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Welcome back to Imperium's monthly Newsletter! Compared to January, February is looking a bit quiet but that doesn't mean our people aren't hard at work. We wont have anything fancy like divisions changing names this month but we'll jump through what we have. With a influx of new specialists and members, we've received many great suggestions and new ideas flowing in giving life to otherwise dormant areas. Not dormant by choice but simply put, we don't have the specialized manpower for everything we would like to do. At the moment Imperium is looking into improving our social outreach. Recently we've claimed ownership of r/IMPERIUMSC Reddit and are setting it up to be of use, adding it to our current list of social media platforms. We do not currently have a Social Media Manager so don't expect anything just yet but if you would be interested in this position, please contact a Human Resources member and they can get you in touch with the right people! Back to the topic at hand, the IMPERIUMSC Reddit will be open in due time and since we're working on a schedule/list of topics for Reddit, we will be attempting to add this activity to other platforms in the hope of greater interaction with the general StarCitizen community. If you haven't already please take a moment to follow Imperium's social media accounts which can be located near the top right of any page on SCB, you'll see a horizontal row of icons. Moving to Discord, so far so good in regards to our newly created bot, we're happy to say it's working as intended and no bugs! For anyone that may be missing context, the bot helps with permissions and roles, linking our custom built Portal to Discord. Next for Discord, you may have noticed our Welcome & Information channels look kinda... well, not great. Well good news, this will be updated shortly! We currently have Trophias updating our #Welcome channel to be much more presentable. Though its basically ready, we're waiting on artwork and some input from leadership before we push it out. We want Imperium to be something our members can be proud of and at least presentable, if not impressive, for those just visiting. If you do find any issues or areas of improvement, contact HR! As I've written this a few times just now, I realize it may be worth mentioning by itself. If you ever need any help, this can be: Not knowing who you should talk to about something you want to do for Imperium, questions about Imperium, a complaint, issue, concern, review, ANYTHING regarding Imperium, please contact a Human Resource member. You will not be bothering us by contacting us, our task is to help you, amongst many other things, but first and foremost keep the community healthy by keeping our members happy. Moving on to the Newsletter sections! RAMT_HD Kranacoi Jawsy No official Awards or Ribbons have given during February but we did have a media contest hosted by one of our Fleet Commanders. Chimaera opened a media contest for all Imperium members and the winners have been chosen! @GRIZZ, @Kurokokoro, and @Buckaroo Congratulations to them and we appreciate everyone that took the time to submit a entry! Science As previously mentioned in the last Newsletter, Exploration has changed to Science and @CC-Corp, our current Science Officer, made a document to help show what will be changing! Human Resources @KKillroyV2 has joined HR as a Recruiter! You may remember he was mentioned in the first newsletter as member with a good suggestion and now he's joined the ranks to helping make Imperium a better place! Divisions Recruiting All divisions are currently recruiting! Please see the application page located on Portal. This Months Events: Imperium Xenothreat OP - Feb. 3 Organized & Hosted by: @REIGN-11-87 Imperium Xenothreat Weekend Operations - Feb. 4 & 5 Organized & Hosted by: Friday: @Space-Moose & @J. Coren Saturday:@Morse & @macgivre Sadly, there is no documentation to keep track of all our Impromptu events but be aware they are happening, especially during In-game events such as Xenothreat. Watch the #events channel in Discord for notifications! A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." -Grizz
hey guys, please see the link below to a space MMORPG i've been playing on and off for a few years, its extremely addictive, we just lack community as it was a revived project and only few guys still play. Hostile Space is a massively multiplayer online role playing game that takes place in a vast persistent galaxy. Players take on the role of a starship captain facing the growing threat of the Brood, to explore planets, mine for resources, take on bounties, smuggle goods, and fighting aggressive alien creatures. Rewards include ship upgrades, new weapons, psionic abilities, new skills, and alien technology. Gameplay is focused toward small team play as well as solo play, and combat is twitch-based. Hostile Space was originally developed by InterAdventure Inc., and after being shut down, has been restarted by players with dedicated servers.
I quite enjoy it too ^^
Due to popular demand (One person) I decided that I will try to frequently record and upload planetside 2 content, seeing how popular the last one was. Hope you guys enjoy ^^