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  1. Hallo Citizen! Wir sind der Konzern Lionhead Industries. Gegründet auf dem Fundament der Grundsätze: “Ehrlichkeit, Aufrichtigkeit, Solidarität”, haben wir das Ziel unsere Zukunft im Verse durch verantwortungsbewusste Mitglieder selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Der Spaß jedes einzelnen steht an erster Stelle, gleichzeitig wollen wir durch strukturiertes und durchdachtes Handeln einen sicheren Hafen für unsere Mitstreiter schaffen. Dafür wünschen wir uns Interesse am Spielen im Team, Kommunikationsfähigkeit, eine gewisse geistige Reife, idealerweise ein Alter von 18+ und das Interesse an einer zukunftsorientierten Community. Erfahrung im Verse ist schön aber nicht Pflicht. Wir freuen uns den Neulingen das Freelancer Programm sowie den erprobten Citizens das Abteilungssystem unseres Konzerns vorzustellen. Als Freelancer bist du am Anfang deiner Karriere in unserem Unternehmen. Hier lernst du alle unserer Firmenstrukturen kennen. Später wirst du dich dann in einem unserer Unternehmenszweige spezialisieren um eigenständig oder im Team Aufträge in deinem jeweiligen Fachbereich zu übernehmen. Die Freelancer werden dabei von erfahrenem Personal geleitet, welche unsere neuen Mitarbeiter fachgerecht und berufsbegleitend anlernen können. Unsere Firma besteht aktuell abgesehen von unserem Freelancer Programm aus drei weiteren Konzernzweigen. Diese werden sich mit der Entwicklung von Star Citizen erweitern und vermehren und dienen dazu, die Profession unserer Mitarbeiter auf einen Teilbereich zu konzentrieren. Somit soll eine verlässliche Unternehmensstruktur gewährleistet werden um bei Großaufträgen ein effizientes und professionelles Vorgehen zu ermöglichen. Security Du kannst in stressigen Situationen einen kühlen Kopf bewahren, hast eine fliegerische Ausbildung genossen und kannst mit schweren Waffen umgehen? Dann bist du bei Lionhead Industries Security genau richtig. Unser Arbeitsbereich umfasst einfache Eskortierungs-Einsätze, die Sicherung von Eigentum, Waren und Leben. Hinzu kommen Aufgaben im privaten Sicherheitssektor wie bspw. die Suche nach Rechtsbrechern sowie militärische Einsätze in verschiedenen Größenordnungen. Um strukturierte Einsätze sowie gezieltes und geplantes Vorgehen zu ermöglichen ist unsere Security Abteilung auch militärisch straff organisiert und untersteht einem Commander und seinen Offizieren. Industrial Als Mitglied vom Industrial Corp. wirst du eines von vielen Zahnrädern in einer gut geölten Maschine. In diesem Unternehmenszweig geht es um die Beschaffung und Verarbeitung von Rohstoffen zu handelsfähigen Gütern, den Weitertransport im Unternehmensnetzwerk, die Eigenversorgung mit Verbrauchsgütern und das Aufrechterhalten der internen Firmenstrukturen. Du kannst mit kleinen bis großen Fahrzeugen und Raumschiffen umgehen, kannst dich eigenständig in ein bestehendes Team einarbeiten und komplexe Aufgaben selbstständig und im Team bewältigen. Dann solltest du dir das Industrial Corp. unbedingt näher ansehen. Black Lions Du kennst dich mit verschiedenen Waffen, Raumschiffen und Taktiken aus, kannst unauffällig und im Team strukturiert unter einem Kommando dienen. Die ständige Gefahr und das stetige Risiko des Todes schrecken dich nicht ab? Dann bist du in der Black Lions genau richtig. Politisch und Rechtlich prekäre Missionen sind das Spezialgebiet der Black Lions. Taktisch hoch anspruchsvolle Einsätze gehören hier zu deinen Aufgaben. Wenn dich das nicht abschreckt und du die entsprechenden Fähigkeiten mitbringst, dann solltest du dir die Black Lions unbedingt näher ansehen. Du möchtest dich detaillierter über unsere Pläne, Struktur und Abläufe informieren? Du hast Fragen oder dein Interesse wurde geweckt? Dann komm auf unseren Discord-Server und finde deinen eigenen Platz in unserer Konzernfamilie. - Lionhead Industries https://discord.gg/uWvFFQu5EG
