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  1. For future reference, it really doesn't matter which connectors you use as long as you fill all the connector slots on the gpu.
  2. I for one want to captain my Merchantman in such a manner that my pilot fly's and someone like a first mate does the interaction with the crew and I just make the shots on where we're headed next and do the sales. I'f I'm able to perhaps even never leave the ship
  3. I'm not sure if this will help but if you're running w10 you could try following these instructions: http://www.askvg.com/fix-drives-appearing-twice-in-navigation-pane-of-windows-10-explorer-this-pc/
  4. What troubles me is that even the larger hangar is not wide enough for a BMM, or atleast if it comes out as wide as it has been predicted, where the hell will it fit?
  5. Just got myself a Merchantman! I've been waiting for an opportunity to get one for over a year but have always missed out on the sales!
  6. I've got tickets for tomorrow and I don't even know how I'll manage to do any work tomorrow. Last time I went to see a Star wars film in a theatre there was a posse dressed up as aliens and they were playing the Tatooine bar song with some weird trombone things outside the theater, I'll be disappointed if they aren't there again...
  7. That looks like it would be very awkward to hold...
  8. Well your theory does seem more plausible for an spacefaring race such as the Vanduul. It's a shame really, I already had an image in my head of the Vanduul ship breaching another's hull and the Vanduul inside blacking out from the Gs and once the hatch opens they just fall out into a pile on the ground
  9. I've always found the ships that are designed to crash with other ships to breach the hull unrealistic. I just can't imagine anyone inside the craft surviving the hit with another ship, much less being in any fighting condition after the crash even if they survived it. Who knows, maybe the Vanduul can take some serious Gs
  10. Filled it, good luck with your studies! You've chosen an interesting subject.
  11. That was simply awesome! I wasn't too fond of the recent trailer either but CIG could make up for it by publishing this one instead! @Chimaera have to disagree with you on that one. The ending was masterfully synchronized with the music (take the gunshots for example) and all in all the video sped up towards the ending until coming to a halt simultaneously with the music, I love it!
  12. I think it was also hinted that we might be able to interact with other players in the setting from the planetside demonstration somehow. Lets go crazy here and assume we enter the setting much the same way we enter AC and land our ship in the same way as in the video, and then we'll be able to see friends and take them to our hangars from there. Here's to hoping!
  13. What is that thing armed with? Whatever they are I need them!
  14. This is how the 56th Joyriders Park their vessels!
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