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Reputation Activity
Zepheris reacted to PowerWagon in Imperium is active! DIscord Link Here!!!
Imperium is on Discord: discord.gg/imperiumsc
Zepheris got a reaction from Drum in Banu Merchantman
Well I've had my virtual Banu MM since 2013. I've not been expecting it for many years. I think we have more ship variants now than star wars. 😂
Zepheris reacted to Chimaera in EXCHANGE AND BUYBACK PRICE
So you understand, the original prices of the packages and etc... (i.e. the 2012 pricings for example) have inflated over time and some packages no longer exist for purchase. If you're concerned about the in-game value of a ship and upgrade then you should hold onto the package and then upgrade the Red to something like a Blue during the IAE sale in a couple of weeks. Your "inherent value" of the Red will count toward the Blue or whatever ship you would want to add to the package. CIG always has the CURRENT MSRP of the ships as the baseline for upgrades, not your original paid price. For example: I have a Banu Merchantman that I originally got for $250 at its concept price. It now is worth $600 MSRP and if I want to upgrade to a Perseus, all I need to do is buy a $25 USD upgrade even though I only paid $250 to start.
Zepheris reacted to Chimaera in PSA Regarding Suspicious Activity
This message is a PSA to all SCB members from all organizations. We have noted suspicious activity on the part of some persons attempting to sign up for SCB and/or join Imperium. This activity includes linking of supposedly personal information on sites like LinkedIn, and attempting to get people to click on the profile in order to gather personal information from people viewing the profile who may have their own profiles cached in their browser.
Please report any suspicious activity, such as claims related to security backgrounds, claims of being "intelligence officers" but not listed on our site as such, claims of admin positions not backed up by our site, and definitely don't click links that you don't know. Keep safe and vigilant and do not hesitate to report activity to us via this form.
Zepheris reacted to Jinks5710 in [TBAC] The British Are Coming
The British Are Coming
► Our goal is to continue being one of the most active UK organisations in the verse!
► We exist to explore the possibilities offered for player made content through weekly sector nights, special events and organised inter-Org wargames.
► We believe Star Citizen shines brightest when experienced with others as such we are looking for chilled, fun, friendly citizens to join our Org. Whatever your interest might be, we have you covered. Join TBAC and get involved with enjoying the verse together.
Military sector is the armoured branch of TBAC. Citizens who were born into the verse to kill and are looking for combat action, PvP & group operations are welcome to join the military Sector. Whether you want to aid fellow troops in combat missions with your space ships or want to safeguard our brave mining/smuggling pilots, the Military Sector is everything you’ve ever dreamt about! If you don’t have those skills, we will help train you to be the best Pilot, Marine or Special Forces operative you can be. Turn your name RED and join the military, help protect your Org mates, bring justice to the verse and generally have fun shooting stuff.
Industrial citizens who were born into the verse to make money, trade goods, mine rare minerals, haul cargo or want to research & build their way through the solar system, every organisation needs money men to keep the engines running and the QT flowing, turn your name GREEN and network with other miners to find the best deposit, discuss trade routes and find the most profitable runs, there are lots of ways to make money in the game, if you ask Military nicely they might just escort your arse across the galaxy.
Science & Exploration permeates so much in the verse and our role will be as diverse as it is deep. Don’t be fooled by people who tell you there is nothing to explore just yet! When each patch goes live, we can be found searching for everything from great mining spots, great trade runs to new locations on planets and more. Join the sector and help us forge a path forward whilst growing in number. All under the banner of exploration. Our role is vast and we aim to take point on discovering new opportunities as well as locations! Oh and let’s not forget science! Medical gameplay is here and falls squarely into our science division. Yet another area with awesome supportive opportunities. We are the pioneers, the scouts, the explorers and when times are hard, the backbone that keeps the hearts of our citizens beating. Turn your name BLUE. Links
RSI Page
TBAC Answer The Call.mp4 -
Zepheris reacted to Chimaera in The Base Radio personnel departure
Imperium and SCB members, As I am sure many of you have noticed, the Base Radio and Imperium/SCB no longer have a shared partnership with each other. We've waited to comment on this departure as it occurred near CitizenCon and we wanted to focus on our community and CitizenCon and having a great event. Now that we've had time to process CitizenCon and we've also had some followup chats with some people who left, here is what we at Imperium and SCB have to say on this situation.
