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Found 10 results

  1. Looking for any variant just need to include the Celebration sale paint customization. Paypal invoice only
  2. Hey Everyone, My name is Dominic. I have been a SC backer since 2013, but I've never really played Star Citizen since. I pledged for a "DIGITAL BOUNTY HUNTER Package" with an Origin 315p explorer ship. Comes with both Games + store credits and a self-land hanger (see picture), including some other bonus stuff. I am now looking to sell the package for 55$. It's a giftable product, so no need to buy the whole account. If you have any questions at all, just drop a comment and I'll respond asap. thanks guys. best regards, Dominic
  3. Since Citizencon we have learned that anything Freelancer size and up will be confined to Medium and Large Jump points (will not fit in Small Jump Points). If you plan to explore this means you might want to pick up a dedicated small explorer ship to go along with a larger dedicated explorer like a Freelancer DUR, Aquilla, Carrack, and Endeavor (though the Endeavor is more of a space anomaly or stellar explorer as oppose to being designed for navigating Jump Points - but it can probably find them with its Telescope Module). It was also revealed that the Pisces (the snub craft that comes stock with the Carrack) does not have a Jump Engine (and like other snub craft cannot be equipped with one) There are MANY small ships available to players but there are only 3 dedicated small explorers ships that come stock with a Jump Engine and Jump Scanners... so vote which dedicated small explorer ship you prefer and post why on this thread.... (not evaluating other ships that can be upgraded to become explorers = other small ships may upgrade and add a Jump Engine) Aurora LX - Cheapest dedicated explorer at $30. Comes stock with Jump Engine but with no stock "special" scanners Mustang Beta - Cheap dedicated explorer at $40. Comes stock with Jump Engine but with no stock "special" scanners but does come with larger living space 315P - Small explorer at $65. Comes stock with Jump Engine a Custom Scanning Package, a more robust power plant, and a Sure Grip Tractor ======= The 315P Brochure +++++++Also vote and see Sister Thread on the RSI Forums for additional poll sampling
  4. Redwolfe

    Want to Sell WTS Combo Game Packages

    I have some game packages that I would like to sell. They are Combo packages with both Star Citizen & Squadron 42 game downloads + extra's 2 - Origin 315P @ $85.00 each 1 - Aurora MR @ $50.00 PAYPAL ONLY
  5. Hi guys, First of all I am so glad that I found this place. I was heartbroken to see the official Star Citizen forums go because the new spectrum is such a mess, especially regarding ship discussions. So I am hoping you can help me with my problem. I am planning to get my hands on the Polaris (I already own the Cutlass Blue, Gladiator and CCU from Gladiator to Super Hornet, Reedemer, Reclaimer, Crucible and double Noxes). I am more or less done when it comes to buying new ships because I think I got everything I need except I got one problem. What do you think what ship should I get to be the designated scanning ship in the hangar bay of the Polaris? From what I understand Idris will have great scanners and Polaris will have tough time sneaking up on it unless it uses some sort of scanning ship. I was debating between Herald, Hornet Tracker, 315P, and Terrapin. Each one of them has it's own problems that are bothering me: 1) Herald: I am not sure does Herald even got any advantage over other ships when it comes to scanning? I mean it is supposed to be hacking and info runner ship I am not sure does it have any sort of specialized scanning equipment :S 2) 315P: My buddy owns one so I guess we could use that. What bothers me is how strong are it's scanners compared to other ships? 3) Hornet Tracker: I own a Gladiator and I got a CCU to Super Hornet. I was planning on using it and then just strap on the Tracker gear on top of the Super hornet. I wasn't able to figure out what exactly is the Hornet Trackers role... does it do long range scanning vs other ships and how effective is it at that? I read something about Tracker allowing other ships to achieve faster lock and detect stealthy ship etc. etc. but all I really want is a long range ship scanner 4) Terrapin: From what I read Terrapin is supposed to be the dedicated stealth long range scanner and seems like the best choice but what bothers me is it's price tag... I don't feel like getting rid of my Gladiator (or Super Hornet CCU) to get it. 5) Gladiator: I own it and I heard some speculations that it might receive some modularity. I am not sure are those just rumors but if we could strap on a powerful radar on sensors on it Gladiator would be a bit more versatile. So what do you think? Do you think that getting Tracker gear on the Super Hornet is a viable option to serve as a scout for the Polaris (that would be the cheapest bet for me) or should I look into other scanning ships from the list?
  6. In light of the Carrack Reveal, I thought this might be an appropriate video, which is quite beautifully done. It really gets me excited to explore what's out there in the verse! http://vimeo.com/108650530
  7. Ship Sold I decided to get rid of my 315p with LTI for 125$/115€! The ship is giftable!
  8. Sorry not available anymore. However I don't know how to close this topic...
  9. Sooo.... while im waiting for my installer to patch 10gb... I noticed that cross-chassis upgrades are now available on the store. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/cross-chassis-upgrades Im really tempted to upgrade my LTI Aurora MR to a 300i-series ship. However, upon reviewing the updated ship stats page, I realise the Aurora is actually alot closer to the 300i baseline model than i thought it was. My intent for this ship is as a general working vehicle, when I am bored of hardcore dogfighting combat in my Super Hornet, or simply when I want some alone time, exploring the galaxy while remaining defensible. The biggest surprise to me is the Aurora's cargo space in comparison to the 300i. A baseline Aurora MR has the SAME amount of cargo space as the 300i series, barring the 315p. MOREOVER, the Aurora LN seems to be able to pack a much more substantial punch, with 2xs2 class 1 mounts more than ALL the 300 series ships. Another surprising thing (Ive never really looked much at 300i specs, am a Hornet man myself) is that I realised that the 325a literally only has the "custom weapons system" as an advantage over the stock 300i. Max weapon loadout, powerplant, thruster size, are all the same. In this respect, I am left wondering HOW IS THE 315p NOT CLEARLY THE MOST SUPERIOR IN THE SERIES??!?! It has the same capacity as the 300i and 325a, PLUS added cargo space.... The only reason I can see myself getting a 325a is for the killer black paint scheme.... Any points? Comments? I am kind of lost now....
  10. Hello i want to buy LTI AURORA PACKAGE - 70$ Aurora mr, 75$ Aurora Lx, or 300i PACKAGE - 80$ Aurora Ln, 85$ 300i, 90$ 315p, 100$ 325a. I have verified paypal. PM me your offer.
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