  2. Hello Star Citizen Base! niceGame.io is running a competition to get things rolling. We invite creative souls to join in on our screenshot competition and win up to $100 for the best screenshot of the month. The site is non-profit and aims to be a screenshot platform for beautiful games. Made for artists and enthusiasts! Star Citizen is one of the most capable screenshot games out there! We are all fresh and don't have any submissions yet, so winning the first month should be easy if you have a hidden talent for gaming screenshots. You can read more about the competition here: https://nicegame.io/page/screenshot-comp And here is me wishing you good luck from the verse
  3. Star Citizen Base is in search of article writers and content creators for our main website. For many years now the forums have been the main focus, but we'd like to give some attention to the main website. With that we encourage our SCB members that have passion (and time) for Star Citizen to contact Gallitin about the gig. What we're looking for: Fresh content and articles related to any aspect of the Star Citizen game Content can include articles, news, videos, etc... Looking for unbiased material Not used to promote organizations unless relevant to the story Links to other Star Citizen sites are great, but not looking for commercials Can be posted as written by you or as an alias if preferred Posts will be published on https://www.starcitizenbase.com/ and some may make it to our sister site: https://osgamers.com/ promoting Star Citizen. Contact Gallitin on the forums or in Discord for more details.
  4. Konnten wir dein Interesse wecken? Dann schicke uns noch heute deine Bewerbung! Weitere Fragen? Kein Problem! Für weitere Informationen besuche unseren Organisationsthread: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50177/thread/blra-horizont Oder stelle deine Fragen direkt an uns: TS-Server: horizont-sc.org
  5. Looking for a few explorers who wish to seek out the unknown. The Anvil Carrack will be our main ship but not bound to it. More info to come.... Join: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/MHP [MHP]Remon Engod
  6. I want to sell my account containing $166 credits for $60 USD. I don't have the time to play anymore and I need the money for college. If you have questions and/or want to discuss the payment and such, please contact me on Discord by adding me; Killculator#7588
  7. Hello, the goal of the project is to operate and maintain a neutral sector in Star Citizen. We use different elements from popular SF series. A council of ambassadors like in Babylon 5 to represent the interests of the general public, every organization can join this project (of course you have to follow the rules within the sector) a project crew similar to Starfleet from Star Trek an open collaboration with all who are well-disposed towards the project as in Stargate The project is peacefully designed and we will try to solve conflicts primarily diplomatically. However, the world is not a place that only works with good will and noble intentions. For this reason we are also looking for international members for the project crew. The predominant language is English and similar to Starfleet there will be a variety of tasks. Members of the project crew will not only work with German players, but with people from all over the world. The project already has members from the USA, Canada, Spain, France, England, Germany, Africa, Poland, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. The real world is very confusing and crazy and even though we, by that I mean all players, like to let off steam in the virtual worlds, we want to create a place where all players can relax. Organize common events like regular tournaments and fleet maneuvers or just have some fun. This is our goal and this is what the project stands for. Please have a look at our PDF, if you like our project, please contact us: Presentation Help us to realize a dream that we usually only know from fictional series that we travelled through as children. The project does not even require much time, just one or two hours per week would be more than enough. We would like to spread the burden of the project on many shoulders so that there is enough time for everyone to have fun. If organizations are interested in our project, you can visit us in the Discord: https://discord.gg/AKWKUHN But here in this topic I am primarily concerned with players for the project crew itself. Mfg. Antarius.
