A baseline Aurora MR has the SAME amount of cargo space as the 300i series, barring the 315p. MOREOVER, the Aurora LN seems to be able to pack a much more substantial punch, with 2xs2 class 1 mounts more than ALL the 300 series ships. Another surprising thing (Ive never really looked much at 300i specs, am a Hornet man myself) is that I realised that the 325a literally only has the "custom weapons system" as an advantage over the stock 300i. Max weapon loadout, powerplant, thruster size, are all the same. In this respect, I am left wondering HOW IS THE 315p NOT CLEARLY THE MOST SUPERIOR IN THE SERIES??!?! It has the same capacity as the 300i and 325a, PLUS added cargo space.... The only reason I can see myself getting a 325a is for the killer black paint scheme.... Any points? Comments? I am kind of lost now....
  13. Hello i want to buy LTI AURORA PACKAGE - 70$ Aurora mr, 75$ Aurora Lx, or 300i PACKAGE - 80$ Aurora Ln, 85$ 300i, 90$ 315p, 100$ 325a. I have verified paypal. PM me your offer.
  14. I have verified paypal and some dollars in my pocket, pm me your offers.
  15. Right now I have a 325a and an Aurora. I plan to use the 325a for dogfighting and outfit the Aurora as a patrol/recon/exploration craft. I've been thinking of another ship which I'd probably use for hauling and trade. Then I would have ship for pretty much anything. Trade capacity is important (as well as the ability to defend itself). Right now I'm torn between the Cutlass and the Freelancer. Cutlass. I love the look of it and it could be a great multirole craft. It does not carry as much cargo as the Freelancer but it seems more of a jack-of-all-trades kind of ship. Freelancer. Recently I've been considering this as it would allow me to have a versatile exploration/trade ship which also has cargo capacity and can be upgraded to defend itself. So what do? If I had to choose right now it's probably between the Cutlass and Freelance but they both cost a lot more than the Aurora. And don't bother suggesting the Constellation. I would if I could, but I can't spend that much if I want to have any hope of getting a new graphics card anytime soon.
  16. This is just a quickly done wallpaper with hue n stuff. I hope you like. http://imgur.com/gbpzl88 Just download from there, if you want to.
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