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Everything posted by Skywing

  1. It's unfortunate, had pretty good CCUs in buybacks. Thanks for the information, hadn't saw that they change it
  2. I use dual Gladiator from VKB, it's 150$ plus tax per stick. I'm very hapy with them. Dual sticks are more relevant if you do dogfight, for non combat activities they aren't as important.
  3. Never own the T-16000M, but played with people that do, they were all happy with it. Nevertheless most have or are changing to VKB's tho to the feel and increased precision. If you never had dualsticks you better off getting the T-16000M and see if you like to use dualstick, depending on how you treat them they'll last 2 to 4 years without any major problems (according to my mates) .
  4. For what if seen, you will maintain your aUEC, in same cases get some duplicate ships, but can only use one, the other you will be unable to claim. If you have upgraded any parts on your ship you may also lose it, but it's uncertain, sometimes it goes to "inventory" and you just need to equip it again. This is what happened to the 3 people I know that made a character reset, it may change slightly to your account.
  5. You should land first at Lorvil so that you can spawn at Hurston . It still be a pain to travel from Lorvil to the mission.
  6. I hope she gets run over by the tie-fighter, best ending ever. What i want to see is The Mandalorian TV show.
  7. It's true that we can get all that equipment in game, the thing is, it will be the default loadout, and every time you get a new ship from insurance you will be ready to go with one of the best loadout's for SH (at the moment). The 15$ is the price of convenience, for not having to farm to buy the gear, and then have to equip it all the time (I know i'm lazy). That being said, I won't apply the CCU until we now how good it is with the new flight model. With the new flight model, gimbels may start to be great.
  8. I also got a CCU version, i'm waiting to see how the now flight model works to decide if I apply it or not.
  9. I would like to suggest Warframe it's free to play
  10. What loadout do you use on your hornet F7M?
  11. This work day is taking too long, i want to go home to see if i have 3.0
  12. Skywing

    Anvil Hawk

    Looks like a starter ship
  13. The biggest problem is that people want to buy the cyclone to use as LTI token, CGI knows that, and up's the price of the product. I think it would be preferable to sell LTI as a upgrade like the skins, separate by ship sizes like: Nox, Cyclone + 4€ for LTI Aurora + 6€ for LTI Hornets 12€ connys, freelancer 15 BM, carack, 20€ There wouldn't be the stress about LTI tokens for ships bought after concept sale, and CGI would make a few more bucks since we coloud buy ships anytime. The cyclone as we know it now, isn't worth 40€ for the base variant.
  14. Sorry but i think 2 caterpillars releasing swarms of dragonflies, is way cooler. Bengal preparation
  15. It's bullshit, plain and simple. If they stopped changing ships initial design we wouldn't need to change ships every 2 months. Went to the store and got a bunch of CCU, just because i still can, even for shit that i don't have, nor intention to.
  16. From what i saw we need to disable the X,Y,Z axis. This problem happens because starcitizen is not ready for "head movement". You can look around but not move your head forward or to the sides, when you do, your field of view moves but the head stays in the same place and you have an "out of body experience" of sorts.
  17. @Victor Vector after i read your first post i gave try to opentrack works pretty well. Just need to set the sensibility and ill be good to go (i still have the helmet bug). And i got the last part yesterday, so i finished the tracker. Thanks for the help.
  18. Do trackIr function in starcitizen just by plugging in, or is it needed to setup keybinding of any type. I am almost finished with my homemade track (just waiting for battery holders) but starcitizen does not recognize free track software, so i was wondering if i need to add it to key setup. Using a flashlight to hold batteries will the battery holders don't arrive. Spent less than 20€.
  19. @Space-Moose i need the combat lessons, my flight capabilities are astonishing bad.
  20. Hi, i had a blast last time and i'll try to join you guys again I don't stream often, and the few times i did was to show games to friends that didn't had them and were thinking of buying them. I always have a problem with sound looping, and since it wasn't important i muted the game sound and ts. Is there a guide to configure OBS sound to stream properly, i'd like to contribute for gameday stream.
  21. Don't know if it is possible, but since the forum has a calendar, is it possible to add those kind of events to it for all members? I normally forget the game day dates, and if it would send a reminder the day before it, or when it starts, it would be even better.
  22. Going to do the sensor like the video, and use a playstation eye as a tracker, may change the support material to be more resistance, cardboard seems to weak
  23. Has anyone tried building your own trackIR? There are some videos on youtube about it, and i'm inclined to make one, just have my doubts if it will work very well.
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