  8. WarWulf

    Ongoing Discussion Force Feedback in a new generation

    Is immersion, and are haptics, still relevant? Sony has recently revealed their new controller... and it looks like they've replaced the usual rumble pad with actual haptics and force feedback. In their blog post, Sony detailed the "variety of powerful sensations" haptic feedback can bring to gameplay, like "the slow grittiness of driving a car through mud." Haptic feedback is the same technology behind the Nintendo Switch's HD rumble and we know the Xbox Series X controller will make use of it as well. Probably the most famous haptic controller in this community will be the Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2, which hasn't been available commercially since 2003. This controller is now much sought after by a relatively small group of people, and although haptic feedback is not widely supported, it is still incorporated into some of the more detailed flight sims even after 20 years. So what were some of the features that this provided? It's been a long time since I let mine go, but I do remember the demos which were part of the joysticks toolkit. This allowed you to feel simulated experiences such as a something similar to dragging a pencil over corrugated cardboard (intermittent resistance), feeling a difficult spot within the joysticks range of motion, resistance in one direction, etc. It might be nostalgia, but I definitely recall being impressed by these demonstrations. I was even more impressed when I fired it up in my first flight simulation haptic experience. I had never had the experience of fighting the winds before and it was obviously something that Microsoft had spend time refining. So why, if this controller was as legendary as its fans would tell you, did it die off? Patents. The company Immersion Technology had developed the technology and owned the patents to it, and Microsoft and Sony were not paying to license the patents. It would be easy to see this is a patent troll manoeuvre, however the truth is that without these licenses, innovations would probably be fewer and far between. There were a number of court cases, Microsoft settled early paying a dividend and purchasing a portion of the company. Sony were more resistant. The court cases went on for a number of years, during which they were appealing a court decision that would have ceased production of the PlayStation line until the patented technology was removed. Eventually it all closed down and while it never really made any big headlines, even those outlets following the situation lost interest. No console had haptic feedback, favouring the rumble technology instead, and immersion continued to produce technology aimed towards industrial production and military products. Now we're caught up in the timeline, what is the latest development? The patents for a number of applications for haptic technology, including those used in the Sidewinder FF, have finally expired after being extended by the holding company. Those die hard fans have been theorising about a resurgence of this niche technology. However there has largely been radio silence on the subject. Theory-crafting was simply that. Until the consoles announced that they were going to be providing their own haptics. This changes the lay of the land. As any good PC gamer knows (even if they may not like it) a large portion of the industry is motivated by console technologies above those on PC. There are always areas which are PC-centric, and the PC is always at the forefront of the technology curve, but frankly consoles and mobiles are where the big money is these days. And you can't argue with profits. So with this possibly becoming something that will be developed for and supported again, the big question is; Is it still relevant? And how would we want it to be implemented? This isn't an attempt at an opinion piece, although my opinion will bleed into it. I'm genuinely interested in whether or not this has piqued enough curiosity for people to vote with their wallets. How will people want it to apply to Star Citizen, if it is implemented? Feeling the buffeting of atmosphere and the kiss of the tarmac when flying on atmosphere and landing? Simulating faults in the system making controls sluggish and less responsive? Or perhaps something more in-depth? Is this even relevant enough for people to notice? I look forward to your comments, if any.
  9. Hi guys, I am an associate professor at Jönköping International Business School - in the context of a research project on online communities where we have Star Citizen as one of our cases, we need a couple people from the SC community to help us out. Specifically, we use a technique that analyzes which words occur together in forum posts, which allows us to see the dominant topics in the forums over time and how they affect sentiment and funding. For that, we need someone who is not us researchers to name the topics (that is, word lists) that our algorithm produces. For example, one of our topics reads: users, gimbal, controller, balance, fixed, aim; and we need someone to give this topic a title. In total there are 20 topics. Anyone here who has been involved in SC for a while and could spend ten minutes naming those topics for us? Help would be appreciated. Ideally, we would have two to three people doing this, so that diverging opinions can be resolved in dialogue. I can unfortunately not offer payment for this, but we are of course happy to inform you about our results. best Norbert https://ju.se/en/personinfo.html?sign=STENOR