We have had a link between our organizations in one way or another since the beginning of SCB/Imperium, with many of the Base Radio’s “Staff/Commentators” coming from within Imperium itself. However, the end of this connection is not something we are terribly surprised about, as the direction of the Base Radio has long been going differently than that of Imperium and SCB. While we are saddened to see this partnership end, it has become clear over the past months that the Base Radio and SCB/Imperium have reached a point of dissolution; a fact made clear by the recent abrupt resignation by some Imperium members who also shared roles as staff for the Base Radio. We in Fleet Command and Imperium as a whole wish the members of the Base Radio the best of luck in their future endeavours and hope that they can maintain a healthy listenership/viewership as the game gets closer to completion. For those Imperium members who may have left alongside the Base Radio members, please know you were missed at our recent awesome CitizenCon watch party, and we wish you Godspeed as you find organizations that fit you better. Good luck to you all, and see you in the ‘verse!
Zepheris reacted to Cline_West in Astrum Militia
Astrum Militia
Regular/Hardcore (Exclusive)
Role Play:
Yes (MilSim)
Time Zone:
International (NA/EU/ASIA)
The Astrum Militia is a Star Citizen military simulation organization established to primarily provide an immersive and realistic environment for all members and further enhance the fidelity, detail, lore, and expand on the content provided by Star Citizen. The Astrum Militia utilizes a chain of command system, among other departmental and organizational structures to enhance gameplay and foster a tight knit community.
RSI - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/ASTRUMMIL
Discord - https://discord.gg/rMDeCYr (Recruitment Only)
Website - http://astrummilitia.com/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflnA6vxJFVSXAV5brgfmtQ
Star Citizen Wiki - https://starcitizen.tools/ORG:Astrum_Militia
Zepheris reacted to ThelynEnnor in [Ger] Thelyn Ennor - Multigaming since 2005 [Warfare / Industrial]
In den Weiten der Galaxie wird Euer Schicksal bestimmt, ob auf den Schlachtfeldern oder in den Forge Worlds von Segmentum Thelyn Ennor. Trete unserer Warfare oder Industrial Division bei und das Vers wird uns gehören! Wir sind die Ordnung! Wir sind die Inquisition! FOR THE EMPEROR!
Name: Thelyn Ennor
Motto: "it's the way we play"
Ausrichtung: Warfare & Security
Organization: Private Military Company
Allianz: Star Citizen Federation
Memberanzahl: 160 [TE Community: 550]
Ships: +400 (inkl. Javelin & Idris & Polaris)
Homepage: http://www.Thelyn-Ennor.eu
RSI Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/THELYN
Wir sind eine Multigaming-Gilde, die erstmals in Lord of the Rings Online aktiv war. Mit Star Citizen nehmen wir nun unser 15. Spiel in Angriff, um möglichst viele Erfolge feiern zu können.
Was bisher war...
Zu unseren bisherigen Erfolgen in MMO's zählen mehrere World-, European- und German-Firstkills sowie zahlreiche Server-Firstkills. So waren wir die erste Gilde Europas, welche in Lord of the Rings Online die 24er Raid Instanz "Helegrod" clear'n konnte und den World-Firstkill in der Raid Instanz "Feste Dunoth" im Hardmode erreichte. Unser Warhammer Team zwang europaweit als erstes "Hand von Ualatp & Usirians Wächter" in die Knie und war stets unter den besten RvR Gilden. Außerdem feierte unser Star Trek Team mehrere World-Firstkills und konnte die erste Zusammenarbeit mit GameStar etablieren. Unser Rift-Team konnte bereits direkt nach dem Head-Start des Spiels große Erfolge in Form von mehreren Server-Firstkills feiern. Auch mit unserem Star Wars The Old Republic Team waren wir sehr erfolgreich, denn dort haben wir zahlreiche German-Firstkills sowie Server-Firstkills erreicht. Des Weiteren hatten wir schon TV-Auftritte bei Gaming-Shows - wie z.B. NBC GIGA, Buffed Show bzw. Allvatar TV und veröffentlichten auf Buffed.de, GameStar, Onlinewelten und Allvatar.com zahlreiche Guides sowie Artikel. Bekannt sind wir auch für unsere Live-Raids auf verschiedenen Messebühnen, welche immer sehr viele Zuschauer anlocken. Mehr Infos über unsere Erfolge, Projekte und bisherige Geschichte findet ihr auf http://www.thelyn-ennor.eu/
Getreu unserem Motto "It's the way we play" haben wir uns in allen MMO's, in denen Thelyn Ennor vertreten ist, das Hauptziel gesteckt, all das zu erreichen, was im High End-Content (sei es PvE oder PvP) eines MMO's als Erfolg zu betiteln ist. Das gelingt nur durch viel Disziplin, Engagement und eine hohe Aktivität der Member. Unsere Gilde wird im Hintergrund durch einen sehr erfahrenen Organisationsapparat geleitet, welcher dafür sorgt, dass den Membern höchste Qualität und Effizienz in den MMO-Teams zur Verfügung stehen. Wir sind ständig dabei uns in allen Bereichen weiterzuentwickeln, um einen gewissen Grad an Perfektion zu erlangen.
