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Darius Marx

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Everything posted by Darius Marx

  1. Immersion is great.. but can you imagine how long fights would be without the indicators? We would be there all day! You talk about immersion but you realize if you want to get rid of these indicators you will have to train yourself to dogfight without them right? Like real life pilots who train for years before even jumping into a fighter-jet and even then I'm sure they have all sorts of gizmos(did I spell that right?) that would help them aim. I think there's no way around the HUD/ indicators, it's needed or else they would take away all the fun. It would turn to work-time rather than play-time. I think yellow is an ugly color though, feels out of place. imo
  2. They are recorded. I got disconnected last night (crash) and my kills and deaths were still registered. I know, I checked. The thing is though that every game has achievements, stats and records. It's fun to look at and compare yourself to others. It's fun to see in you're improving or not. It's also fun to see who are the best players in the world. It's all good fun and not something that is forced down our throats. Either you follow the stats or you don't. The only way to check these stats is to physically go to the website and click on the leaderboards. If you don't want to be part of it, then just stay away from it!
  3. I think it's a good idea. I'm pretty sure they are making insurance not such a big deal anymore. Too much money invested by players, and they want to avoid the drama that will come if players start losing their really expensive ships. I for one am happy haha What? The LTI carries over to the new ship. Is that what you're asking? I voted for the Reclaimer. I'm stoked to find out how big those docking ports are.
  4. By the time pu hits all these monster cards will be cheaper. I'm still sure I'll get another 770 to SLI it with my current one. I'm not going to fall into the pc gaming money pit. The 770 is 340$ now, as apposed to 420$ a year ago. I bet 2 years from now it will be in the 200$ range and will still be able to play Star citizen on max. I mean one 770 alone is kicking ass, imagine two. The engine isn't changing. And star citizen will be the only game I'll be playing. But only time will tell.
  5. LTI will be available for new ships going forward. But only for the week they are on sale.
  6. I don't think this is right. The hornet is bigger in AC when I fly by the terraformer. Yet it looks like an ant compared to it in that picture.
  7. This is terrible news. Minecraft was actually a great game in the beginning. But as I stopped playing, the game grew way out of proportion. I couldn't get back into it. Too many recipies. Private servers didn't last long. Open servers full of asshole kids. Now THIS? Micro$oft will just end up exploiting it for cash.
  8. This rig makes star citizen it's bitch.
  9. Personally its Too buggy for me to come up with an opinion. The flying in his game is so bad though. It's like I'm driving on ice it feels like. And turning is a bitch.
  10. Great find. Thanks for sharing man. I'll be watching this later tonight.
  11. You two being up good points. I'm sure they are scratching their heads trying to come up with a solution that is balanced and fun. I would hate to run into 4 idrises. I would hate to be limited.
  12. Haha yeah Megan is one good looking girl ain't she?
  13. That was random overlord haha. Where did Megan fox come from? O.o
  14. Did anyone buy ships hoping to use them exclusively as escort fighters? Not to use them yourself, but rather having an npc use it for your own protection.
  15. I would rather have the questions in text form, rather than video, honestly. I think Chris should make a weekly video about a certain subject, say customization, and dedicate 10 minutes to talking about customization. Every week there would be a new topic. I would watch that, even if it's old info, it would keep the idea of SC fresh in our minds from the big guy himself. Rather than read all the speculations on the forums.
  16. You make a good point, Voa. But it still doesn't change my mind, personally I would still refrain from fighting in an m50. Because even though you are right, about the m50 being nimble and hard to hit and that being a huge advantage in combat, you WILL get hit eventually. And really how many hits can an m50 take? Just speculating sure but I'm willing to bet that it won't be much. Plus you have heat seekers to contend with. But again that's just me. I'm sure there will be pilots who will wreck and dominate people in AC when the m50 is fly able.
  17. I miss wingman's energy and crazy antics. Ten for the chairman is boring because I know the answers to the majority of the questions that were chosen. And don't get me started on around the verse. I don't like Sandy at all. I think She's a total fake. Bug smashers is a nice segment, and whenever they share new pics or reveals, but that's about all I watch. I skip the rest of the video.
  18. Good. Less competition, and more players for sc.
  19. Seriously! What's with all the bias against 1 foot tall midgets with rainbow afros covered in sparkles?
  20. Those pictures are breathtaking. I'm excited for the simplified huds on the hornet. And that avenger HUD has got to be the best one yet IMO.
  21. Yeah, true. But honestly personally I would never fight with an m50, I'd buy one to use it in the various races. It's what they were made for. Ofcourse if I were to use it in combat, I would outfit it with the proper equipment, including a proper skin to use in space.
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