  10. Welcome to Winter We are looking for active citizens in the verse to come join us within Star Citizen at all skill levels; whether you are brand new to Star Citizen or you are an experienced player, we have the right fit for you at Winter! Who We Are: We are a family. A community of like-minded gamers across every platform from PC to TableTop. We transcend barriers and bring people together. With over 5000 people calling Winter home we have a place for almost everyone. Who We Are Not: We are not a home for toxicity. For this reason we avoid having any sponsors or dealing with eSports. We encourage friendly competition and each game differs in its approach to fulfilling that competitive itch. What We Offer: Winter has been a home for gamers since the late 90’s when our founders discovered the joy of online gaming. We offer our members a place to call home. We also offer a Discord server to communicate information to our members, and a website for our members to have all the tools they need to get in the game. Rules: Winter is a mature community. Some discussions may not be suitable or appropriate for younger children therefore we ask that you be 16+. Names must be ASCII characters only, also any abbreviation for personal advertising is not allowed. (i.e TTV or YT) Keep public comments and discussions constructive and positive. If topics seem inappropriate for public discussion please move it to a DM. This is a SFW (safe for work) place, so please keep general content appropriate. Hate speech. Winter does not tolerate attacks on any person or group of people.. i.e.) basis of gender, religion, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. This includes the casual use of derogatory terms. Do not engage in or post content encouraging the harassment of individuals or communities. Politics, Religion ,Drugs, and Finances are topics we do not want discussed in Winter. Do not use the Winter server to promote or sell your product or service. This includes unsolicited advertising of game streams. Post attempting to do so will be removed. Do not use the Winter server to solicit products from other members. This includes assets for Twitch/YouTube, profile pictures, or game coaching. Post attempting to solicit anything will be removed. More Info: If you are looking for more information about Winter you can reach out to me Via Discord: RefleX#7850 Winter's Discord Winter's Website
  11. Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule. Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead. Loyalty is life, for without one's clan one has no purpose. Death is life, one should die as they have lived. -Mandalorian Code of Honor -The Guild- We are a diverse group of committed fans looking to make an org of fun people to play alongside. We aim to take Star Citizen seriously enough to organize groups and get the most out of the game but without defaulting to rigid military hierarchy or taking anything too seriously. We actively participate in all aspects of the 'verse. There is no set policy for mandatory attendance. We thrive on a relaxed fitting of all members being able to play when they want to. Real life comes first. We plan on constantly evolving and keeping everything as fair and well maintained in the org as possible. We encourage member input and feedback. We have one Supreme Ruler. The org has 3 Leaders that vote on all aspects and consider the members' input. For the most part, we are a very laid back org (that is sober most of the time) that focuses on having fun. We have small training certifications to run to advance in rank as well as passive activity in daily gaming. We schedule weekly events such as training and attack/defend and dog fighting scenarios. We accept all members 18+. Our Discord has 18+ content and vulgarity. We wish to keep a mostly mature atmosphere. Any experience level welcome. We don't mind showing new players the ropes. We have Documents, Spreadsheets, and Slides to help teach our simple in-game training courses. ____________________________ Divisions: Beskar Company - [Commerce & Support] Personnel dedicated to trading routes, mining, operating large scale ships in battle, science & engineering departments, and towing. (Trading, Mining, Capital Crews, Science, Salvaging, Engineering, and Towing) Zerek Squadron - [Air Combat] Skilled] Combat Pilots, Troop Carries, and Escorts, also operating as reconnaissance for hunts, insertion of troops to battlefield, and escort fighters for missions. (Fighters, Bombers, Dropships, Medical ships) Vertigo Battalion- [Ground Combat] Assault Troopers and Assault Vehicles (Light and Armored), Often operating as reconnaissance and tactical operatives (Infantry, Ground Vehicles, Recon Vehicles) _____________________________ We hope to hear from you. Just come on and hop in the discord, kick your boots off and have a beer. Take care and safe flying out there in the 'verse RSI Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/THEBHGUILD Discord Link: https://discord.gg/JjjVF9E -"Family is more than bloodline."
  12. For those Brits among us (and anyone who has access), Click - a BBC Tech show will have an edition investigating the perceived delay in Star Citizen's release this weekend . For a little background info, one of the presenters was a long time fan of the project, lending her voice to a voice pack and even getting into a DS slanging match over it. Despite the misleading description of the show's content, I'm hoping that we will at least see a more informed media piece than in recent articles. A little more media exposure at this time couldn't hurt, could it?