Star Citizen Team
Thelyn Ennor ist eine stark erfolgsorientierte Gilde und darauf werden wir unsere gesamte Struktur wie auch Fleet & Event Organisation auslegen. Wir wollen in allen Bereichen von Star Citizen vorne mitmischen, so ist es unser Ziel den gesamten High-End Content zu bewältigen, dazu gehören vor allem in Sachen PvE das Betreiben von Produktionsanlagen und Raumstationen so wie aber auch PvP Schlachten. Wir werden an den gewaltigsten Schlachten an vorderster Front teilnehmen und für unsere eigenen Sektoren eine hohe Sicherheit gewährleisten! Eine leistungsstarke Warfare und effiziente Industrial Division ist notwendig, um unsere militärischen Operationen erfolgreich durchführen zu können. Wir sind schon seit einiger Zeit in Star Citizen unterwegs und haben somit schon reichlich Erfahrung im Spiel sammeln können. Natürlich ist es unser oberstes Ziel, unsere Private Military Company an die Spitze zu treiben und unser eigenes Territorium zu erobern! Für diese Herausforderungen suchen wir loyale & erfahrene Piloten die Spaß am erfolgreichen Raiden und am PvP haben, sowie sich aktiv am Gildenleben beteiligen wollen! Das Wichtigste hierbei ist, dass man zusammen als starke und feste Gemeinschaft heranwächst. Thelyn Ennor war treibende Kraft bei der Gründung der "Horizon Alliance" mit dem Ziel, alle Inhalte des Spiels ausreizen zu können und ist heute die größte militärische und wirtschaftliche Allianz im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Unsere Member
Thelyn Ennor ist eine zielstrebige und vor allem erfolgsorientierte Gemeinschaft. Daher legen wir viel Wert auf eine perfekte Charakter-Beherrschung, Aktivität, Hingabe, Teamplay und Spaß am Spiel. Wir erwarten von unseren Membern in jeder Hinsicht hohen Einsatz für die Gilde und eine 100%ige Loyalität. Als selbstverständlich erachten wir, dass unsere Mitglieder während der Progress-Phasen absolute Priorität auf ihre Raid-Aktivität setzen und sich immer in allen dafür notwendigen Bereichen auf aktuellem Stand befinden. Unsere stets hoch gesteckten Ziele erreichen wir nur, wenn jeder mit Leidenschaft anpackt und sein Bestes gibt. Im Gegenzug können neue Member von uns eine professionelle Führung und erfahrene Beratung sowie eine hohe Aktivität erwarten. Wenn Ihr ein Member von Thelyn Ennor werdet, seid ihr Teil einer großen Community, welche schon mehrere MMO's erfolgreich spielt und sich auch in zukünftigen MMO's niederlassen wird. Um einen noch stärkeren Bund zu schaffen, veranstaltet Thelyn Ennor mindestens einmal jährlich ein Real-Life Treffen, zu dem alle Mitglieder eingeladen werden.
Es gilt zu beachten, dass bei uns ein Mindestalter von 18 Jahren herrscht.
