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T&I Specialist
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Everything posted by Grigg

  1. WHEN: Saturday, Jan. 1st - 10:00 MST (17:00 UTC) - ROC/Prospector/MOLE Sunday, Jan. 2nd - 10:00 MST (17:00 UTC) - ROC/Prospector/MOLE RALLY POINT: ARC L1 - Aaron's Halo/Lyria POC: Grigg & Zarra_OG PRIMARY MISSION: Mining Ops duration: 3+ hours - Recon Teams to help find valuable mining nodes - Combat Patrol Teams may be needed - Food truck (Cutlass Red) will be available CREW PAYOUT$: Conclusion of weekend event (Crew = Miners + Recon/Scouts) => Bonus #1: $1M aUEC --> Highest Mole Crew Single Load (80+ SCU) ==> Bonus #2: $1M aUEC --> Highest Solo Crack (Min Mass 7000+ --> Quant 25+%) ===> Bonus #3: $1M aUEC --> Any/All new 8k 🪨 Club Inductees (Solo 8000+ --> Quant 20+%) SECONDARY MISSION: Combat Patrol ====> Bonus #4: $TBD aUEC --> Each intruder destroyed? AFTERWARDS: ERT bounties or anything else popping up It may be a good idea to have: - A secondary combat ready ship (after all this is a published event) - Medical equipment on-hand - Food & water on-hand - Environmental suit (Novikov) for ROC operators ROLE CALL: Please see Discord event-announcements
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