  13. I want to buy a Star Citizen account registered in 2012 With package: DIGITAL SCOUT - LTI - Or similar package My Discord: @[CODΞ] AlexFreeman#8529
  14. (FFK) Flotter der Treu Ritter Rekrutierung Der heilige Ritter ist längst 1500 Jahre in Vergessenheit geraten, jahrhundertelang hatte sich der Ritterorden dem sicheren Weg der Pilger ins Heilige Land verschrieben. Sie schützten die Reisenden vor Dieben, Räubern und ganzen feindlichen Armeen. Sie waren elitäre heilige Krieger. Sie widmeten ihr Leben, ihr Vermögen und ihre heilige Ehre dieser Sache. Mit Gewalt brachten sie Frieden und Sicherheit ins Land. Jetzt, im Jahr 2949, ist der Heilige Ritterorden erneut auferstanden, um die ständig wachsende Bedrohung durch die Vanduul und die Piraten, dieses Pestuniversum, zu bekämpfen. Die Flotte der treu Ritter ist ein Leuchtfeuer in einem dunklen Vers - und wir wachsen täglich an Zahl. Hast du die Kraft und tapfere Kraft, ein Treu Ritter zu sein? Ein treu Ritter ist wirklich ein furchtloser Krieger, der niemals vor dem Kampf zurückschreckt. Wenn Sie Ehrenwert sind, werden Sie uns willkommen heißen. Wenn du auch mutig bist, dann wirst du zu uns kommen wollen. Und wenn du ein Feind der Reinen, der Gerechten und der Art bist, dann WIRST DU UNS fürchten. Wir suchen Flotter Kanoniere, Jagdgeschwader Piloten, Bombenflugzeuge, Flottenführer, Händler/Kaufleute, die helfen, Kapital zu generieren, um unsere Flotte zu betreiben, Entdecker, militärische Späher, industrielle (Bergleute, Bergung, Wissenschaft, Landwirtschaft) und Unterstützen von Aufgaben, um bei der medizinischen, Betankung und Reparatur zu helfen. Was auch immer Ihr Spielen-Stil ist, wir haben es und brauchen Ihre Hilfe. Ihr werdet den Schutz der Flotte der treu Ritter haben und Mitglied einer wirklich mächtigen Organisation sein, die eine Mission hat: ein Leuchtfeuer in einem dunklen Vers zu sein und die Dunkelheit zu zermalmen, wo immer sie sich versteckt. Für alle neuen Mitglieder. Bitte schließen Sie sich uns in unserem Discord und einige Spiel spielen, wie wir Ihre Anwendung betrachten. Begleiten Sie uns JETZT in unseren Bemühungen, die UEE zu einem besseren Ort zu machen! Begleiten Sie unsere Discord hier:https://discord.gg/W9YFCN8 Unsere Website: Faithfulknights.com RSI Org. Seite:https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/FFK
  15. This time I was a little late again, my apologize. Patch 3.7 brought quite a few new things, but at the same time almost didn't update the old ones, which made this comparison very simple. But future patches are full of changes, so wait for them! I hope you enjoy this video. Enjoy watching! Citizen Spotlight Spectrum Reddit
  16. Greetings, citizens! About a year ago, I came up with the idea of this video, and finally I was able to bring it to life. And I hope you will like it! Enjoy watching! P.S. you can support me here: Citizen spotlight Spectrum Reddit
  17. Greetings, citizens! I apologize for the three-day delay - I finally found a job in real life, and now I have less time to do video. However, I will not give up no matter and I will continue to please (or not) you with my new videos! Patch 3.6 brought us updates of some ships, as well as several gameplay changes, because of which this video is quite long, but I tried to make it interesting and not boring. But I need to warn you - this is not an perfect video: the process of decreasing the criminal status is shown badly (because at the same time as I filmed this, I had to defend myself against other players and the NPC). Also, a fragment on Grim-Hex is shown with a low frame rate due to pirates, who “drop” FPS because of their number near Grim-Hex - reruns to other servers didn’t help much, so I inserted the smoothest moment - which, unfortunately, is still bad in terms of performance. I apologize and I hope these factors do not hurt you to watch this video. As usual, for your convenience, I have done all the timecode codes - they are in the first fixed comment. I hope you will like it. Enjoy watching! P.S. As usual, you can support me here: Citizen Spotlight Spectrum Reddit
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