Wir nutzen [**Teamspeak**] als Voice Tool und [**Discord**] als Chat, welche für alle Member Pflicht sind.Unser Forum ist die Hauptkommunikations-Plattform, hier werden Raids geplant und organisatorische Dinge besprochen.Weitere Informationen findet Ihr auf unserer Homepage:[**Teamspeak**]Wenn Ihr Fragen zur Gilde habt, könnt Ihr uns natürlich jederzeit im Forum oder im [**Discord**] kontaktieren.
Thelyn Ennor - Star Citizen Team
Zepheris reacted to Edimis in Join the Shoresiders Guild, Crash Hurston's Economy, Make History.
Strength, Training, Courage:
-These are all accolades of our Navy and Marine forces in the Shoresiders Guild. We actively participate in anti-terror activities, and do our best to ensure there is a little less smell of shit in staton. We operate on a large fleet, among many smaller fleets, we have the firepower to wipe out a small fleet on our own. We just need the manpower. Will you answer the call? The Shoresiders Guild looks for those seeking PMC work.
Missions, Not just Contracts:
-The Shoresiders Guild does more than "contracts". Sure, each of our Missions is based off a contract, but there is more to each contract in our missions. Your actions matter. When we do missions, if mission objectives are failed, then there is a different outcome than a success. Mind you the contract can still succeed, but our mission objective can still fail as well. Successful missions are met with smoother easier runs. Failed missions are met with a longer harder journey to go through, with more bumps than smooth road.
A Guild, not an Org:
-We are a guild because there is a closer connection inside of a guild. We don't identify as an organization, too corporate. The Shoresiders Guild is lead by two leaders who have the experience and the skills to ensure you learn more and feel successful This is not some member count kinda organization, this is a guild of closely nit units that stand together so we don't fall apart Strong Ranking Hierarchy The Shoresiders guild has a structure and a hierarchy to our ranks, but that doesn't make one person objectively better than the next We made this so each person can view their accomplishments grow over time! We use the ranks to ensure the smoothest gameplay during missions or when just having fun!
A True Difference:
-We want to crash the economy of Hurston Dynamics. Ourselves and a few other organizations are going to be working together over the course of the game's development to see how we can go about successfully crashing this economy. We will blockade trade ports, oversell useless cargo, strip mine Hurston and sell its valuables to Crusader, as Hurston Dynamics enslaves their employees, and we have to stop this life of monarchy from continuing! The UEE does nothing about it, so we will. We will have a fleet to blockade the ports large enough to scare off any bounty hunter, and leadership unmatched. By crashing the economy of Hurston, we can open up ways to evacuate civilians, or fuel the revolution to take Hurston away from the Corporate enslaver's hands and back into the people's.
The Plan is simple:
-Blockade all major Hurston trade ports until the economy of the planet is left to nothing, but also strip mine the planet down below to force its only valuable resources to be such a commodity that other planets would kill to get a shipment from our fleets. Our marines will control all major ground positions and continue to force Hurston security forces away at every interval, keeping the bunkers safe from hostile contact at all chances. The security station that is used to log criminals will be the control station of the operation on the ground, and the work to assault Lorville will be in action, however sending marines into a direct assault of the city would be absolute suicide. We will utilize Nova tanks from a long distance to send artillery to the city and force the security forces to react in force.
The execution must be right:
-Our soldiers must adhere to the motto of everyone out, no one in. If any slip through the blockade they will support the economy of hurston and contribute to the suffering of the workers.
Join the fun!
Website: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/SHORESIDER
Discord: https://discord.gg/SeCyEKZJRk
Zepheris reacted to Kennix in Quantum Jump Medical is bolstering its numbers in preparedness for patch 3.15! We are looking for great people to join in and have fun with us.
Org: Quantum Jump Medical
Specialization: Medical (combat and non-combat)
Commitment: Casual
Role Play: Optional
Main Language: English
Region/Timezone: PST-EST
Operation Times: Mainly Nights and Weekends but always around
Do you find satisfaction in helping others? Consider joining the home grown community here at Quantum Jump Medical.
Quantum Jump Medical (QJM) is the largest dedicated medical and emergency services org with capabilities ranging from simple ISC placement and quick injury fixes, to complete medical support during a full out war.
