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    Space Sims, since I first played Escape Velocity I've wanted a game like Star Citizen, so glad it's coming.

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  1. While I like how EVE turned out on its own, I kind of want SC to be different because otherwise why bother making it? I'd prefer if they didn't incourage the more complex investment tools because thats how you become a spread sheet accountant which is what EVE turned into for me...I'd rather have a more adventure/action oriented acquisition of wealth instead of the galactic stock market.
  2. welcome aboard my good man! I know what you mean by trying to fit passion amongst all the rest. Glad you could come aboard and I look forward to seeing you in the verse!
  3. falkan


    CR's quote is probably more accurate, but it doesn't diverge too much from what the other guy above quoted. I bet there will be bases we can buy/capture, but they will be pre-existing instead of something you can just plop down where you want it. They will be able to add more bases and locations because they have talked about expanding the universe over time. I wonder though about preventing bases from being captured while you're offline...while I like the idea I'm not sure how that can be enforced unless there are robust NPC defenses you can buy and upgrade for while you're offline. More likely you will only be able to capture/lose bases at specific times of day which could also be problematic when you consider the different time zones SC's player base is spread over. If they required a thrown gauntlet style challenge I don't think that would be as fun because it removes the element of surprise and the sense of urgency an unanticipated attack can add to the gameplay.
  4. I wonder if your ship can become a derelict by falling victim to the same virus/alien/disaster that created one you attempted to salvage. I can see it now, entire graveyards of ships floating in an ominous cloud around a lifeless alien hulk of a ship.
  5. I think the market and it's shifting will be based more upon the total changes in supply made in a system by the players/NPC's. So imagine if you check a market board and it says Titanium is going for 3000 credits a ton and you make a huge run with 20 tons of titanium in your nifty little freelancer and make a tidy profit off of it. Now that you've injected a large amount of titanium into the systems market I bet the price will shift for anyone else bringing it in. Now I'm willing to bet planets will have different rates of consumption for different products and this will mean they are relatively safe bets for running specific cargo to, but if it gets inundated with the high value product I bet the price will drop for an amount of time equal to the time it takes the planets consumption rate to push the price back up. I think this would be great because it WOULD allow us to manipulate it to some degree, but it wouldn't allow us to totally shift the market in an EVE style shitstorm. Of course this is just what I like and think would be complex, without giving us all carpal tunnel from editing our spreadsheets.
  6. Hi everyone, I am an original backer from the kickstarter days and I'm really getting excited for the upcoming releases this next year and I'm looking for a fun group to share that experience with. Imperium sounded like a great place to be. I will be shipping out with a MISC Freelancer and possibly an Aurora in case I have a bad day but we'll see. I've been a huge fan of space sims since the old shareware escape velocity and I'm super excited by the new Salvage mechanics.
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