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Found 11 results

  1. This video Covers the Following. Criticism of Internet on Modern Users, (Debunked) American Internet Compared to other Developing Worlds, and American Internet Monopoly (Explained) Free Internet Sites (Debunked) Good things that can and have come from the internet. (Explained)
  2. http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/11/spacex-plans-worldwide-satellite-internet-with-low-latency-gigabit-speed/
  3. EU Wants To Treat Internet Like Music Content? (Sept. 20, 2016) CAUTION: If you become interested in examining this issue, prepare for a LOT of policy draft scanning to get past the mumble jumble included in this information link. DISCLAIMER: I am all for copyright protection, so I am kind of torn by what is being attempted in the EU regarding 'content across borders'. Anyone in the EU up to date on the state of this Draft that was leaked? http://statewatch.org/news/2016/aug/eu-com-copyright-draft.pdf (note: if this link becomes broken contact me for a saved draft - DRUM) It seems they are trying to prevent a Race To The Bottom for copyright fees, or cross border assimilation via Internet and//or satellite, which hurts the content makers revenue. You have to get past page 70 before any real information is available, since the first half of the draft is busy painting a rosy landscape for the implementation of this draft. Since they cannot control most of the satellite and Internet transmissions, what this would eventually entail is if You Were In Possession of some data feed from a source other than one regulated by this EU COM mandate, then you would be subjected to fines, etc. The draft claims to expand viewers options, but what I read in this is that it increases the revenue of the content makers. This appears to me to just be an expansion of what the music industry did to collect more monies from people who were 'stealing' their music. While the protections for researches and scientific papers would benefit, this goes way beyond that in scope. So now youtube, spotify, deezer and other uncontrolled content could also be properly monetized by the providers They state that the cost for consumers would only Slightly Increase by this act (cough, right). Unless, like mentioned above, you got the data from somewhere not regulated, in which case you would be afoul of the law. If you think they will only go for the deep pockets of providers, you were not paying attention when the music industry cracked down. There is another take on this from the Consumer Technology Association. They kind of glossed over the protections provided for research and other papers, but they did hit on an unintended consequence of this draft. https://www.cta.tech/News/Blog/Articles/2016/September/Europeans-Shoot-Themselves-in-the-Foot-Again.aspx How do you (in the EU) feel this will affect you? Is there any local push for//against this in your locale? More curious than concerned, although, depending on what occurs over there, it may morph into something that would affect us Across The Pond.... Let me know. - DRUM out
  4. Rocket Man

    Feedback Wanted Ethernet Connection Issues

    Ok, my old router has lost it's wireless abilities. It is 8 years old and needs replacing anyway. So, I bought a new router to replace it. My network is having the main computer connect via Ethernet cable and all other devices connect wirelessly. With the new router in place, all wireless devices connect and have internet connections, but the main comp connects to the router, but does not have internet access. I have swapped back to the old router and find internet, no problem. Switching back to the new router, I get the same as the main comp not reaching the internet, but the wireless devices do. Having gotten this far last night and decided to go to bed for work today, I am trying to find solutions before I head home tonight. I am thinking I need to check the adapters in the device manager. Any other input as to what I need to check out? Any info is greatly appreciated.
  5. So, with the new patch of 1.3, I now get the fun little feature of being able to download the patch in 2 minute spurts before it crashes my internet and I have to reboot my modem+router to get internet back again. I have never had this happen prior to 1.3. I have tried disabling p2p, and ive experimented with all bandwidth caps. Nothing helps. I constantly crash and have to reboot the internet. Anyone else experiencing this, or know of a fix?
  6. So if any of you guys have been following the net neutrality debate, you're probably aware of how massively FCC is f*cking this up. Today they release a set of guidelines establishing a "base and fair speed" with a provision that content providers could still charge for delivering content at higher speeds. Basically they're saying "hey the net should be neutral, but you can get a better speed if you're willing to pay for it". It's kind of amazing that the FCC, who is supposed to be the most knowledgeable institution in the country when it comes to communication matters, has no idea what they're doing. And the cherry on top of the ice cream, this is what AT&T had to say about today's FCC announcement: "Utility regulation would strangle investment, hobble innovation, and put government regulators in charge of nearly every aspect of Internet-based services. It would deprive America of the world's most robust broadband infrastructure, and place a cloud over every application or website that delivers products and content to consumers. In short, it would place government in control of the Internet at the expense of private companies, inventors and entrepreneurs, and ultimately at the expense of the American people." The sheer amount of bullcrap going on is mind boggling. The FCC proposing awful after awful net neutrality regulation, the ISPs saying they can't implement net neutrality and still make a profit (because it's not like they're bleeding people dry right now...), and the carriers trying to make special rules so that if a real net neutrality proposal ever does make it through, it won't apply to mobile internet. And then we have statements like the one above form AT&T saying everything is cool and the US has awesome internet, and the government is trying to fuck it up. Yeah ok AT&T, we all know you only hold the consumer's best interest in mind...
  7. So, I was just sitting on my computer, jammin' to my music, and I thought: Will Star Citizen have any life-simulation features? What I mean by that is; similar to EVE, will there be a little window where you can open up a real browser and browse the web, and things similar to that? I mean, if CIG wants to make this game as immersive as possible, it'd be nice to not have to tab out/go to another monitor in order to chat with friends or something. Rather, we'd have everything we want in-game! Picture this, right? You're in your ship, exploring the depths of the galaxy. You're in a Constellation, slowly drifting through space. Problem is, it's silent. Yeah, some players might enjoy the silence of space, but not everyone's that type of person. You know what'd make this moment better? Mozart's Symphony No.40 in G minor. But why should you only settle for some music? How about you feed some information into your brain by turning on your holographic screen, and listening to the TNN (TeraNewsNetwork)! News about pirates in the Goss System (Ugh, again?) getting boring? Don't worry, you can still go online to look at funny cat videos (Yes, those are still popular), or talk to your friends on skype/teamspeak/spacebook/whatever. What do you guys think about this? Would like it to be incorporated into the game? I think it'd be a great way to make sure players are fully immersed in the game, and to let hardcore players practically LIVE in the game universe :3 TLDR: It'd be nice if we could go online through an in-game UI, so we can be fully immersed in the game.
  8. So, I was browsing the internet, and somehow came across a forum I used to frequent when I was much younger. My curiosity peaked, and I decided to go ahead and read what type of stuff I posted. Since I was very young at the time, my grammar was horrendous, and anything I said now sounds completely retarded. This experience was also extremely entertaining. I've evolved so much, in contrast to the times when I posted on that forum, and those posts are naturally somewhat embarrassing. And by reading those 10+ pages of infantile replies, I got in the mood to post some stupid thread, just as I did in those days. Ironic, I know.. So here it is. I'd like to know if you've had any similar experience. Did you share it with your friends? Did you make an effort to erase all information as quickly as possible? Did this experience teach you anything new? I'm pretty sure at least some of you have done some reckless stuff and seen it end up on the internet.
  9. Yahhhhhh finally I have dam good internet no more dongle sticks I can finally play online games the RIGHT WAY YAHHHHHHHHHHH. ADSL 2+ 50gig $45.00 (Regional) Logitel :-) ....... no more lag :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
  10. My chief wants to get his doughter to the top of a vote! I thought I ask for help here becouse I check a bit too often on this page Pls vote for PAULA KRÜGER make some random votes on the other so that it looks legit with a vote you get the chance to win an iPad Link: http://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/ozdigital/sportler_umfrage Use Google Chrome Translator or something to read what it's about if you feel like it (in case you don't understand german)
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