Founded by Spectre Ziegler in 2016, QJM has never lost focus on the mission; providing emergency services to whomever needs it. No fluff and no bluff, QJM is medical to the core. We have seen other medical orgs come and go as well as branch out into more of a freelance style org, but a jack-of-all trades is a master of none... and that's what sets us apart.
QJM has affiliated with nearly 100 organizations to provide them an invaluable service, keeping them healthy so they can focus on their mission without worry. ATMO Esports exclusively relies on our ability at Quantum Jump Medical to show up and do our job well in order for them to host their amazing content for their viewers without the hiccups and headaches that usually come with injuries or deaths.
With patch 3.15 incoming and bringing us to the new horizon of medical gameplay, we are opening our doors to all prospects who feel QJM is home for them.
Activity will be ramping up with training as well as working with affiliated orgs and that means we have a wide range of openings within QJM.
If you have any questions, please join our Discord.
RSI Page
Zepheris reacted to Chimaera in Post-CitizenCon.... Post?
Good day, Imperium and SCB members!
We had an amazing CitizenCon this year, with a very large turnout for the first CitizenCon since 2019. Our activities began about an hour before the event started, with people showing up and chatting about what we expect for CitizenCon. We had a major turnout of ~40 people for pretty much the entire show, chatting together, voicing thoughts and “oooohs” and “ahhhhhs” over everything from the Pyro art, to the 400i/Liberator.
Surprisingly, we didn’t have many instances of drinking too heavily…until the Tony Z presentation. My deepest apologies for the drinking rule related to Tony’s “you know…” speaking mannerism. I hope everyone survived that one!
Additionally, we had some fun giveaways with our members Lowzone, 1Triton, and Federal winning a P52, P72 LTI, and Original Backer Arbiter pack respectively. Congrats to the winners!
Finally, once we had enough folks copied to the PTU and/or interested in live-server shenanigans, we had a number of members and officers working together to get the Jumptown reward and/or experience the Wave 1 PTU together. This was a great CitizenCon comeback for our members and I'm grateful to everyone who showed up and made the day/afternoon/evening/early-fucking-morning awesome!
See you all at the anniversary next month!
Zepheris reacted to Booster Terrik in Banu Merchantman
you forgot to mention that it will probably lose the big turrets, be slow like a starfarer and have the shields of a connie 😂
Zepheris reacted to Drum in New Player Very Discouraged / Can't Find Items I've Purchased
Put on the default undersuit, then move over to Armor/Torso.
Your rucksacks will show there. - DRUM out
Zepheris reacted to Nikodemous in Swedish umbrella for smaler Swedish organisations
Because we are seeking only Swedish players, the rest will be in Swedish :)
Swedish Umbrella (SWEUMB) är en helt demokratiskt styrd paraply-organisation (Allians) som söker mindre organisationer från 1 spelare och uppåt. Tanken är att SWEUMB skall stärka de små organisationerna och ge de mer muskler än vad de normalt sett har på egen hand.
Vi tar även emot spelare som saknar organisation.
Mindre organisationer har oftast två val:
Alternativ 1. Man går med i en större organisation för att få ut mer gameplay och då blir sin egna organisation förpassad till en kompis-organisation som har svårt att växa.
Alternativ 2. Man satsar på sin egna organisation med sina vänner och blir inte så många online samtidigt vilket gör att man missar en hel del gameplay som kräver fler spelare.
Detta vill vi ändra på då vi anser att alla skall ha möjligheten att få se sin organisation växa och blomstra utan att i slutändan antingen bli uppäten av en av de större organisationerna, eller att missa roligt gameplay.
Några av oss från olika mindre organisationer startade upp denna paraplyorganisation där man kopplar mindre organisationer till , lite som när man går med i facket. Eller varför inte Sverige som är kopplade till EU. På så vis blir vi fler och kan göra mer saker som normalt sett kräver en
större organisation.
Paraplyorganisationen kommer styras av en ledare som blir framröstad med jämna intervaller av medlemmar som sitter i en riksdag som kommer från varje organisation (Vi har ingen ledare för närvarande då vi inväntar ett färdigare spel). Även om paraplyet kommer ha en ledning så är varje enskild organisation självbestämmande och är inte tvungen att medverka på någon aktivitet. Däremot är tanken att det skall anordnas diverse aktiviteter för de medlemmar som har anslutit sig.
