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Sanforce last won the day on April 18 2022

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  1. From what I understand, you won't be able to play Star Citizen on an M2. The initial problem is the anti cheat software won't work with your processor. If this is eventually fixed, the second issue is likely to be low performance when trying to run through parallels.
  2. Hey Knight0912, welcome to SCB. Nice fleet!
  3. Welcome to the game and to SCB. It's definitely a long term project, but nothing compares in scope/scale. Join us on Discord if ya want to chat with Imperium members and other SC enthusiasts! http://wiki.starcitizenbase.com/doku.php?id=starcitizenbase:discordreg
  4. Welcome to Star Citizen Base, the forum home of Imperium! Good luck on your org search. If you're interested, here's some info on joining our org: http://wiki.starcitizenbase.com/doku.php?id=imperium:organization:recruits Let me know if you have any questions!
  5. Hey explorexe, we don't currently have an active TS server. Everyone is on Discord these days: It looks like we need to scrub TS info from a few additional places. Sorry for the confusion!
  6. Welcome back, 2023 should be an exciting year for SC!
  7. Sanforce


    Welcome back Speedy1! Thanks for joining the Discord server, it's definitely the best place to find others that are LFG.
  8. Hey Logan Terrick, welcome to Imperium. Thanks for the detailed bio/background. I hope you find a good home in Imperium and look forward to getting to know you! o7
  9. Unpinned this post from SCB Marketplace due to antiquated/bad links, thanks for the heads up @lordlobster
  10. Welcome to Imperium hellrazer7295 & Dr1fter!
  11. Hey Isana, I'm glad you're considering Star Citizen to scratch your space pilot itch! It's defenitely still under development, but very playable in the current state and gets better every patch. Can I use a flight stick (HOTAS) or controller? Yes you can use HOTAS, many pilots prefer a dual stick setup in this game. But, it's also very flyable with your keyboard and mouse. From my experience, the best pilots definitely use a HOTAS setup. Can I, if I so choose, load into a solo game session, or is it always open? The only offline modes that are currently available are in Arena Commander, where you can fly against AI vanduul or pirates; or fly around race tracks. The primary game currently only caters to online play, but eventually there will be single player campaigns that will be available for offline play. Will I have to renew the insurance or will I, as the website says, always have a basic insurance “for testing purposes”? Does basic mean I can upgrade insurance and should I? In the current test universe, all owned ships can be reclaimed if lost. Some newly available ships come with "lifetime insurance"; or you can upgrade a low cost ship that has lifetime insurance to a more expensive ship and retain the lifetime insurance. As I understand it, when the game is finished with alpha testing, if you purchased a ship with some # of months of insurance, you will eventually have to pay in-game credits to keep your insurance package active. But, they've also said that any ship purchased with real money will never be completely lost, we just don't know what system they have in mind at this point. (Maybe you'll have a longer/harder time recovering it if you let your insurance lapse) What exactly are pledges, and what are the benefits? Pledges are any purchase of the game, ships, or in game items with real money. They go towards funding the project, and you get to use the purchased ships/items in game. What’s the deal with the wipes? Since the game is in alpha testing, they very rarely wipe the server to reset all ships/items back to the original state. This is usually when major exploits have put too much money in the system, or there's some large change in the database structure handling ship/item ownership. This is very rare, and wipes won't happen after the game leave alpha testing. What are some good groups to join for casual play and learning the ropes? Join the SCB/Imperium discord, there's usually someone playing and members are always willing to help new players get oriented. https://discord.gg/My6TsPP Anything else I should know? Don't be too concerned about graphical performance right now. The game is gorgeous, but currently limited by CPU performance. Since the game is in alpha, they are currently upgrading to new systems, and the game seems to be increasing in performance with every patch. The cities have the lowest performance, but some people are getting 200+ fps in space at this point. Let me know if you have any other questions!
  12. Welcome to Imperium Axitrex! I'm also just about to return to college to further my engineering education. Let me know if you have any questions during the recruit process, see ya on Discord!
  13. Thanks for hosting the race event. I took part in 1 official race (Rocs) and 1 unofficial race (Noxes), and really enjoyed the ground trips around Loreville!
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