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Imperium Member
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  1. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from stefmarster for a status update, Happy Birthday ya old Seadog 😄   
    Happy Birthday ya old Seadog 😄
  2. Haha
    Zepheris got a reaction from Lycanthorpe for a status update, You alive   
    You alive 
  3. Like
    Zepheris reacted to Donut for a status update, Happy Birthday!   
    Happy Birthday!
  4. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Basard for a status update, I have 3 game codes to give away to create new EU player accounts in World of Warship   
    I have 3 game codes to give away to create new EU player accounts in World of Warships, World of Tanks, And World of Tanks console.
    PM me if you want to use them
  5. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Rellim for a status update, Wish everyone on Star Citizen Base, a Great Christmas and a Fantastic New Year.   
    Wish everyone on Star Citizen Base, a Great Christmas and a Fantastic New Year. 
  6. Like
    Zepheris reacted to Lakota for a status update, Our very own Trophias is streaming from CitizenCon right now! https://www.twitch.tv/t   
    Our very own Trophias is streaming from CitizenCon right now!
  7. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Tillion for a status update, Whoooooo, another year older   
    Whoooooo, another year older
  8. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Karmaslap for a status update, Goodbye Philae   
    Goodbye Philae

  9. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from BryGen for a status update, Happy 240th   
    Happy 240th
  10. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from GRIZZ for a status update, Needed something colourful on my wall so i got a D.va poster made.   
    Needed something colourful on my wall so i got a D.va poster made.
  11. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from GRIZZ for a status update, Needed something colourful on my wall so i got a D.va poster made.   
    Needed something colourful on my wall so i got a D.va poster made.
  12. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Leonn for a status update, Happy Birthday leonn   
    Happy Birthday leonn

  13. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from WarWulf for a status update, Time to say goodbye To the old £5 note, say hello to the new one. Finally we are catc   
    Time to say goodbye
    To the old £5 note, say hello to the new one.  
    Finally we are catching up to the rest of the world.
  14. Like
    Zepheris reacted to GRIZZ for a status update, Sometimes when I am away for a few days, I just use VoA's news feed to find everythin   
    Sometimes when I am away for a few days, I just use VoA's news feed to find everything I missed...
  15. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Lakota for a status update, Traded my Big Benny code for UEC Credits :-)   
    Traded my Big Benny code for UEC Credits :-)
  16. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Lakota for a status update, Traded my Big Benny code for UEC Credits :-)   
    Traded my Big Benny code for UEC Credits :-)
  17. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Ryofar for a status update, Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday
  18. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Basard for a status update, Reports: First death from meteorite impact recorded in India http://www.theregister.c   
    Reports: First death from meteorite impact recorded in India
  19. Like
    Zepheris reacted to Basard for a status update, New build some what successful, might need ot buy a new SSD as mine wont install wind   
    New build some what successful, might need ot buy a new SSD as mine wont install windows 10...
  20. Like
    Zepheris reacted to Timziito for a status update, Back from Japan! Have i missed anything? *Duuh gamescom* :'(   
    Back from Japan!  Have i missed anything? *Duuh gamescom* :'(
  21. Like
    Zepheris reacted to Doopsums for a status update, I am here to help carry in swarm if anyone needs it. 70 left currently. Better Hurry!   
    I am here to help carry in swarm if anyone needs it. 70 left currently. Better Hurry!
  22. Like
    Zepheris got a reaction from Timziito for a status update, Win a walk-on role in Star Trek Beyond...for charity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=   
    Win a walk-on role in Star Trek Beyond...for charity   
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