Vad får man ut av att koppla sin organisation till Swedish Umbrella?
● Öppnar upp gameplay som normalt sett bara är möjliga för större organisationer
● Planerade event före och efter star citizen gått live
● Få bättre möjlighet att få sin egen organisation att synas och på så vis även lättare att rekrytera nya spelare.
● Har access till riksdagen och är med och kan påverka alla beslut från start tex att ta fram nästa paraply-ledare
● En gemenskap/socialt häng via VOIP och chatt
● Få bättre försvar, transport, mining, you name it. Ju fler vi blir ju större möjligheter.
● Man kan fortfarande spela ihop med sina egna organisationsmedlemmar utan att behöva spela med andra från paraplyorganisationen.
Det är valfritt att spela med andra medlemmar och inget tvång.
Tillsammans blir vi starkare.
Zepheris reacted to Weehamster in Weehamster's Ship Album Collection...and more
LAST EDIT: 9/Oct/2021
Hi everyone /
I have images/gifs of ships/vehicles that are either flyable or in concept, development, re-worked or from Star Citizen lore.
There are also many other categories, including anything from Star Systems to Characters to Ship/FPS Equipment. I constantly add more to the albums so don't be afraid to come back here anytime for the latest images.
Please Note: Because of certain, rather disappointing circumstances that are beyond my control, this page will no longer be updated.
As I have a desire to preserve this archive and continue adding the latest images, a new website has been set up. Please click here and remember to bookmark the new site.
-------------------------------------------- BONUS --------------------------------------------
Zepheris reacted to Danakar Endeel in RSI Perseus
Polaris Q&A
Do the Size-7 guns use bespoke ammunition, and how much ammo can the gunboat carry? The brochure’s picture implies dedicated ‘ballistic’ ammo-loaders below the turret: can we customize the rounds to be either high-explosive or armor-penetrating rounds like IRL battle tanks can choose between during battle? Will the Size-7 guns be swappable, or are they locked like on the Ares? The main turret weapons on the Perseus are currently planned to be bespoke S7 ballistics, with customizable ammo types to provide flexibility.
How far along is this ship? What’s the current stage within the pipeline? The Perseus is at the concept stage and isn’t in production in the vehicle pipeline at this time.
How heavily is it armored? It’s heavily armored for its size and designed to take a beating from other ships, but it isn’t as strong as a capital ship.
What are those “pylons” on each side of the ship (right next to the docking collar) supposed to be for? Currently, they’re decorative. It was the rule of cool at the time and in keeping with the aggressive vibe of the ship. Maybe we’ll look at them later and alter them to be more like buffer bars or additional sensor technology.
What’s the largest ship that the Size-7 guns will be effective against? For example, how effective will they be against larger ships like a Polaris, 890, Idris, or a Javelin if they hit? They’re expected to be effective against all large-size ships. If targeting critical areas on capital ships, they should provide similar effectiveness as the Crusader Ares’ Size-7 weaponry.
Does it have an armory or weapon racks, medical facilities, and facilities for troop-carrying? Otherwise, what is the point of a patrol ship being able to carry a rover? In lore, the ship was not designed to carry a rover, it’s more a happy accident that it can and is a good representation of the general cargo volume. It has no armory or troop-carrying abilities as that is not its role. Its typical role is fleet defense, so it would rely on other ships in the fleet for its medical needs.
Is the cargo elevator the only entrance into a landed Perseus, or is there a dedicated entrance for personnel? There is a dedicated personnel entrance located on the bottom of the ship to the rear behind the cargo elevator.
Why does the exterior appear to have two “doors” whilst only one airlock? Is it meant to only have one airlock (and it was just for symmetry), or does that other side have a function? There is no functionality there and was purely done for symmetry.
Why is the SCM speed for a 100m ship set at a sedate 92 m/s? The SCM speed is broadly in-line with other ships of its size, class, and weight, particularly given its heavily armored nature. Though, as always, speed will be revisited as the ship progresses through the pipeline.
Will it have pilot-controlled weapons? Will both big manned turrets be able to link to the pilot via computer blades if the crew gets sick? The pilot will have access to the torpedoes, and some of the other bridge stations will be able to control weapons. Like other ships with manned turrets, they’re designed to be human-operated. However, as a fallback, they will be able to be NPC-crewed or equipped with a computer blade.
People speculate that this ship will be able to ram enemy ships, as seen in one of the concept-art images. Is this the plan? Will the front feature heavy-duty armor? The concept art depicts the Perseus moving through the wreck of a hammerhead after destroying it, not actually ramming it. Like other ships, it’s capable of it but it’s not recommended nor designed to do so.
According to the Perseus IAE page, it states: “Nearly identical to the historic military original, get to know the new Perseus.” What makes this Perseus different from the military original, and will players be able to acquire the military original in-game in the future? Regarding the “military original” referenced in the brochure/lore, we wouldn’t ever see the originals, as they are VERY old, predating the Tevarin wars and the Xi’an cold war. The lore does allude to a modern military version, which the in-game model is based on, but this is much the same as the Hornet, the Idris, or any other ship available to players also used by the UEE military. The implication is that the civilian model available to players is a slightly nerfed version of its theoretical military counterpart (‘cause, you know, laws).
What are the expected weaknesses of the Perseus versus a ship such as the Hammerhead? Specifically, blind spots, speed, armor, etc. And, can the manned turrets turn quickly enough to easily follow fast targets like dogfighters, medium fighters, etc., or do they turn slowly? The big weakness of this ship is a swarm of fighters, so exactly what the hammerhead is designed to combat. It may have two Size-7 turrets, but they aren’t enough to defend against a determined group as they don’t rotate quickly enough to catch anything but larger targets.
In the brochure, it states that “Twin ballistic Gatling guns can be fully automated or remotely controlled to keep incoming ordnance at bay.” Will it require AI blades to automate these, or is automation part of the ship design as this line of the text seems to imply? These turrets will come equipped with blades, so can be automated by default. In addition, they will be controllable remotely from the bridge if a player wishes to manually control them.
Zepheris reacted to klabauta in Hello from das-kartell
hi, i joined your forum because i´m/we are looking for sparing partners. Are you interessted ? We tend to do organized battles against other organizations. Our team is typically 18-25 in the 'Verse. i´m German so sorry for my english. cu klabauta
Zepheris reacted to mafiaknight in United Empire of Earth Naval Reserve (UEENR)
A very good day to you all. I am Lieutenant mafiaknight with the UEENR. As the name suggests, we are a military RP org. We engage in anti-piracy, and Vanduul interdiction primarily. We would like to learn more about the Imperium such that we might form a friendly working relationship for the future. We welcome any of you to join our Discord to learn more about us, or to chat with our members.
Our RSI page: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/UEENR
Discord: https://discord.gg/BgWxqFQ
Zepheris reacted to Lithras in GreekSA, the largest Greek-speaking Org in Star Citizen, is recruiting!
The Greek Aerospace Agency ("GreekSA") is by far the largest Greek-speaking Org in Star Citizen.
Our goal is to enjoy the game in every way it's meant to be played, whether that means training and coordinated operations, or just casual fun. Our motto is "Alees Aristoi", which is an abbreviation of Herodotus' description of the Spartans and in short, it means "United, Strong".
For those who wish to dedicate themselves to certain aspects of the game, the Org is divided in several departments (Industry, Commerce, Exploration, Security, Intelligence and Civilian Services), each with its own field of specialization and, in addition, we also welcome "social/casual" players who just want to have "no strings attached" (as long as they remain lawful and don't bring trouble to the Org) fun.
Our fleet is diverse and strong, ranging from the tiniest ground vehicle up to Idris and other Capital-Class vessels.
We compile our own guides, as several members of ours are longtime backers with years of research into the game's development and knowledge of current and upcoming game mechanics (at least as they currently stand), as well as several active and reservist military personnel. Those who want to dedicate themselves to a single aspect of the game, are trained accordingly.
So, if you speak Greek (whether as a native language or not), you are welcome to join us! International members are welcome too (most of us are fluent in English).
Moreover, we are always looking to form bonds and alliances with other Orgs, so if you are reading this, we will be happy to hear from you even if you don't intend to join us.
RSI link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/GREEKSA
Discord to our Portal server: https://discord.gg/MY4h5RD
Zepheris got a reaction from Switch in Imperium Won the Star Citizen Invictus Video Contest!
Cool video. Well done.